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  Topic Replies Thread Starter Hits Last Post
OLD MAN  17 edgar884 6415 Jun. 12 2007 0:19:18
edgar884 Go to latest post!
a happier subject  17 Ailsa 7762 Jul. 5 2007 20:16:54
Estevan Go to latest post!
New mail adress (again)  17 Anders Eliasson 5209 Jan. 17 2008 3:58:46
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Name that movie- please help  17 Pimientito 7167 Jan. 25 2009 2:15:41
Pimientito Go to latest post!
Canadians beware...  17 Ron.M 6329 Nov. 18 2008 17:16:31
Francisco Go to latest post!
Canadiana for the Hoser in ya'all  17 cathulu 5733 Mar. 9 2009 12:58:58
alex_lord Go to latest post!
EnglAND on a shoestring!!!!!  17 minordjango 5202 Apr. 27 2009 12:20:11
Estevan Go to latest post!
How many flamenco guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?  17 Escribano 7356 Jun. 16 2009 14:51:25
Estevan Go to latest post!
clouds over the Alhambra  17 Ailsa 5668 Nov. 28 2009 10:51:15
Donald Go to latest post!
El Rumbero goes techno...  17 rombsix 6098 Nov. 20 2010 16:04:39
rombsix Go to latest post!
Chilean Mine Rescue  17 Ron.M 5798 Oct. 20 2010 15:33:19
Estevan Go to latest post!
Floods in Brisbane  17 KMMI77 5580 Jan. 15 2011 17:20:38
Kate Go to latest post!
Future Phones  17 Pimientito 5426 Oct. 24 2011 22:15:28
caesarfaissal Go to latest post!
Spanish Paperwork  17 Pimientito 6222 Mar. 18 2011 21:02:55
Escribano Go to latest post!
jazz is taking me away  17 Kevin James Shanahan 5948 Mar. 22 2011 21:48:49
AlVal Go to latest post!
My photo of the week 41 (the wife)  17 Escribano 5233 Jun. 8 2012 20:14:00
estebanana Go to latest post!
Some music that expresses sorrow to you.  17 estebanana 5435 Dec. 24 2012 7:44:41
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
look at this 13 year old go  17 kikkoman 5228 Mar. 15 2013 18:41:15
Lenador Go to latest post!
Need your help!  17 FullMetalGuitarist 5641 Mar. 21 2013 21:49:45
Miguel de Maria Go to latest post!
The Last Lion, Defender of the Realm (Churchill Biography)  17 BarkellWH 4999 May 10 2013 9:19:14
guitarbuddha Go to latest post!
Time 2 - Ewan Dobson (by rombsix)  17 rombsix 7251 May 29 2017 4:18:49
Piwin Go to latest post!
Mathematics: created or discovered?  17 Richard Jernigan 8013 Apr. 22 2015 11:03:36
BarkellWH Go to latest post!
Anyone used a Spark Booster?  17 Miguel de Maria 5392 Apr. 27 2015 15:07:56
Ricardo Go to latest post!
More words I wish I'd never heard  17 Miguel de Maria 5861 Sep. 22 2015 15:32:38
Miguel de Maria Go to latest post!
Old Western guns  17 Escribano 10601 Jan. 7 2016 4:18:57
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Proxima Centauri b  17 Ricardo 6279 Aug. 29 2016 11:54:50
estebanana Go to latest post!
Anyone love Oud too?  17 bluespiderweb 10381 Nov. 19 2019 18:08:04
HMaN Go to latest post!
What's everyones' guitar backgroung?  17 soclydeza85 6578 Jul. 13 2017 4:50:46
Mark2 Go to latest post!
Earthquake of 5,2 under my butt, yet worse to come  17 Ruphus 6149 Dec. 23 2017 9:19:49
Ruphus Go to latest post!
flamenco full carbon guitar  17 jmg12 6997 Feb. 7 2018 22:13:18
estebanana Go to latest post!
RIP Stephen Hawking  17 BarkellWH 8473 Mar. 23 2018 6:23:06
estebanana Go to latest post!
PBS Production: "The Ornament of the World"  17 BarkellWH 13516 Feb. 3 2020 6:26:27
Richard Jernigan Go to latest post!
Impersonating some of the famous classical guitarists  17 devilhand 4654 Jun. 28 2020 2:02:18
Stu Go to latest post!
Did y'all see what happened in my home country today?  17 rombsix 5192 Aug. 6 2020 19:27:26
mark indigo Go to latest post!
[Deleted]  16 Guest 6439 Nov. 22 2007 22:55:22
guitardode Go to latest post!
the rain in spain on the plain  16 stephen hill 6453 Oct. 4 2007 17:54:00
Kate Go to latest post!
UFO sighting  16 Pimientito 7425 Oct. 9 2007 13:47:01
Pimientito Go to latest post!
Some pics of my toys  16 ToddK 6781 Oct. 17 2008 22:02:55
Francisco Go to latest post!
ketchup song  16 koella 7195 Dec. 30 2008 22:16:19
Ricardo Go to latest post!
Is this frog-poo?  16 val 8322 Aug. 8 2009 4:11:50
Pimientito Go to latest post!
My little boy was born yeahhhhh  16 edgar884 5294 Feb. 5 2010 8:34:56
Doitsujin Go to latest post!
Playing another Instrument  16 Stoney 7374 Apr. 9 2010 19:33:00
Estevan Go to latest post!
some cool metronome practice ideas  16 at_leo_87 11282 May 5 2010 7:15:54
Ailsa Go to latest post!
[Poll] Best Submarine Movie  16 Pimientito 6184 Jun. 24 2010 2:50:01
Chiste de Gales Go to latest post!
We Wuz Robbed!!  16 Ron.M 7107 Dec. 6 2010 15:33:35
Deniz Go to latest post!
My fail of the year...  16 cRobson12 5518 Apr. 18 2011 12:33:43
cRobson12 Go to latest post!
London is burning tonight  16 Escribano 6526 Aug. 9 2011 19:41:11
El Camino Go to latest post!
Norway Killer gets off  16 ToddK 5544 Dec. 2 2011 13:54:36
keith Go to latest post!
My photo of the week 28  16 Escribano 5120 Jan. 26 2012 9:09:16
Ruphus Go to latest post!
Stare at this picture...You have to try this !!  16 Florian 7783 Feb. 15 2012 4:30:52
Florian Go to latest post!
the championship is lost  16 mottallica 6629 Apr. 22 2012 18:23:54
Ron.M Go to latest post!
[Poll] what are your thoughts on rock and metal?  16 mottallica 7308 Jul. 26 2012 1:49:48
Lenador Go to latest post!
Waste Disposal Rant  16 Ruphus 5438 Nov. 7 2012 15:00:09
val Go to latest post!
An Ode to a lop-eared  16 Ruphus 6681 Oct. 24 2012 8:43:21
Ruphus Go to latest post!
Hurricane Sandy  16 ToddK 7566 Oct. 31 2012 0:08:40
rodrigovalt Go to latest post!
My photo of the week 54  16 Escribano 4868 Jan. 30 2013 2:31:09
estebanana Go to latest post!
Effect on Guitar in Zero Gravity??  16 estebanana 5402 May 15 2013 12:38:23
guitarbuddha Go to latest post!
Les Paul Gold Top Makeover  16 Escribano 7397 Sep. 19 2014 17:18:20
Escribano Go to latest post!
Music in 7/8  16 chester 7415 Apr. 23 2014 15:46:29
Kalo Go to latest post!
all change  16 pink 4869 Sep. 15 2014 21:09:13
pink Go to latest post!
Tucson/Oro Valley Interlude  16 BarkellWH 7071 May 20 2015 15:21:11
SephardRick Go to latest post!
Working on Son de Campanas  16 Dudnote 7392 Jul. 12 2017 18:09:43
Erik van Goch Go to latest post!
Pentagon "black money"  16 Ricardo 5937 Mar. 29 2018 22:50:55
gondorbell Go to latest post!
East is east  16 Brendan 6040 Mar. 4 2018 10:10:38
Brendan Go to latest post!
Get them young  16 Escribano 5954 Mar. 24 2018 13:36:27
gondorbell Go to latest post!
Jacob Collier  16 aaron peacock 4786 Apr. 16 2021 10:00:52
Piwin Go to latest post!
Original composition crossing Renaissance and jazz  16 Bulerias2005 8497 Jun. 15 2021 9:41:08
marpera Go to latest post!
Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough  16 JasonM 8096 Dec. 22 2022 23:43:54
estebanana Go to latest post!
One of those moments  15 Georg 5101 Apr. 26 2007 18:01:56
JBASHORUN Go to latest post!
hey simon, this would look trick on the bonnet of your mustang!  15 Guest 5292 Jun. 9 2007 11:53:42
Jim Opfer Go to latest post!
Idiots !!  15 Florian 5518 Jun. 26 2007 0:06:25
edgar884 Go to latest post!
for those who miss threads with absoluteley nothing on it  15 Florian 4927 Oct. 12 2007 8:36:13
Ailsa Go to latest post!
Look at this , you can track someone through his mobile number  15 Florian 9448 Oct. 18 2007 10:43:47
Arash Go to latest post!
Foro Member Adoption notice  15 HemeolaMan 5485 Dec. 8 2007 2:32:23
Estevan Go to latest post!
Some people  15 TANúñez 6619 Jan. 26 2008 10:15:11
r0bbie Go to latest post!
Some note to the German speaking here  15 XXX 6960 Feb. 20 2008 0:51:52
Georg Go to latest post!
Elton John  15 TANúñez 9407 Nov. 21 2008 0:43:20
Stu Go to latest post!
W Magazine Korea  15 gj Michelob 6761 Jun. 30 2009 9:49:56
Doitsujin Go to latest post!
Got me Papers!!  15 henrym3483 5208 Sep. 14 2009 5:01:46
henrym3483 Go to latest post!
Daughter Pics.  15 edgar884 5791 Jan. 16 2010 19:43:23
cathulu Go to latest post!
a little travel to Spain fun etc  15 minordjango 5720 Mar. 22 2010 23:34:54
Kate Go to latest post!
Santana flamenco  15 rombsix 6171 Feb. 28 2010 23:55:58
rombsix Go to latest post!
Simon whats a Big Endian codec ?  15 Florian 7531 May 7 2010 2:18:39
Deniz Go to latest post!
BBC2 TOTP Special  15 Ron.M 5373 May 12 2010 18:25:25
Exitao Go to latest post!
Catalonia bans bullfighting  15 Escribano 5703 Aug. 6 2010 21:04:16
Doitsujin Go to latest post!
Amazing ...  15 Florian 5451 Nov. 6 2010 6:20:32
HemeolaMan Go to latest post!
Who wants to see photos of where i am going away ??  15 Florian 5504 Nov. 25 2010 13:56:09
Florian Go to latest post!
My photo of the week 9  15 Escribano 4538 Feb. 20 2011 17:06:48
kozz Go to latest post!
Question  15 Mma 6083 Mar. 13 2011 8:04:04
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Dog loves listening to guitar  15 rombsix 5189 Jan. 3 2012 14:14:29
odinz Go to latest post!
F......g crazy  15 Arash 7378 Jan. 13 2012 13:06:15
Deniz Go to latest post!
My photo of the week 31  15 Escribano 4836 Feb. 20 2012 16:51:05
Ruphus Go to latest post!
Introducing the Gitana.....  15 Pimientito 6523 Mar. 8 2012 22:40:11
Turner Go to latest post!
A comedy u guys need to see !  15 Florian 6023 Mar. 29 2012 20:56:45
Ron.M Go to latest post!
España here i come  15 mottallica 4619 May 4 2012 9:28:56
Elie Go to latest post!
Carlos Barbosa Lima playing at the house a bit back in 1993  15 jg7238 4559 Sep. 7 2012 14:44:37
Ricardo Go to latest post!
Guitar duet with my mother!  15 rombsix 4889 Jan. 17 2013 23:20:03
rombsix Go to latest post!
Collaborating with a violinist  15 rombsix 6792 Jan. 21 2013 15:33:43
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Little Friends to Leave  15 Ruphus 4852 Apr. 10 2013 17:45:59
Ruphus Go to latest post!
Getting started in woodworking  15 ralexander 6343 Jan. 16 2013 20:29:18
estebanana Go to latest post!
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