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New Grisha concert video   You are logged in as Guest
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New Grisha concert video 

New concert video of Grisha at Boston Guitarfest. Inspires me to either pick up my guitar or sell it. Probably will pick it up...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 19 2018 19:39:32

Posts: 6424
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb



Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 19 2018 19:45:46


Posts: 141
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From: San Francisco

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

In addition to the amazing performance, great audio/video recording.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 19 2018 21:02:11

Posts: 7867
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

It's been on here since Aug. 31 2018 5:54:53


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 2:19:15

Posts: 6424
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to rombsix


It's been on here since Aug. 31 2018 5:54:53

and it has aged very well


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 9:06:13


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 11:29:19


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Great performance, really impressed.
I particularly liked the 2 track, Vicente’s minera.
Sound wise (if I may say) I liked more the recordings with his other DeVoe guitars. This one appears to be with satinwood back and sides and alternative woods for bridge, probably to travel with no CITES hassle.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 17:35:05


Posts: 29
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From: Vero Beach, FL

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

I pretty much like all of Grisha's videos, man he play perfectly. Found some other video (in Russian) where he plays a few songs as well as interview. I like the sound of this one also and seems a little more natural sounding. Check it out.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 17:46:30

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to bbfifas

Thanks for the interview vid! It is pretty interesting.

At about 16:42 Grisha says that at one point he was unsure which path to take - to be a classical or a flamenco guitarist. And that there was a point when he basically said his goodbyes to friends "at an English-speaking flamenco forum" saying that he was going to focus on classical; and then he came back :-)

Surely this must have been here on foro flamenco. Does anyone recall when this happened?

There are many other interesting tidbits. So Paco de Lucia changed his life in 1986 when he saw him in concert and overnight he switched from classical to wanting to learn flamenco; he was 8 years old at the time. Talks about the palm trees on stage :-)

I can translate bits if there is interest; I am not Russian but understand the language..


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 20:14:09

Posts: 6424
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to kitarist


Surely this must have been here on foro flamenco. Does anyone recall when this happened?

Yes, it was and I recall he was getting frustrated with the "cante is flamenco" over solo guitar argument, but I am very happy that he pops in now and again.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2018 22:27:43

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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Escribano


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 3:58:21
Fred Klinge


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Wonderful video...fantastic playing and a great concert video recording. I'm astounded at Grisha's ability to accurately tune the guitar mid-performance without the aid of an electronic tuner.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 10:12:15

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

fantastic maestro


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 10:37:33

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 10:51:20


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Thank you very much, my friends!

I was kind of hoping you would not find this concert, as I could not rise to the occasion properly. I was a bit disappointed with myself. This followed 2 weeks of intensive teaching and coaching in Texas, so my time to prepare was short. When I found out it was uploaded to YouTube without notice, I immediately thought of taking it down and maybe leaving a piece or two. Should I?

Fun fact: Leo Brouwer was in attendance and came up to me afterwards. This made my day!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 12:49:55

Posts: 6424
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha


When I found out it was uploaded to YouTube without notice, I immediately thought of taking it down and maybe leaving a piece or two. Should I?



Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 12:56:45

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From: Washington, DC

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha

You always have been, and you remain, a master of the guitar, Grisha. Keep up your marvelous work.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 13:40:04


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha

There were several things that I liked about this concert, which prompted my post. I thought the performance of the pieces was excellent, but I also understand the tendency of the performer to focus on the negatives as a way to constantly improve. It's a bit of a curse I suppose. I also thought the audio and video were top notch, which seems rare.
Most importantly I was moved by the performance. After PDL's death I guess I hadn't really seen anyone perform his music yet (no, I don't know what the name of the cave I live in is in case you ask), so to watch and listen to it performed at such a masterful level seemed to make his music alive again. It was like part of him was still here in some way. It felt important.
Thank you for staying with flamenco Grisha.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 17:14:05

Posts: 7867
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha


Should I?

It's not perfect, indeed, but who is? Not Paco, not Tomate, not Vicente, etc. The flubs just add to the performance and make it human. Otherwise, there's a chance you may turn into Javier Conde. (that guy has really long pinky fingers)



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 21 2018 23:32:39
Richard Jernigan

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From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha



When I found out it was uploaded to YouTube without notice, I immediately thought of taking it down and maybe leaving a piece or two. Should I?

Fun fact: Leo Brouwer was in attendance and came up to me afterwards. This made my day!

Many years ago I read a story in a leading magazine about Madame Rosina Lhevinne, the great piano teacher at Juilliard. Actually the story was also about a great pianist who had been her student--but I don't remember his name, I just remember what he had to say about his teacher.

She assigned the student to attend essentially all the concerts in town given by recognized virtuoso pianists, and to report to her on them afterward. The student complied, critiquing each performance on technique, interpretation, repertoire, audience reaction, etc.

After two or three concerts, Mme. Lhevinne interrupted the student as he began. "Please tell me one thing about the performance that was superb, something the artist did that was admirable."

The student paused to consider, then complied. Mme. Lhevinne said, "Every time you attend a concert, I want you to tell me what it was that you liked best about it."

After a few concerts, Mme. Lhevinne then explained. "The audience is there because they admire the performer. They want them to succeed. They want to love what the performer is doing. They are on his side, they are not there to note every little fault or difference of opinion."

I take your word for having found imperfections in your playing. If I noted any when I listened a few days ago, I have forgotten them. I just replayed the first piece. To me it was perfect--whether you thought so or not. I really enjoyed the concert, and listened to it straight through.

Perhaps if you thought over what it was that you did best, and worked to replicate that experience, it might also be as useful to you as detecting flaws and correcting them?

I have been a serious listener and player of music all my life. I really liked the concert.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 0:32:42


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Thank you all for the words of encouragement, friends. Means a lot coming from you, as I have always valued your opinion.

I am performing Concierto de Aranjuez tomorrow and the day after I am playing this same program in Oberlin, OH. I will take my camera to the concert and record it. If I play worse, I will keep the video. If I do a better job, I will take it down. That's the plan for now.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 2:01:57

Posts: 7867
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From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha


If I play worse, I will keep the video.

Will you then put up the Aranjuez video?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 4:15:36

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

You're a monster Grisha, I say leave all of it up. Your worst day is still incredibly inspiring to us mere mortals. This thread actually inspired me to revisit a tientos falseta you helped me with. I'll post in the original thread, hopefully worth your approval.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 4:21:23


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Awesome video!
I recently bought a new surround set,
and I already listened to the full concert a number of times (while doing some other stuff),
very enjoyable!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 6:47:55


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

To be honest Grisha, the performance was so inspiring that I really didn’t notice any inaccuracies. I really enjoyed the zapateado by Canizares and the seguiriya by Nunez. I would love to see you play “Tio Sabas” or “Mi Nino Curro”. Anyway to me it sounded amazing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 6:49:13
gj Michelob

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Grisha, we love your performances for your stunning virtuosity, but we love you for your disarmingly sincere humility.


gj Michelob
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 15:25:46

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha


I was kind of hoping you would not find this concert

Damn right. We clearly agreed on this very forum that you were going to have some twerking girls on stage. I remember it clear as day. Where were they Grisha? Where were my twerking Russians?!
geez. You and your respect for good flamenco.

jokes aside: brilliant performance!


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 17:21:21

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to jacksonweb

Saludos senor Grishos,

In case that it was some quiet rattling pulgar notes that you feel critical about; they appear like very acceptable with tuned down / slack basses and with a strong touch like yours.

When you mentioned struggling with motorics once on the foro, me was a bit concerned of anything being reduced with playing skills. From there, really great to see that things are still like years ago when I stumbled over a video of yours first time (and linked to it in a forum where the prodigy teenager wasn´t known yet either).

You are a master and special in that you can do it all, and to the point. And a monster with memorizing.

If there was anything left over to be wished, it would be that you would allow to admit to yourself what a talent and virtuoso you are and freely enjoy your playing. It could only add to what is colorful and fluent already.

Me thinks that you improved in terms of enjoying yourself with what comes out of the axe, but there seems still room to giving in into the fact of simply just being an outstanding player. Period.

After all, it could be worse. One could be a dictator, a serial killer or a mafia chief.

Someone found the guitar lacking in comparison.
I think it´s a pretty good one. Very even.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2018 18:15:01

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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha

Ole Grisha! Is that a Mahogany guitar?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 23 2018 16:14:56
mark indigo


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RE: New Grisha concert video (in reply to Grisha


I was kind of hoping you would not find this concert, as I could not rise to the occasion properly. I was a bit disappointed with myself.

Yeah, no resting on your laurels, get back in that practise room!

Seriously, I laughed when i read that, I can only dream of playing half as well as you, and the material you were tackling, OMG it's like set list of the most challenging stuff imaginable!

I think it's great that you are going out and performing this incredible music with such power and projection, and also that you don't seem at all smug or conceited about your prodigious abilities.

¡Ole tú!

maple guitar?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2018 17:39:29
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