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Forecast: Flamenco is dying out. Outlook and suggestion to recover!   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 5078
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Forecast: Flamenco is dying out. Out... 

Its parody just that you know. ;) But however.. sad but true.. popularity is decreasing.

Graph 1; Alarming decrease of popularity of flamenco throughout time. The trend seems to stabilize at a level of "nobody gives a ****".

Graph 2; Flamenco guitar was always and is much more popular than singing. Cmon... it doesnt need a genius to tell that cante is only a thing for special ppl..

Graph 3; Black dildos are more popular than flamenco guitar and cante together with an increasing tendency of popularity. Well well .. short term it looks like stabilyzing.. maybe the market is kind of saturated.. christmas is approaching.

Result; Flamenco is developing in the wrong direction and needs change. Otherwise it will die out by the end of 2020-2030.

Suggestion; The math is very simple. Put some black dildos on stage to slowly raise popularity over time.

More research in progress. Stay tuned dudes and thank me later. :P

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 23 2017 21:07:54

Posts: 570
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

So it would appear that the whisperings are most definitely true.Santos Fernandez has branched out into a more lucrative market and has started the production of the aggressive black dildo....aimed solely at the flamenco it knows only too well, a stroke ( or thrust) of genius. These self propelling ,aggressive flange busters are likely to be the true demise of this ancient and troubled form of art. I have also heard it mentioned that he will be producing a petrol engined model....he was unable to go with the solar panel version as the object in question spends too much time submerged. Dark days ahead!!!!!




  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 23 2017 21:47:03

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Doesn't this mean now is the time to buy flamenco cante? Buy low and sell high, as opposed to black dildo's who's price is artificially inflated, maybe even headed towards a bubble.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 3:54:07


Posts: 2298
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

In Flamencoland, cante is still king.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 7:12:44

Posts: 1604
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From: Siegburg, Alemania

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

According to an article I just read, the Flamenco columnist Manuel Curao from Canal Sur advocates the theory that Flamenco trends last about 30 years:
The Cafés Cantantes period 1870 'til the beginning of the 20th c.;
the Ópera Flamenca era from 1920 to around 1950;
traditional Flamenco festivals from about 1956 'til the end of the 20th c.,
and the latest period with more modern festivals since 1997 until today.
He believes that the next epoch will be characterized by a shift of focus from Spain to other countries, with Spanish aficionados travelling to Germany, France, England and Russia to experience high class Flamenco.



El aficionado solitario
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 10:21:49

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to edguerin


ORIGINAL: edguerin

According to an article I just read, the Flamenco columnist Manuel Curao from Canal Sur advocates the theory that Flamenco trends last about 30 years:
The Cafés Cantantes period 1870 'til the beginning of the 20th c.;
the Ópera Flamenca era from 1920 to around 1950;
traditional Flamenco festivals from about 1956 'til the end of the 20th c.,
and the latest period with more modern festivals since 1997 until today.
He believes that the next epoch will be characterized by a shift of focus from Spain to other countries, with Spanish aficionados travelling to Germany, France, England and Russia to experience high class Flamenco.

There was an even more heartening interview by Esteban de Sanlucar where he talks about the constant flux of flamenco going between popular and un popular epocs, much shorter than 30 year periods was the implication. I think guitar will always be more popular than cante of course, but the dance continues to be the world ambassador of flamenco as far as I can tell. The problem today is more that the internet has caused small niche art forms like flamenco to appear lost in the great Ocean of Globalization and dildos of all colors. I am looking towards a neoclassical revival of sorts for flamenco one day, where they can look back on the height of the "jazz flamenco fusion" era from 1987-2020 or so. Perhaps 2014 with the death of PDL and others will mark the end of the period like Bach's death marks the end of the baroque.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 11:19:38

Posts: 9701
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

I invested in cante many years ago. The dildo market is volatile and rubbery.

Personally I'm waiting for the market to cycle back around to post WWII guitars and the Neo Perico del Lunar- Morao movement to adjust the unpredictable fluctuations in the bull market on PacoBellies. Bullmarkets are good, but globally speaking I'm looking at investing in Oakland flamenco hedge funds and living off the interest.

Russia is still a bear market on flamenco, but Fake-menco could be a small winner in Moscow. Be ready to dump your portfolio at a moments notice when the Flamencologarcs go out of compas.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 15:14:56

Posts: 5078
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

I think its still profitable to invest in black dildo stocks.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 19:41:35

Posts: 234
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From: Thailand

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin


ORIGINAL: Doitsujin

I think its still profitable to invest in black dildo stocks.

Yes I agree, the graph on that model has steadily increased shapely, by popular demand
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 20:09:19

Posts: 9701
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin


I think its still profitable to invest in black dildo stocks.

Yes, I'm sure anyone who's done as much market research with the product as yourself would promote that line of investment. Frankly I think old fashioned diversification is the best strategy.

Don't blame the black dildo market on your getting fleeced for buying orange Conde's-

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 24 2017 22:53:18

Posts: 3568
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to estebanana


Frankly I think old fashioned diversification is the best strategy.

so, invest in purple dildos?


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 25 2017 0:07:15

Posts: 9701
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Have you ever read Huizinga? Even though I am indulgent in Doitsujin's Jr. high school level proposals, he really is the embodiment of Homo Ludens. And every online Foro is pretty much predicated on Huizinga's theory.

But Doitsujin, which means in the Japanese 'german person" is fairly benign. He's a benevolent Homo Ludens, nothing he does really amounts to anything, and he's mostly working out some Freudian stuff that he's too cheap to see a shrink about. Foros and Homo Ludenses go hand in hand, or in his case...well never mind.

An example of a destructive dangerous Homo Ludens is Steve Bannon- everything is a vindictive game designed to entertain him during his piloting of a kamakaze flight into politics. Doitsujin just wants some girls to admire his guitar collection and be impressed that he has an orange harem and that they can be part of it. When that's not happening he drops into the Foro to talk about dildos or whatever other prurient interests he has. It means he's not getting laid right now and his back up entertainment is Forogazing.

I know this because making guitars is also like being a psychologist. After 50 guitars and dealing with guitar players they give you a masters degree. If you keep building you might get transferred to the philosophy dept. but usually you go straight through to a PhD. Doit is my dissertation subject, but right now I'm annotating the text to ready it for publication as a popular book.

The publisher and I are still wrangling over a title, but so far they want to call DoitsuNation, Flamenco Guitarists and Thumbnail Dependency- I think it's too clinical. I'm advocating for Huizinga's Best Boys- Flamenco and the Culo Toque.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 25 2017 2:31:38

Posts: 5078
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to estebanana

Estebanana I appreciate your creativity. Very entertaining :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 25 2017 23:26:32

Posts: 2124
Joined: Dec. 8 2005
From: Baltimore

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Notice that the graph shows that only 100 people were interested in flamenco in 2004, which seems about right.

There are practically zero hot girls in flamenco dance classes now compared to 2003. Not much incentive there. Probably better off at jazz camp.

Also, the "half nunnie" headstock guitars are less attractive to the millennial generation. Perhaps a headstock adonered with an ebony sword between two grenades?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 26 2017 4:19:29

Posts: 1514
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From: Chicago

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to JasonM

That would be search density not people.

On the other hand, we can see that dildo density has steadily increased as the market seems to bear a lot more volume. It may be quite some time before we fill in the gaps in this correlation but my guess would be that flamenco will have some stiff competition in the next few years.

The one thing you can count on is that even after a serious down trend, dildos always bounce.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 26 2017 15:35:32

Posts: 5078
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

After a little bit more investigation the data shows... previous observations were representing a very zoomed in comparison of the interest between flamenco guitar, flamenco cante and black dildos.

The current data clearly shows.. all three are not interesting at all... in fact boring is far more interesting than flamenco guitar, flamenco cante and black dildos!...

Now thats alarming. ;P

That also means... black dildos on stage wont help. We need a different plan guys.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 26 2017 17:37:07

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Add in sex, drugs and rock and roll


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 26 2017 21:54:57
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
Joined: Oct. 18 2006

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Would it help the general popularity of flamenco if I started incorporating a dildo in my headstock design?
We would need a special guitarcase with a "thing" sticking out in the end of the case and I could imagine that some of you guys would love walking around with a case like that. Or standing in the airport supporting the guitar case by holding the "thing" with one hand.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 27 2017 7:59:39


Posts: 643
Joined: Jul. 10 2010
From: Minneapolis, MN

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Despite some good albums in recent years, I've kind of noticed the same, at least when it comes to purely guitar-centered albums. Maybe I'm just acutely aware of Nunez's absence. :(


Daniel Volovets
Jazz, Classical, Flamenco, & Latin-American Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 27 2017 15:37:24

Posts: 4516
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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 27 2017 19:30:46

Posts: 5078
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Fake news :P
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 27 2017 20:48:57

Posts: 9701
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Anders Eliasson


Would it help the general popularity of flamenco if I started incorporating a dildo in my headstock design?
We would need a special guitarcase with a "thing" sticking out in the end of the case and I could imagine that some of you guys would love walking around with a case like that. Or standing in the airport supporting the guitar case by holding the "thing" with one hand.

I propose the dildo be not ornamental, but utilitarian. It should be attached at the tail end of the guitar so when the guitarist is not playing the dildo can be used as a guitar stand.

One would travel with a drill kit and a hole saw of the appropriate size for your guitars dildo girth, ad a hole would be bored into the stage next to the tocaors chair. Between sets, or whilst a dancer performs a protracted por Martinete palo seco, the guitar could be stood up by slipping the end pin dildo into the stage hole.

The guitarist would unscrew the dildo from the end of the guitar and stick it in the soundport. Which the real reason soundports exist; They are doors to another dimension of space and time, and they are also dildo storage holes.

Of course one could have a headstock dildo for appearance, and a tail dildo for a guitar stand on the same guitar, a double ender, so to speak. But this requires two storage holes on the ribs.

Possible trade names could be DilStandTM or DiotDilTM , FlamingoPin, Dildola, maybe a focus group could be consulted.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 28 2017 1:06:17
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Maybe you are right.
BUT,... I have already visualised Doit standing on Frankfurter airport, supporting his guitar case by holding it in the "thing" and flirting with everything female passing by. And he will be having a haircut like Björn Ulvaeus had in ABBA 40 years ago.

My visualisations are VERY strong and it WILL happen.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 28 2017 6:35:46

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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Doit and Aganetha in younger days.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 28 2017 15:12:27
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

I like the design of that black dildo.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 28 2017 16:44:32

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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

I wonder what chord im holding there? And i like the hairstyle :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 29 2017 3:41:17
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

I personally prefer the hairstyle you had a little later on.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 29 2017 11:15:23

Posts: 1706
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From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin


Alarming decrease of popularity of flamenco throughout time.

This is clearly due to the production of atmospheric carbon dioxide by humans.


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 29 2017 13:19:17

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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Trouble maker...

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 29 2017 15:27:57


Posts: 1266
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RE: Forecast: Flamenco is dying out.... (in reply to Doitsujin

Fakemenco to the rescue!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 29 2017 15:42:10
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