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This site is dedicated to the memory of Paco de Lucía, Ron Mitchell, Guy Williams, Linda Elvira, Philip John Lee, Craig Eros, Ben Woods, David Serva and Tom Blackshear who went ahead of us.
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RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to srshea)
What a shock..
ORIGINAL: srshea
What truly awful and heartbreak news. My condolences to you, A.C., and to Simon and anyone else here who knew Ron in the “real world.”
I always thought of Ron as, if not the outright heart of the Foro, an essential animating force behind it, able to cut to the chase in any argument with no-nonsense wisdom, or puckishly stir up trouble with his well-seasoned guasa. Even only knowing him in the limited sphere of this foro, it was obvious that he was a true character and a truly remarkable guy. Won’t be the same without him.
Cheers, Ron.
You summed it up very beautifully. No matter how heated discussions got Ron was always there for a good-spirited joke through which he expressed his voice of reason. I'll really miss that.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
Hey again,
I would really like to contact Simon of this forum, is there any one who can give me any contact details so i can let him know personally. It would really mean alot to me.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
I am completely shocked and in a state of disbelief. A million thoughts are going through my head. I met Ron a long time ago. Ron, Simon and Anders are probably the oldest of my friends here. I met all three of them around the same time on another foro before this one was created.
A huge blow to the foro and to all who knew him. He was always very encouraging and always was willing to give his input if you needed it. He had a fantastic sense of humor. This I will miss most about him. He brought many smiles to my face.
I will miss you dearly old friend and will never forget you.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
Hey again,
I would really like to contact Simon of this forum, is there any one who can give me any contact details so i can let him know personally. It would really mean alot to me.
Hi AC, that would be me. I sent you a message on FB today and called the Stonehaven police, I was so worried ;-( Ron was very proud of you and I hope I can tell that to you in person.
p.s. that is not me in my Avatar, that was a joke for Ron.
Posts: 3480
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
My deepest condolences to you and your family, AC. I always appreciated the Scottish flag, Ron's wisdom leavened with a sense of humor, and his ability to stay above the fray. He was (and still is) an original.
Kind regards,
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Escribano)
Heyy Simon, I didn't receive your message, but I did get your friend request and I accepted if you want to talk more on there or anything. I'll be sure to keep you updated on the funeral and anything else that happens, I know my Dad would want you there. I sincerely hope we can meet too, my Dad always spoke about you, you were very important to him.
Posts: 441
Joined: Mar. 19 2009
From: San Francisco Bay Area
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
This is terribly painful news and I'm at a loss for words. Ron was part of the bedrock of this foro.
My best wishes to Ron's family. He has my enduring respect and gratitude for all he has done to create and support the community that formed from this foro. I always felt that he did a wonderful job and will miss him a lot.
Posts: 1968
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
I'm shocked, and heartbroken for you, AC. Although I never met Ron in real life, he made it clear through his posts what kind of a man he was. He always encouraged others, and his ample knowledge and experience were present in his huge contributions to this board.
He was a great afficianado of flamenco, humble about his considerable skill as a flamenco guitarist, and above all, a man in love with his family. AC, your dad was a great guy, and we are all in debt to him for the knowledge, humor, wisdom, and dignity he brought to this forum. RIP RonM. You will be missed.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to JohnWalshGuitar)
This is tremendously sad news. He really was the heart and soul of the foro, offering much balance, wisdom and inspiration. Glad to have had the opportunity to know him on here. Clearly, he will be missed by all.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
I'm in shock! I never would have expected this. Ron was a pivotal member on the Foro and in many ways the Foro took much of its character from him and his unique sense of humor and perspective on flamenco and the world.
RIP, Ron, you will be missed!
AC, please post the obituary and when you are up to it feel free to share your thoughts about your father. I'm sure a lot of people on this site would like to hear more about him.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
I didn't know Ron, but it's obvious he was loved and respected by many which is the true measure of a life. My thoughts with the family at this time. RIP.
Posts: 1531
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: New York City/San Francisco
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
My dearest Ron.
When I timidly joined the foro, years ago, I shared a composition, and your kind, welcoming reply never left me nor did your indefatigable, heartwarmingly generous attention to every post I wrote since. I was always impressed with your scrupulous regard for everyone here, your fatherly encouragement for every beginner or self-doubting musician, your wise and balanced intercession whenever disagreement erupted among the childish members -we all are after all.
You were pivotal to the complex architecture of egos who contributed here, instrumental to the success of the foro; you were the engine of the many wonderful activities we enjoyed.
I want to re dedicate to you that melancholic music, my Serenade n. 3, I shared then when I first joined and that always makes me think of you.
Good bye dear Ron, you have a permanent place in my prayers and in my fond memories of this foro.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
I only joined the forum quite recently and unfortunately have no history with Ron, so all i can offer are my condolences and my interest to hear more about this obviously well loved person.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
this is so upsetting. my deepest and heartfelt condolences to his family and friends and all of us here at foro. wether in the real world or our virtual world he touched so many with his gift of life, humour, insight, encouragement and understanding of the human condition. i found Ron to be the most welcoming presence here, quick witted yet thoughtful and compassionate. Always felt safe and reassured. able to be thought provoking and provided so many belly laughs...a rare combination. special. such an articulate writer... :~(
i feel truly lucky to have interacted with Ron, for him to share his words with me, he showed us that people always come first, regardless of belief or opinion..foro's greatest diplomat.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
Ron sorted me out. I came to this Foro on a whim one day. I had some dumb ideas about music, the world, and life. Ron challenged my ideas and encouraged me to think harder. I aspire to achieve his level of wisdom and patience.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Munin)
Oh, this is a bummer, I just recently corresponded with Ron, one of the first Bulerias Falseta's I even got comfortably under the fingers was one he made up.
Ron - If you're out there, so sorry to see you go! You were a good guy!