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  Topic Replies Thread Starter Hits Last Post
Guitar Cracks  2 nickeyg 6664 Nov. 23 2005 6:58:39
Anders Go to latest post!
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
My First Guitar  26 TANúñez 8884 Nov. 29 2005 0:25:12
El Zurdo Go to latest post!
Pickup Effects  3 Ryan002 6048 Nov. 30 2005 16:21:10
Ramin Go to latest post!
Beginner - is Cordoba ok?  7 mjolson 7819 Dec. 2 2005 2:45:08
nealf Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  3 Guest 6146 Dec. 2 2005 7:16:06
Anders Go to latest post!
professional guitar  9 henrym3483 6977 Dec. 11 2005 20:03:28
Ron.M Go to latest post!
cleaning your guitar  6 flyeogh 6337 Dec. 12 2005 16:21:41
flyeogh Go to latest post!
Take a look at this rosette  15 Guest 7555 Dec. 15 2005 15:11:46
Anders Go to latest post!
Guitar contruction question  11 Skai 7120 Dec. 19 2005 16:21:21
Anders Go to latest post!
Juan Miguel Gonzalez  9 Jim Opfer 6341 Dec. 26 2005 21:54:37
Taranto Go to latest post!
Question for Anders.. Guitar weight  13 flamencoguru 7753 Dec. 27 2005 21:14:01
geoffLW Go to latest post!
curved neck  11 koella 6465 Dec. 28 2005 21:04:05
koella Go to latest post!
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59 JBASHORUN 73285 Dec. 29 2005 15:36:47
Anders Go to latest post!
Guitar/Neck Feel Question  3 nickeyg 6524 Jan. 5 2006 18:58:34
nickeyg Go to latest post!
What am I looking for in a Flamenco Guitar?  6 bohh 6736 Jan. 9 2006 11:03:59
Skai Go to latest post!
Cervantes(Santos Hernandez Style)  0 edgar884 6084 Jan. 10 2006 14:59:17
edgar884 Go to latest post!
BRACING / STRUT PATTERNS  20 JBASHORUN 11471 Jan. 12 2006 16:17:04
Anders Go to latest post!
purchasing a flamenco guitar  10 alexandra 8565 Jan. 22 2006 15:59:43
Thomas Whiteley Go to latest post!
Luthiers, how do I fix finishing?  7 Skai 7287 Jan. 24 2006 9:45:13
Skai Go to latest post!
I MADE A CEJILLA!  19 JBASHORUN 7524 Jan. 24 2006 21:46:00
gerundino63 Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  6 Guest 7013 Jan. 28 2006 11:00:04
Armando Go to latest post!
crack! Can I repair it myself ? 
[Page: 1 2 ]
39 koella 17649 Feb. 2 2006 11:31:37
duende Go to latest post!
peg dope---need reply!  5 Ramón 6941 Feb. 3 2006 0:37:30
El Zurdo Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  0 Guest 6891 Feb. 14 2006 18:49:46
Sendero Go to latest post!
Guitar names  13 El Becko 8271 Feb. 15 2006 21:21:15
Patrick Go to latest post!
Going to build a flamenco guitar  0 Ramón 6214 Feb. 16 2006 16:27:36
Ramón Go to latest post!
A nice piece of Indian Rosewood  11 Guest 6438 Feb. 17 2006 1:49:52
Ramón Go to latest post!
Anyone know Manual A Rodriguez, Luthier in Denver  0 tiojorge 5815 Feb. 18 2006 17:35:14
tiojorge Go to latest post!
Is it possible to change scale?  4 Conrad 5393 Feb. 20 2006 8:52:00
Anders Go to latest post!
Fitting new machine heads - string tension  4 Womble 7234 Feb. 20 2006 16:05:00
Thomas Whiteley Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  7 Guest 6626 Feb. 20 2006 23:49:18
Sendero Go to latest post!
Bracing - Fine Tuning  2 seanm 5605 Mar. 3 2006 7:17:49
Anders Go to latest post!
Differences in cypress and spruce  14 Ramón 11448 Mar. 3 2006 15:04:57
Ramón Go to latest post!
Plate tuning guitars  3 gshaviv 6990 Mar. 6 2006 11:00:16
Armando Go to latest post!
New tuning pegs needed  6 el ted 5689 Mar. 7 2006 14:43:21
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  5 Guest 6364 Mar. 10 2006 4:00:05
nealf Go to latest post!
are condes really that bad?  11 ricecrackerphoto 6748 Mar. 17 2006 22:25:21
nealf Go to latest post!
ABALONE INLAYS  5 JBASHORUN 5862 Mar. 23 2006 22:21:02
jshelton5040 Go to latest post!
One Piece Back??  7 Gecko 5702 Mar. 26 2006 12:17:13
Gecko Go to latest post!
Hey Anders(refinishing a flamenco guitar)  8 edgar884 6770 Mar. 26 2006 20:13:25
edgar884 Go to latest post!
Nut Files??  4 Gecko 5681 Apr. 3 2006 11:50:20
Gecko Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  2 Guest 5679 Apr. 3 2006 17:11:46
nealf Go to latest post!
Old Negra Project Update  1 Gecko 5264 Apr. 4 2006 7:03:19
Anders Go to latest post!
Anders being sold at mundo flamenco!  2 PacoPaella 5561 Apr. 5 2006 18:57:29
Armando Go to latest post!
Action and General Setup Question  2 seanm 5878 Apr. 7 2006 14:56:11
seanm Go to latest post!
Building a flamenco guitar guitar - The Journal  1 Ramón 6038 Apr. 10 2006 3:13:35
samwise Go to latest post!
Thickness Sander FYI  0 seanm 5908 Apr. 17 2006 19:28:39
seanm Go to latest post!
Improving Treble  9 JWM 12139 Apr. 20 2006 22:48:03
Thomas Whiteley Go to latest post!
Alternative Heat Sources  1 Gecko 5060 Apr. 21 2006 11:40:10
aarongreen Go to latest post!
Tie-Block "Thingy"  8 Gecko 6270 Apr. 23 2006 10:42:24
Gecko Go to latest post!
Building a Flamenco Guitar - Part 2  4 Ramón 5678 Apr. 30 2006 22:28:02
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
Building a Flamenco Guitar - 3  3 Ramón 6675 May 1 2006 1:28:40
Ramón Go to latest post!
Neck Angle Correction - Update  2 Gecko 5666 May 1 2006 10:34:59
Gecko Go to latest post!
"Ideal" Saddle and Fret Crown Height???  3 Gecko 6164 May 2 2006 6:35:45
Anders Go to latest post!
Building a Flamenco Guitar - 4  19 Ramón 8503 May 11 2006 17:47:18
Ramón Go to latest post!
Tools you use...Your favourites?  1 Garyw1960 6029 May 12 2006 12:09:09
Anders Go to latest post!
Bridges??  7 Gecko 6285 May 12 2006 13:38:20
Escribano Go to latest post!
Don Benito Huipe Guitarrero  0 jshh55 7101 May 14 2006 6:14:37
jshh55 Go to latest post!
Luis Sevillano Guitars  3 GailP 9299 May 16 2006 15:58:16
garra402 Go to latest post!
O.K. I'm Confused-Help!!  7 Gecko 6190 May 17 2006 13:10:26
Anders Go to latest post!
Where do all the guitars go?  6 Ron.M 6466 May 18 2006 12:57:09
hamia Go to latest post!
Building a Flamenco Guitar - 5  25 Ramón 15838 May 22 2006 18:37:59
Armando Go to latest post!
Building a flamenco - Solera  1 Ramón 7589 May 26 2006 2:20:48
El Zurdo Go to latest post!
Harmonics Question for Luthiers  10 bahen 6559 May 28 2006 12:50:44
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
Poca Loca Flamenco Negra Commission Completed  15 SalvadorDalinian 9548 May 29 2006 18:18:32
Ramón Go to latest post!
'Humphrey' Design For A Flamenco?  2 seanm 6779 Jun. 1 2006 17:22:50
seanm Go to latest post!
It should be against the law...  13 TANúñez 8505 Jun. 1 2006 20:24:40
nhills Go to latest post!
My First Blanca Build  13 seanm 7239 Jun. 4 2006 7:42:10
Anders Go to latest post!
Fernando Sánchez guitar ?!!  1 Cepa Andaluza 6156 Jun. 6 2006 2:08:09
bernd Go to latest post!
French Polish Over Existing Lacquer  2 seanm 10738 Jun. 8 2006 13:35:26
seanm Go to latest post!
Value of Self Made Guitars 
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31 Exitao 15092 Jun. 14 2006 12:59:15
Armando Go to latest post!
Question(s) for the Luthiers  0 Exitao 5722 Jun. 15 2006 6:02:10
Exitao Go to latest post!
Hnos Sanchiz lopez  13 gitano1974 8903 Jun. 15 2006 7:43:12
Anders Go to latest post!
Building a flamenco - 6  11 Ramón 10157 Jun. 18 2006 4:34:13
ykabban Go to latest post!
Building a Flamenco 7  7 Ramón 5949 Jun. 20 2006 3:20:57
Ramón Go to latest post!
Flamenco 8 - Boxed!  5 Ramón 5270 Jun. 20 2006 6:16:45
Ramón Go to latest post!
Saddle adjustment  6 mentrida 6519 Jun. 21 2006 18:52:59
mentrida Go to latest post!
Domingo Esteso Reedition  7 tk 7191 Jun. 23 2006 21:21:42
nhills Go to latest post!
Palo escrito  9 jrabbani 10751 Jul. 2 2006 17:53:38
Anders Go to latest post!
buzz help?  9 Miguel de Maria 5175 Jul. 5 2006 19:08:52
Miguel de Maria Go to latest post!
Flamenco 9...Binding Hell  12 Ramón 5935 Jul. 6 2006 0:02:47
ykabban Go to latest post!
Flamenco 10 - fretboard, etc..  3 Ramón 5052 Jul. 6 2006 2:33:15
Ramón Go to latest post!
Flamenco 11. Bridge and Pegs  23 Ramón 6478 Jul. 10 2006 2:15:49
Exitao Go to latest post!
Chocolate Cedar?  21 Exitao 8404 Jul. 11 2006 3:12:23
dennis Go to latest post!
What to buy : Beginner  23 DoctorX2k2 8388 Jul. 11 2006 18:54:12
DoctorX2k2 Go to latest post!
Question about string tension and influences on guitar  26 XXX 9036 Jul. 18 2006 0:25:52
TANúñez Go to latest post!
Guitar Bridge !!  2 Cepa Andaluza 5946 Jul. 19 2006 17:19:44
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
Jatoba  1 chinito 6238 Jul. 21 2006 19:14:03
Armando Go to latest post!
my new girlfriend  20 ricecrackerphoto 7009 Jul. 22 2006 15:03:41
edgar884 Go to latest post!
Guitarrero website  1 Guest 5423 Jul. 24 2006 18:54:02
Jim Opfer Go to latest post!
MAnuel Reyes Hijo  11 MKodji 7083 Jul. 24 2006 18:57:44
Jim Opfer Go to latest post!
Bolivian rosewood  0 JasonM 5691 Jul. 25 2006 16:01:42
JasonM Go to latest post!
Better response and sound 
[Page: 1 2 ]
57 Jim Opfer 19793 Jul. 31 2006 14:56:47
Ramón Go to latest post!
cashimira guitars  1 Garyw1960 7160 Jul. 31 2006 18:27:25
hassurbanipal Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  6 Guest 6953 Jul. 31 2006 19:24:28
nealf Go to latest post!
Valeriano Bernal  3 Cepa Andaluza 8196 Jul. 31 2006 19:26:58
Armando Go to latest post!
Problem!  5 breeder 6173 Aug. 2 2006 10:42:58
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
[Page: 1 2 ]
32 JBASHORUN 17130 Aug. 3 2006 17:19:18
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Vicente Carrillo guitars  20 DavidT 10984 Aug. 3 2006 20:12:30
Ron.M Go to latest post!
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