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RE: Cocaine and flamenco
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Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia
RE: Cocaine and flamenco (in reply to Ron.M)
I am sure Paco picado would have corrected himself if he had the time to come back and read himself again or see our reaction, i dont think it was done mean heartetly, perhaps without too much tought for consequence but i doubt if it was mean hearted, i gues he has perssonal experiences with this stuff and feels quite passionate about the subject. (fair enough, none of us are arguing the existance or use in flamenco or the right or wrongness) But naming names (wrongly or rightly) takes it to another whole other level, one that none of us really wanna go to, not to mention is quite careless unless you know 1001 % and even then is not for you or us to say, and not here. something like this is a personall problem to be dealt with by the people concerned and they close friends or familly, nothing to do with us as a group. To a famous figure even an unproven roumer is like a sentence as it can cause alot of problems for someone. gulty or not, public image plays a huge part in ones career. Look at Michael Jackson for example, none of us know for sure if it happened or not and thats not even relevant anymore the name has been stained forever and you will always associate it with the scandals whenever you hear it... gulty or not.
Date Sep. 29 2007 13:29:03
RE: Cocaine and flamenco (in reply to Guest)
this is the sh*ttest thred and the best thred all rolled into one (i know ill be back to see the latest developments) its so bad its good
Date Sep. 29 2007 16:27:34
Posts: 1930
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: Cocaine and flamenco (in reply to Ron.M)
I guess I'm thick because although I'm a regular reader of the forum, I have no idea who the English guy is, and don't care. Paco Picado has brought up some interesting topics on the foro, and although I don't agree with posting references to an individual's drug use, I think anyone seriously interested in flamenco for a long time will see that some of his points about long term involvement by foreigners in flamenco, solo guitar, and yes, drug use, have validity. Drinking, smoking, pot use, shooting H, coke, speed, etc, in flamenco have all been written about before, so nobody should be shocked. PdL has been the subject of rumors about his personal life that involve various vices, but I think that is the fate of any famous person. Many of us tend to idolize our flamenco heros, and rumors of drug use can tarnish our image of these great musicians. It might be more interesting to ask why so many truly great artists such as Bird, Coltrane, Hendrix, C de la Isla, etc, become so deeply involved in drugs. Some say it's to re create the high that performing brings, others to isolate their minds from the daily grind in order to focus on their art. I am not involved in a flamenco scene, probably because I can't participate fully enough in one to derive the benefits of it, but if I found myself in a circle of people involved in an activity I loved, but they all happened to be coke heads, that would definately ruin it for me. Ron's right on the money when he illustrates that drugs can only simulate the real highs in life.
Date Sep. 29 2007 21:38:17
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