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Posts: 15412
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to ernandez R)
Its a shame we don't have much of a dance presence here and I won't say anything about the sausage party ;)
OMG that is so sexist. Especially since the best flamenco dancers are men historically. In fact I am doing a show this weekend in DC that could easily be called “Flamenco Sausage Party” except we have a fabulous cantaora, Amparo Heredia winner of the cante de la mina award.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to Ricardo)
Aye dios Mio!
Ricardo, you are in dire need of sensitivity training classes. Half the Foro members will leave if you start talking about the thinly veiled reverse misogyny in flamenco. You come off like some uber weenie who listens to NPR news shows all day.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
Do you use the kindle device or laptop? I like books in the flesh, but I have kindle on my laptop. Do you think the kindle device, should you have one, provides a book like feel to the reading?
S, abou0t 20 years ago a busy of mine gave me an original kindle, small thin thing that lasted weeks on a single charge filled with hundreds of titles, about 15% were ones I had read but would reread and most were ones I was familure with and there were some I had never heard of. It took me a few years but I read almost all moo them one time or another. It didn't have a backlight is one needed a lamp or even a head lamp to read, think small off the grid cabin in Alaska.
some time before he gave me the kindle I bout a first generation iPad that I still use every day with the kindle app.
Over the years a drove a ****-ton of aircraft rivets and my hands/forarms don't like holding a book for long and the iPad became a life saver. winters are long and dark up here ;)
When you guys posted the titles for those two books, I pulled out the iPad, turned on the wifi, typed Amazon in the browser, cut and pasted the titles from the Foro, and had them in my kindle all in all in about 45 seconds. Ive got my amazon set to 'one click" for books so I don't have to sign in etc.
It takes some getting used, its not a paper book, but I find the convince of it worth so much more then collecting paper on a shelf.
A lot of the obscure flamenco texts are not on kindle or other e formats. The gypsy book on another thread by the Flemish guy was though, but just the one.
Im guessing there are a bunch of older generation kindle devices or older iPads to be had for just a few dollars if one wanted to try it out?
After that Moose got me they put me on some pain meds and others for the nerve damage etc and for some reason I couldn't read, I just couldn't focus, it was really phuced up, bed bound for a year and then mostly so for another year and I couldn't read...
The Big Red Books in a digital format would be cool!
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to Ricardo)
Its a shame we don't have much of a dance presence here and I won't say anything about the sausage party ;)
OMG that is so sexist.
R, I am a meat popsicle!
A couple years ago or so you linked a couple videos of a guy you play with, don't recall his name, I follow a couple lady dancers on the Insta. If ever there was an art form one must see live this is it, some beer or wine, and good friends,...
A few times Ive thought about some online classes as a way to forward the healing of my crushed foot. Perhaps you could convince your dancer friends to come over to the foro, you know convince them its about more then cabbage, and sausage.
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to ernandez R)
The big red books are mostly a waste of money if you’re interested in flamenco guitars, because there are only about three articles on flamenco guitars over a 4 decade span.
There’s a lot of flamenco stuff you can download as PDF files and print out. The only flamenco book you have to read in English Is Flamencos of Cadiz Bay. Or maybe some Pohren after that. All the other flamenco journey books are copies that aren’t as good. ( I’ve read them all take my literary opinion and don’t waste money on them, check them out at the library. ) So does the current version of Kindle device have adequate lighting? I’m not to buy a used one, I’ll just buy a new one.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to estebanana)
I use the kindle app on my old iPad so I’m not sure about the backlighting on a kindle device, I’m sure they are great but not sure if the basic model has a backlight? I normally read with black screen and lit letters, works better for my eyes and doesn’t keep the misses up if I’m reading in bed late ;)
We where chatting about our devices last night and the Boss mentioned how nice it is to tap on a word and have the dictionary disctiption at one’s fingertips.
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
Posts: 15412
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to ernandez R)
Perhaps you could convince your dancer friends to come over to the foro, you know convince them its about more then cabbage, and sausage.
In all honesty, they lurk. It was long ago the flamenco teacher foro, they were actively lurking. The dancer tried to rope me into it. They used to write out these arrogant diatribes criticizing everybody, then delete them before posting. Finally they got me involved due to my name being mentioned by people that did not know me personally. It was very diabolical honestly. Trust me…. You do not EVER want their kind actually participating here….NOT EVER I WARN!!!
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to Ricardo)
Perhaps you could convince your dancer friends to come over to the foro, you know convince them its about more then cabbage, and sausage.
In all honesty, they lurk. It was long ago the flamenco teacher foro, they were actively lurking. The dancer tried to rope me into it. They used to write out these arrogant diatribes criticizing everybody, then delete them before posting. Finally they got me involved due to my name being mentioned by people that did not know me personally. It was very diabolical honestly. Trust me…. You do not EVER want their kind actually participating here….NOT EVER I WARN!!!
Ricardo don’t scare the boy too much. He’s in Bumfart Alaska and deals with rabid mad cow moose charges, surely he could handle guasa from a few dancers. I mean, what’s the difference?
Dancers are fun and all, but ultimately they talk about flamenco shoes as much as guitarists obsess on thumb nails. You’d get massive ten year long threads on trading dance shoes. *yawn*
Student dancers don’t listen to old cante… you’ll fight about that because they will get all mad and defensive if you put down any contemporary singer for being too ‘pop’ - the seasoned dancers who know what’s what usually don’t wade in to educate or steer dancers to study history because they make a living by attracting students. They can’t really be hard a&sed except in a class doing drills and working on technique.
Dancers who are mature artists with companies also have to bend the taste from hard core old fashioned cante to styles that will sell tickets, and mix that in with old fashioned stuff. They have to hit a balance of what the general public will buy and keep the knowledgeable aficionados engaged. People, mature artists, with that kind of responsibility usually are too busy or too wise to get embroiled in petty online disputes. Once in a while however one of them might take time to write a post clarifying an important point about flamenco, but usually those very knowledgeable dancers don’t say much online.
Posts: 3471
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to estebanana)
The red cabbages had a bad week. I’m not sorry they did.
I second the above. It restored my faith that the American public is not so dumb as to buy into the Trumpsters' distorted understanding of democratic government and the US Constitution. There are still the hardcore election deniers who think the 2020 election was "stolen," But I think (and hope) that their ignorance has crested and will diminish. You can only go to that well so many times before you begin to lose your audience (at least the rational members of the audience).
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to Ricardo)
The reds under performed. Considering the traditional midterm shift of congress the Dems historically did extremely well. Even the house as of today isn’t clinched by the reds. And whomsoever is a Republican house leader will be in a boiling pot with the miscreants in the ‘freedom caucus’ doing tea party garbage. They’ll have the daggers unsheathed for Kevin. He’s a such blithering idiot. What they did to John Boehner will look like a wine and cheese party with call girls compared to how they will treat McCarthy. 😂
And the chocolate sundae will be trump getting indicted in the next month. That **** is going to go to prison.
The scum bag media mogul Rupert Murdoch is going to punish trump by setting his fake journalist hounds against him; it seems like trump world and the republicans in general will run the table in the house, but a power struggle over who to be loyal to is going to happen. Let there be infighting because I’m chilling the beer and making popcorn.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to Ricardo)
I know it’s coming together for a better future because instead of wall to wall Drumph coin adds on the Delcamp foro it’s now prostate medication. I’ve arrived!
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to ernandez R)
If you log into DelCamp you don’t get the pop up ads.
Sometimes when I write on DelCamp ( AKA Hellcamp) I don’t know if I’m trolling them or saying something important. 😂 There’s so much uptightness there and it’s a bastion of flamenco deniers. 😂
Posts: 15412
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
Flamenco deniers are those classical dudes who espouse the POV that flamenco is the red headed step child of classical.
Wow, so there are actual weirdos out there that deny the superiority of flamenco guitar over classical guitar? I guess they are just jealous because they play so slow and can’t do it? Strange.
RE: I Demand A New Cabbage ( Anglow ... (in reply to mrstwinkle)
Bowie lived his adult life after drugs in NYC and raised his daughter there.
This song is about globalization of corporate culture, written when he saw a McDonald’s in Indonesia. It’s the same as Nestle’ or China exploiting coco bean pickers and miners in Africa. Or how Michael Jackson’s album Thiller and Fred Astraire was popular with Gitano dancers.
We don’t export our music culture, everyone just wants to consume it. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream brand is owned by Unilever a Dutch multi corporation. But please blame Americans for it all.