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Antonio Rey new album " historias de un flamenco"   You are logged in as Guest
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Manitas de Lata

Posts: 668
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Antonio Rey new album " histori... 

i think we get something good

I like it !

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 16 2024 17:19:42


Posts: 40
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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

I like it too, but did he really bring his Reyes out in Times Square NYC in the cold?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 16 2024 21:31:16

Posts: 1909
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From: San Francisco

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

Very commercial but maybe that is what he needs to expand his audience. He is working super hard travelling all over. He sat in with Al Dimeola recently at a few gigs and I'm sure that won him some new fans. He's going to break out if he can keep it up, and he certainly deserves it.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 16 2024 22:06:41

Posts: 2632
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From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

Almost nailed a cool flamenco guitarist music video for a second there ... But then .. No!

Has any flamenco artist ever made a decent music video.? Not that I think they should be good at making videos. It's kind of a mainstream music kinda thing really.
Because of what the music is and represents I'd wager the two don't go well together. Flamenco music and music videos I mean.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 16 2024 23:05:16

Posts: 1926
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Stu

Antonio's doing everything for his music to be accepted by wider audiences (mainly in the US). All for the money and the art is very obviously secondary at this point. I find it incredibly sad, but it's not really his fault, more the world around him has changed so he has to go down this route. Well he doesn't have to, but he does.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 16 2024 23:55:19


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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to elias


did he really bring his Reyes out in Times Square NYC in the cold?

The credits list the guitar in the video as "Paco Rey."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 2:04:00
Norman Paul Kliman


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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Stu


Has any flamenco artist ever made a decent music video.?

I remember one from 10–15 years ago. With green screen or something, a solo guitarist is shown playing bulería in all kinds of unlikely places: in the middle of the Gran Vía in Madrid at one point. It’s meant to be amusing, and I remember it being kinda fun to watch, but I don’t remember the guitarist’s name. I thought it might be Cañizares, but I've just had a look on YouTube and didn't see it.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 6:59:11
Manitas de Lata

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Mark2

i think that its a nice apresentation "card" for the record., but lets see how it goes.
i was expecting too much for Vicente record for example , but i think i will like more this one , lets see and find out.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 9:34:05

Posts: 15049
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From: Washington DC

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

I like the video….at :50 he walks past this enormous looming warship with this delicate flamenquito rumba going. A nice juxtaposition of complacency with a sudden reminder of all the death and destruction going on in the world as we speak.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 12:21:19

Posts: 7867
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Ricardo


I like the video….at :50 he walks past this enormous looming warship with this delicate flamenquito rumba going. A nice juxtaposition of complacency with a sudden reminder of all the death and destruction going on in the world as we speak.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 13:12:38

Posts: 2632
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From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to rombsix

I watched with my 7 year old daughter.

She said...
"Why is everyone ignoring him playing? If you saw him playing on the street like that what would YOU do?"

I said I'd stop and watch/listen....and I'd probably also shout at the other passers by..."Hey!! Do you guys know who this is?? why arent you watching?!?"

I then said I found the tune a bit cheesy, and showed her this video of 'Dos partes de mi' (better version than the album i think)

She watched 80% in silnce, then said "I'm bored now. Watching someone play the guitar is boring"

I was dissapointed.
Maybe devilhand is right. I'd hyped him up to her and she was cold to it!

Anyway, enjoy that video and tell me you aren't in awe devilhand!

Hopefully the full album will have a decent buleria and alegria. then ill be very pleased
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 14:07:27

Posts: 2089
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From: Baltimore

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Stu

lol. Well, when the kids grow older maybe they’ll appreciate human talent after AI distorts reality! Maybe..

Anyhow, you guys are reading into this vid too much. I think Tony just loves NYC. And pizza. Thought I saw him when I was there getting his picture taken in front of Trump Tower
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 14:50:06
Manitas de Lata

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Stu

kids are great Stu

i never forget , maybe 3 years ago my daughter ask me at 7h45 am Why we live to die one day
ahahahah , and many other Filosofical things , kids are great

nice point from ricardo , i didnt notice the ship just the tune , just seem another Antonio videoclip playing outdoors
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 15:34:11

Posts: 1909
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From: San Francisco

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ

I can't blame him. I went to his concert a month ago-It was in San Francisco - a major city with over 800k people. There were forty or fifty people there.
First time I saw him in 2019, maybe 80-100 people. He did a class for about six guys the day after. Charged about 40.00

He clearly needs professional representation in the States. It's amazing, and unfortunate, that he doesn't have that.

He's making progress-he won a latin grammy. Now I think that is a lame ass thing, why have separate grammy for latin artists? Like "grammy light" but it has weight in many circles.

My old agent got Bruce Hornsby 30k for a one hour solo corporate gig. But his grammy was of the regular variety.

That's the kind of money Antonio should be pulling.

Paco had a bona fide hit record with Entre. Otherwise his career may have looked a lot different. There isn't a radio station anymore that can create that for someone like Antonio Rey so he has to do whatever he can.

Which seems to be relentlessly tour, and slowly build your audience. Only guitar players go for the chops so he has to try to reach a wider audience with simpler material.

I have to disgeree about the artistry part-it takes a lot of artistry to create music that resonates with the masses, especially if you aren't a mostly naked attractive female. I mean the guy literally sits in a chair and plays the guitar. He just happens to do it with more skill than just about anyone.

I should have been a music business person.......


ORIGINAL: xirdneH_imiJ

Antonio's doing everything for his music to be accepted by wider audiences (mainly in the US). All for the money and the art is very obviously secondary at this point. I find it incredibly sad, but it's not really his fault, more the world around him has changed so he has to go down this route. Well he doesn't have to, but he does.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 17:00:51
Manitas de Lata

Posts: 668
Joined: Oct. 9 2018

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Mark2

omg only 40 50 people , even here we put way more, strange i thought that US had way more afionados that equals more bucks... thats why betting there.
40 dls for a close session masterclass its almost free

i think jeronimo maya made some gigs in SF at the same time

I have a friend that stoped to agency actors , muscians etc , now just do Youtubers , he says thats the segment that makes good money
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 17:33:57


Posts: 1141
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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

Great respect for Antonio, but I find the judgements too forgiving compared to treatment reserved to the last album of Vicente.
Again Antonio is obviously a great player but this is a commercial piece of a lower quality than Vicente’s imho.
Let’s wait for the album.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 18:24:47

Posts: 1909
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From: San Francisco

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

Yes, the class was an incredible experience for practically nothing. Jeronimo is doing some gigs here soon. This month I think.


ORIGINAL: Manitas de Lata

omg only 40 50 people , even here we put way more, strange i thought that US had way more afionados that equals more bucks... thats why betting there.
40 dls for a close session masterclass its almost free

i think jeronimo maya made some gigs in SF at the same time

I have a friend that stoped to agency actors , muscians etc , now just do Youtubers , he says thats the segment that makes good money
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 17 2024 18:32:29

Posts: 15049
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From: Washington DC

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Stu


Maybe devilhand is right.

Based on statistics, this is highly improbable.


maybe they’ll appreciate human talent after AI distorts reality! Maybe..

Well, right now inside the Matrix, Paco de Lucía is alive and accompanying Mairena, Caracol, and Camaron. Wouldn’t it be nice to live there?


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 18 2024 11:41:32
Manitas de Lata

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Ricardo

many people take the blue pill , its called cialis
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 18 2024 18:02:15

Posts: 1693
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From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to elias


I like it too, but did he really bring his Reyes out in Times Square NYC in the cold?

I wonder if he could be sitting in front of a background screen, red chair included, on which a video is projected. I see the Youtube channel Serpentza do that a lot. On the other hand, in my experience, NYC is a very strange place where hardly anyone is brave enough to look you in the eye unless they want trouble. I don't know how they form new relationships and procreate.


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 19 2024 0:44:14
ernandez R

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From: Alaska USA

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to constructordeguitarras


ORIGINAL: constructordeguitarras

I don't know how they form new relationships and procreate.

There’s an App for that ;)

Not much different in most of America, Seattles mostly cool though, and up here in alaska passing strangers still say hi and outside of Anchorage we all wave at each other as we drive by.



I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy,
doesn't have to be fast,
should have some meat on the bones,
can be raw or well done,
as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 19 2024 3:43:51

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Ricardo


A nice juxtaposition of complacency with a sudden reminder of all the death and destruction going on in the world as we speak.

You reminded me of Noodle on the edge of her flying island, where she usually played guitar, shortly before Gorillaz killed her off with attack helicopters. That was one rough music video. Well, for fans anyway.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 21 2024 10:07:53
Manitas de Lata

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

very nice , hes saying that the record doesnt have edit , like you ****ed up and play again and do the cut/paste , he just pratice a lot and record the track without cut and paste , if its not perfect thats how is going to sound..."without lying"
lookin forward to hear the imperfections :)
he shows some more stuff from the record , and its great

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 21 2024 22:47:17


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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Stu


Anyway, enjoy that video and tell me you aren't in awe devilhand!

I'm not surprised to find a thread like this on the foro.


Say No to Fuera de Compás!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2024 12:40:04
Manitas de Lata

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to devilhand

sometimes they have cante , cajon and bailador(a) sometimes just one , sometimes none....

its not a sure thing .

Im going to see Daniel Casares but he invited some other artists for example
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2024 13:08:19


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Apr. 22 2024 14:52:09
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2024 13:42:03

Posts: 15049
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From: Washington DC

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to devilhand


ORIGINAL: devilhand


Anyway, enjoy that video and tell me you aren't in awe devilhand!

I'm not surprised to find a thread like this on the foro.

….and once again my first comment in that thread still stands. Basically, you complainers of the same old broken record unfounded criticism, are even more annoying to people like me, than the actual thing you are complaining about. Like “well I have discovered the deep cante and baile of REAL flamenco…” and there go on praising these mediocre artists simply cuz they are playing the correct role that these arm chair aficionados demand to be present in a “flamenco” performance, or it is BS. Guitar solo? “Oh please let me go take a crap now, when will it be over?”. Yadayada same old story. Like I said there….at this point I would much prefer a good guitar solo long and indulgent to mediocre cante or baile at any moment in time.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2024 14:01:53
Manitas de Lata

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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 22 2024 23:23:05

Posts: 87
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RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to Manitas de Lata

Album ready!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 26 2024 5:34:56

Posts: 2089
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From: Baltimore

RE: Antonio Rey new album " his... (in reply to gemelo

On my 4th time through and I’m enjoying it! It’s kinda like his last album with half traditional hardcore palos and half more easy listening vibe. Thankfully he only let his little brother sing one letra! But cool to hear Alain Perez on there
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 26 2024 13:39:44
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