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This site is dedicated to the memory of Paco de Lucía, Ron Mitchell, Guy Williams, Linda Elvira, Philip John Lee, Craig Eros, Ben Woods, David Serva and Tom Blackshear who went ahead of us.
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Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Grisha)
I remember he said that "Jucal" by Gerardo Nunez was one of his favorite bulerias of all time, and I have decided that it will be the next piece I learn. I will do it in his honor.
Yeah that's right. I'd like to go in on it with ya, maybe You, ToddK and myself could whip up a nice trio thing with it somehow? Something like my friend Christophe did here....and if you read down you see where Ron admits how Nuñez grew on him to be one of his favorites.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
A trio would be brilliant! I'm so happy to see so many responses and members getting involved. I'm so glad my Dad had so many amazing friends.
Also, I noticed the flag in the corner the other night and the section dedicated to him, extremely thoughtful and an awesome way for him to always be remembered on the forum.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to richard)
Lyrics 1. Going home. Going home. I'm a-going home. Quiet-like some still day, I'm just going home. It's not far, just close by, through an open door. Work all done, cares laid by, Going to fear no more;
Mother's there expecting me, Father's waiting, too. Lot's of folks gathered there. All the friends I knew.
2. Morning star lights the way, restless dream all done. Shadows gone, break of day, real life just begun.
There's no break, there's no end, just a-living on; Wide awake, with a smile, going on and on.
Going home. Going home, I'm just going home. It's not far, just close by, through an open door.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
Although its hard for me to reply to every post on here individually. I just want to thank everyone for what they have written, it is just so touching to read that everyone on this site was able to see what a marvelous and incredible treasure he was to the world.
This forum is one of the few things keeping me smiling. I can see why my Dad loved coming on here so much. He truly did make some fantastic friends and I appreciate every single one of you doing what you can to help with the funeral and to keep the spirit of Ron Mitchell alive forever.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
My condolences to you AC and to the Foro for losing Ron. He was a personal friend of mine (off the Foro) and I will miss him very much both on and off this site.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to johnguitars)
If it wouldn't be too much trouble for you AC we would love to have some everyday photos of Ron to have and keep and remember him, I know you are probably very busy and exhausted but when you have time...we would sure appreciate it..if you are not sure how to upload either email to Simon or me florianremus1@hotmail.com if we do create some kind of memorial page here for him it would be nice to have them
Posts: 1811
Joined: Nov. 8 2010
From: London (living in the Bay Area)
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
So sorry to hear this; Ron was one of those solid voices of experience, reason and good sense that no forum can ever get enough of, and this is a heavy loss.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
Hey Florian, Last week when we were having that sound port discussion and we were on the verge of getting catty, I just thought about Ron and said to myself, don't aggravate Florian, just be nice. Ron will not like it if we fight.
He modeled such good will between members and I will miss that, and all the other things he brought like his humor. I think one thing we could do to honor Ron is to behave ourselves and try to make peace as we go and not bicker over dumb stuff. I think he would appreciate that as his legacy. If we can't bring his humor and candor back, we can keep up his fair and forgiving comportment.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to estebanana)
He modeled such good will between members and I will miss that, and all the other things he brought like his humor. I think one thing we could do to honor Ron is to behave ourselves and try to make peace as we go and not bicker over dumb stuff.
absolutely agree plus things like this really put things in perspective...whats important and whats not worth upsetting someone over or creating a bad day for someone...over something as little as difference of opinion...everything can be disarmed and turned around with humor Ron proved that..
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
R.I.P. Ron, I haven't been on this forum for very long so I have never realy been in contact with him, but its obvious how important he was and still is to the forum and it's visitors.
Posts: 407
Joined: May 26 2010
From: Sarpsborg,Norway
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
Thank you Ron, for sharing so much of your good nature with us all.
I have not gotten to know you as much as many others here, but I swear that you can bring a smile to even the angriest, saddest face, and many times that angry or sad face was me.
Will miss you Ron, you have become beloved to so many all over the world, and you are a good example for all of us.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Florian)
I'm leaving for Scotland tomorrow morning, so I'll be sure to gather as many photos as I can, Florian. Also since I'm staying at a hotel for the first few nights so I might not have internet access. If I do I'll do my best to keep everyone posted. If not I'll be back online on Wednesday.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
I'm leaving for Scotland tomorrow morning, so I'll be sure to gather as many photos as I can, Florian. Also since I'm staying at a hotel for the first few nights so I might not have internet access. If I do I'll do my best to keep everyone posted. If not I'll be back online on Wednesday.
AC, I need your mobile number and date and venure for the funeral, so I can check my options for getting there and the logistics for our video efforts. Send me a FB message
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
Very sad news.
I am new here too but always take time to read Rons posts as trawl through the archives. Its so good to have the viewpoint of someone who had learned flamenco before the days of the internet and DVDs. Being a flamenco fan from the UK I had hoped we would meet sometime, and now I regret not having that opportunity.
AC I am very sorry for your loss. He will be missed by so many.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
Just heard today. I am absolutely devastated. I dont even know what to say.
Ron was an amazing,and very wise person. I consider him one of my best friends. Its gonna take a while for this to even sink in for me. I'm utterly speechless.
Ron, i love you man. We will all be together with you someday. R.I.P. TK
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
Florian. Also since I'm staying at a hotel for the first few nights so I might not have internet access. If I do I'll do my best to keep everyone posted. If not I'll be back online on Wednesday.
that's not a problem, dont stress about that AC, we can begin and do our part anyway, try to have it ready in a timely manner (gonna aim to have it done ready to go over a week or 2 unless you inform us that you need it sooner)...and you let us know when you know..
@ Simon and Tom
Ricardo, Todk and Grisha are doing something together, it will probably be quite lengthy compared to everything else (I presume the full piece)...depending on the amount of submissions and time limit..we can figure out a way to include with our video montage or if it needs to be a separate video ...and still have the choice of saying a word or 2 in our video montage
all depends how much time Ac and Simon decide its appropriate for this type of thing
A note to everyone
I know I am kind of pushing this and just assumed control and kind of made myself project manager, not to be bossy...just my way of dealing with the loss, keeping my mind preoccupied into something helpful so I dont stay quite and depressed, please dont feel like you cant be involved in the organization as much as you wanna be involved and or contribute your ideas towards it etc, i dont wanna take it all over, just help organize it as much as i can and its needed and oversee that it runs smoothly in the time we have.....we all have just as much right, we all lost the same
Posts: 3471
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
What a shock.
I decided to sleep on it before responding, but the feeling returns as I type.
As all have said, Ron was the ideal moderator, something all too rare on internet forums. It was because of his admirable character.
Ron and I shared the profession of engineering. His occasional comments on the subject in the "Off Topic" forum were always accurate, informative and insightful--also all too rare on the internet.
Ron and I had a couple of private exchanges about things that life had put us through, so I felt an especially personal connection to him. Many others have experienced a personal connection through a variety of different experiences with Ron. You make a lot of acquaintances on the internet, but few real friends. Ron was a real friend.
His siguiriya exhibits a pure heart, and a deep talent.
The world is a better place for Ron having been in it.
i'm late in my own reply, but have been dealing myself with personal issues which have arisen over the last week. this is the last thing i wanted to hear after getting sick during my barrister entrance exams.
ron, you were a great guy, you'll be missed dearly by me and i'm sad as hell i couldnt get to meet you in the new-year as i had promised. I was looking forward to taking a trip from forres to where you lived.
i'll never forget the talks and hilarious pm's trying to batten down the hatches when the foro went wayward.
from one celtic brother
Go d'tugadh Día suaimhneas dá anam (god rest and give peace to your soul)
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
A few years ago a friend of mine, Christof, also died. He was about the same age as Ron i guess, and also had similar taste in flamenco, lots of Diego del Gastor. But he was also open for modern stuff and quite liked the Jesus de Rosario CD i brought to him because i wanted to show him what i was into. We had some jamming sessions at his home and he actually subbed for me one time, playing solo stuff and rumbas for the dancers. He had travelled the world and i will never forget his "guitar room" which, besides full of good flamenco guitars, was also packed with lots of memories from his journeys. Dont know why i write this, sorry if this is offtopic. I was just reminded of him because of the similarity in age and he liked to make jokes alot too, like Ron.
It was only last one and a half year of his life in which i got the chance to meet him.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Ricardo)
Like a few others here I knew Ron from way back on Flamenco Teacher before it closed and we set up camp on some free internet forum temporarily before Simon set up this site.
Ron offered plenty of sound advice and introduced me to loads of good stuff - Cipres by Quique that folk have already posted, he sent me videos through the post (that I hadn't asked for) with rare clips of Paco from 70's British television (this was before they were available on You Tube) videos of Tomatito and so on. I watched open mouthed and was hooked.
Ron was generous, funny and full of wise words. He had a knack of bringing people down to earth gently (never mind the fast picado and the long virtuoso solo guitar pieces, get the sound right, get the aire first).
I meant to get back in touch with him recently, now it's too late. Haven't posted here in a long time but when I heard this I had to respond, I was shocked and saddened by the news.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
I rarely visit this forum anymore, so when I finally do stop in to look around to see what I've been missing out on, I see a thread that makes my heart sink. Instead of mourning death, it's always better to celebrate life, and to revel in the feelings of joy by all those lucky enough to have been a part of a life moved on. RIP Ron.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to acmitchell)
I am indeed very sad to learn the news today. I only recently had a few exchanges with Ron and have always found him helpful and knowledgeable. I'm glad to have kept one piece of Ron's recorded music which he told me he was just messing around with his guitar. My sincere condolences and R.I.P. Ron.
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to frhout)
I must be the one who lives closest to him yet I never met him though I did ask once whether he was going to a rare flamenco event here to which he replied he had to pick up AC from the airport but if he did make it he would be the one in the Tomatito wig. Yes I understand Ricardo being sad at never seeing him because Ron, Ricardo and Simon have been like giants on the forum in terms humour and personality. For someone so strongly steeped In Scottishness and the culture of the country Ron seemed at times to possess the Spanish male trait of extreme machoness yet he could be extremely kind at times as when he rescued me as when someone attacked me in one post. What a pity Ron and Simon never met up when Simon was posted to BP in Aberdeen all those years ago or indeed that many of us have been late taking up flamenco. I should have congratulated Ron for recently finding the video fo Cameron playing with Moraito in his youth. Maybe I could I could have taken another blues tape over to Kate for him recently but too late. Such a colourful and strong personality as in the words of the Bonnie Prince Charlie song: "When will we see your likes again" Sing seguirya for Ron.
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: R.I.P Ron Mitchell (Ron.M) (in reply to Escribano)
Question.........is it possible ....sometime ....to put here some general info about Ron Mitchell .?
As most of us never met him in person , and only knew him by way of posting here,
It might be nice if someone could put a bit of where and when he was born , school , work , just a paragraph or two , maybe to help put the image we have of him into perspective ... thank you