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  Topic Replies Thread Starter Hits Last Post
Latin American traditional music  24 Castelat 6836 Jan. 4 2014 20:04:50
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Halloween main theme (film by John Carpenter)  5 jg7238 6832 Feb. 28 2016 20:21:14
El Frijolito Go to latest post!
Where's FLo been?  18 Gummy 6830 Sep. 21 2009 9:49:44
Florian Go to latest post!
A silly nightmare about Nunez...  9 XXX 6829 Jul. 22 2010 10:10:52
michel Go to latest post!
New Year Resolutions??  12 flyeogh 6829 Jan. 11 2020 16:53:46
El Burdo Go to latest post!
PAYBACK for all the Fakemenco  24 Florian 6827 Jun. 14 2010 12:08:54
estebanana Go to latest post!
View at your own risk  28 rombsix 6820 Apr. 20 2011 21:14:48
rombsix Go to latest post!
I have company  10 ToddK 6814 Jun. 2 2007 9:41:00
Doitsujin Go to latest post!
Some music that expresses happiness to you.  14 Escribano 6814 Dec. 25 2012 23:41:17
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Ban Avatar Changes  26 Pimientito 6813 Nov. 28 2007 19:33:23
Mark2 Go to latest post!
Da Banks..  6 Ron.M 6809 Jul. 1 2010 11:22:49
sean65 Go to latest post!
Blues Run the Game  11 Ron.M 6802 Sep. 20 2012 12:06:21
mrMagenta Go to latest post!
Im dropping my pick!  29 ToddK 6798 Dec. 30 2008 11:22:14
Flmnco4mz Go to latest post!
Collaborating with a violinist  15 rombsix 6792 Jan. 21 2013 15:33:43
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Parallel worlds  24 Estevan 6784 Dec. 12 2007 18:09:32
wiglebot Go to latest post!
Some pics of my toys  16 ToddK 6781 Oct. 17 2008 22:02:55
Francisco Go to latest post!
Jim  22 guitarbuddha 6764 May 2 2007 4:26:39
TANúñez Go to latest post!
W Magazine Korea  15 gj Michelob 6761 Jun. 30 2009 9:49:56
Doitsujin Go to latest post!
esteban es LOCO!!!  7 henrym3483 6758 Dec. 14 2007 20:18:27
Jan Willem Go to latest post!
ROMERITO!!  26 jrabbani 6743 Oct. 30 2007 18:48:18
jrabbani Go to latest post!
Playing part of Czardas "Sabicas version"  10 jg7238 6742 Aug. 10 2016 1:50:40
jg7238 Go to latest post!
pc query  10 minorthang 6741 Feb. 20 2015 7:46:08
edguerin Go to latest post!
PG version of the 300 movie  1 TANúñez 6740 Jun. 2 2007 2:27:30
andresito Go to latest post!
Rings of Power true Tolkien spirit or? ( Anglophone Content Warning)  25 estebanana 6740 Oct. 31 2022 4:36:17
estebanana Go to latest post!
Yes....... it's important  3 Erik van Goch 6738 May 8 2014 14:03:12
estebanana Go to latest post!
All things must pass - going home  26 Escribano 6735 Apr. 19 2008 18:31:46
guitardode Go to latest post!
Musicians' ears  10 Brendan 6735 Jun. 10 2013 10:10:00
Brendan Go to latest post!
Acoustic Performance  21 rombsix 6725 Jul. 24 2010 4:17:33
rombsix Go to latest post!
Oktoberfest  27 kozz 6718 Sep. 28 2010 21:27:09
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Terrible fire in Malaga!!  12 koenie17 6718 Nov. 24 2012 8:59:24
Pimientito Go to latest post!
Indonesian music,dance and religion  1 Richard Jernigan 6715 Sep. 29 2012 18:13:47
BarkellWH Go to latest post!
totally off topic  14 XXX 6714 Dec. 21 2011 17:31:55
edguerin Go to latest post!
A Toast for Guy Fawkes Day!  26 BarkellWH 6698 Nov. 10 2014 5:05:25
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Keith Floyd gone.  6 Ron.M 6689 Sep. 16 2009 11:45:20
Ron.M Go to latest post!
Ethan´s story  6 Ruphus 6688 Aug. 3 2017 11:56:54
jalalkun Go to latest post!
An Ode to a lop-eared  16 Ruphus 6681 Oct. 24 2012 8:43:21
Ruphus Go to latest post!
Left hand ulnar nerve  27 Filip 6663 Jan. 25 2017 1:37:25
rombsix Go to latest post!
vintage flamingo guitar for sale  13 Guest 6656 Sep. 30 2007 12:23:52
Manzmann Go to latest post!
Estas aburrido y no sabes que hacer?  5 Escribano 6655 Dec. 23 2009 8:16:13
romerito Go to latest post!
Please don't kill me...  27 rombsix 6655 Oct. 19 2013 14:52:31
Castelat Go to latest post!
Moroccan "Chaabi" rhythm with 2 bars of 6/8 but all *sorts*   7 aaron peacock 6650 Mar. 13 2021 23:06:34
aaron peacock Go to latest post!
Tocaora???  5 attila57 6647 Nov. 8 2012 2:16:10
estebanana Go to latest post!
the championship is lost  16 mottallica 6629 Apr. 22 2012 18:23:54
Ron.M Go to latest post!
La Cumparsita  4 rombsix 6627 Feb. 18 2016 15:31:06
rombsix Go to latest post!
Fredrik Larsson  5 rombsix 6622 Nov. 9 2010 6:41:19
mezzo Go to latest post!
predictions  23 spain 6621 Mar. 17 2020 15:22:07
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Slow down vids...  6 XXX 6620 Oct. 12 2009 12:10:11
Deniz Go to latest post!
Some people  15 TANúñez 6619 Jan. 26 2008 10:15:11
r0bbie Go to latest post!
Question to Escribano  7 Tomás Jiménez 6617 Dec. 30 2007 7:08:06
jrabbani Go to latest post!
Japanese magic  4 Pimientito 6616 Mar. 17 2008 1:15:32
andresito Go to latest post!
Snow in Madrid  20 Piwin 6615 Jan. 12 2021 23:00:42
Piwin Go to latest post!
Barcelona - Chelsea predictions ?  25 Florian 6601 May 7 2009 23:14:21
Florian Go to latest post!
2 Weeks in Spain  13 DoctorX2k2 6592 Jun. 2 2010 9:04:24
DoctorX2k2 Go to latest post!
What's everyones' guitar backgroung?  17 soclydeza85 6578 Jul. 13 2017 4:50:46
Mark2 Go to latest post!
new addition to the family  21 ToddK 6576 Feb. 11 2008 2:46:18
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
A velvet vagina ?  29 Florian 6574 Oct. 25 2008 2:52:06
Haizum Go to latest post!
Hey, I just won an award!  19 Escribano 6568 Apr. 30 2010 18:48:57
cathulu Go to latest post!
Parallel Universes  22 Arash 6566 Apr. 1 2009 19:33:37
at_leo_87 Go to latest post!
Knife making  10 Piwin 6563 Jan. 27 2020 1:06:27
Piwin Go to latest post!
Kevin Burke  13 Anders Eliasson 6558 Jan. 13 2012 18:22:58
Paul Magnussen Go to latest post!
Internet Explorer 8  13 Ron.M 6549 Jul. 26 2009 10:52:17
Ron.M Go to latest post!
Comparing Instruments  8 Ron.M 6535 Jan. 28 2008 8:39:22
Ron.M Go to latest post!
I miss Ailsa's posts  6 Gummy 6532 Dec. 1 2011 0:23:13
Stu Go to latest post!
any priest fans?  24 sara 6531 Apr. 23 2008 6:45:25
hassurbanipal Go to latest post!
London is burning tonight  16 Escribano 6527 Aug. 9 2011 19:41:11
El Camino Go to latest post!
thats true art  20 kudo 6526 Jun. 2 2014 10:42:00
Ruphus Go to latest post!
Hey i cant remember did i post this here bfore ??? I still lose it eve  8 Florian 6524 Feb. 5 2010 12:45:54
Mike_Kinny Go to latest post!
Introducing the Gitana.....  15 Pimientito 6523 Mar. 8 2012 22:40:11
Turner Go to latest post!
Who is the butt of your jokes?  14 fevictor 6516 Dec. 6 2009 15:16:53
fevictor Go to latest post!
Missed.... by a whisker  13 Escribano 6512 Jan. 29 2009 14:47:13
mrMagenta Go to latest post!
Alex de Grassi  5 NormanKliman 6512 Jan. 16 2011 15:29:10
Ron.M Go to latest post!
Getting helped by a girl to change a freaking tire  12 Florian 6508 Sep. 26 2010 3:07:14
HemeolaMan Go to latest post!
quick calluses?  23 at_leo_87 6500 Jun. 22 2009 16:13:07
at_leo_87 Go to latest post!
Attn: Florian  20 TANúñez 6495 Sep. 4 2007 23:07:30
Ailsa Go to latest post!
What big changes may result from this pandemic?  29 flyeogh 6491 Jul. 28 2020 19:26:47
mark indigo Go to latest post!
Losing my flamenco virginity  14 xirdneH_imiJ 6487 May 10 2011 15:36:10
xirdneH_imiJ Go to latest post!
Sherry  18 FredGuitarraOle 6486 Mar. 5 2019 22:10:46
FredGuitarraOle Go to latest post!
a little bit of dance does you good  23 Ailsa 6485 Jul. 12 2007 13:58:35
buleria Go to latest post!
I love these types of vids.  21 TANúñez 6484 Jan. 3 2012 18:09:47
herrywatson Go to latest post!
Ban the Vuvu? Yes or No?  23 estebanana 6482 Aug. 20 2010 10:31:15
ConradP Go to latest post!
Celtic collaboration  13 rombsix 6480 Jun. 17 2018 4:58:15
rombsix Go to latest post!
Buddha Bar & New Age Music  14 vigrond 6473 May 11 2012 0:12:25
vigrond Go to latest post!
Desahucios en Andalucia  22 Anders Eliasson 6469 Feb. 9 2013 18:12:14
estebanana Go to latest post!
Funny?  9 TANúñez 6467 May 22 2007 17:47:19
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
SEX!!!!  14 Guest 6458 Jun. 6 2007 15:27:25
John O. Go to latest post!
Hair loss solution  8 rombsix 6455 Nov. 17 2011 10:35:19
Ruphus Go to latest post!
the rain in spain on the plain  16 stephen hill 6453 Oct. 4 2007 17:54:00
Kate Go to latest post!
80 years of female portraits in cinema  2 boral 6452 May 31 2007 15:36:51
Ramin Go to latest post!
some numbers from the music industry  5 Piwin 6443 Mar. 25 2018 13:03:10
Piwin Go to latest post!
Snow in Granada  21 Pimientito 6442 Jan. 13 2010 15:21:43
luke.park Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  16 Guest 6439 Nov. 22 2007 22:55:22
guitardode Go to latest post!
[Poll] Hypothetical Christmas Poll  19 Ron.M 6433 Dec. 28 2009 19:54:06
cathulu Go to latest post!
Insanity with "Bio" gas  25 Ruphus 6431 Jul. 10 2011 18:53:23
estebanana Go to latest post!
the art of memorizing  18 minordjango 6427 Apr. 11 2009 21:02:23
gato Go to latest post!
HAVING A BABY  27 edgar884 6420 Sep. 12 2009 7:48:54
edgar884 Go to latest post!
OLD MAN  17 edgar884 6415 Jun. 12 2007 0:19:18
edgar884 Go to latest post!
Phenomenal young classical guitarist  3 Ramon Amira 6408 Aug. 24 2010 17:46:07
Prominent Critic Go to latest post!
Do you have the right profile?  24 val 6406 Oct. 16 2007 23:21:21
Kate Go to latest post!
My photo of the week 6  4 Escribano 6405 Jan. 20 2011 19:33:44
michel Go to latest post!
working very very hard  29 Florian 6403 Mar. 15 2012 15:40:21
mezzo Go to latest post!
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