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RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to at_leo_87)
reverb sounds great! will there be an option to have reverb on/off?
We were thinking to just leave it on because it sounds great. If we really need to we can make a control for it. The Firefox problem might not be related to reverb. There were other things done under the hood and something might have been broken while we were in there.
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to rufred)
Why doesn´t it run under 100 bpm?
Because implementing the reverb was tricky It should be working now, make sure to restart your browser for the changes to take effect. Thanks for pointing that out.
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to JasonMcGuire)
Sevillanas has many faces and the only thing that's for sure is that it ends on 4th beat (one way or the other). As far as the opening is concerned i can't picture a guitar beginning on 4th beat. Sure, the dancing itself starts on 4th beat and in a dancing school situation that would be the obvious place to start, but during a performance they already enjoyed a hole introduction from the guitar/singer before they reach that point.
Like all music Sevillanas is based on the tension between a tonic chord (1th chord of the scale) and it's dominant chord (in this case either the II or the V chord of the scale) for instance ffe,eee (123,456) >>> accents on 1 and 4, chord drops (silently) at 3.
If you include the complete guitar introduction you can start both on the tonic chord (e) or it's dominant (f). If you start on the dominant you can play ffe,eee (starting on 1th beat with a chord and/or a colpe) , if you prefer to open with the tonic chord you can play ee-ffe,eee (starting on the 5th beat).
As far as Seguiriyas is concerned the "old school" 5 beat pattern for me is it's soul and spirit. I don't think you can replace that feeling by considering it to be a Bulerias beginning on 8 by nature.
Seguiriyas: 1-2-3--4--5- Bulerias: 8-10-12--3--6-
Regarding the similar pattern i can understand the temptation but there is a difference. Bulerias happens to be a "12" beat pattern by nature, but performed full speed it's much more easy to think in larger patters like
Both parts can be extended to fit the needs of the moment:
12--3--6--9-- >>>>> 12-2-4-6-8-10- >>>>>
Both sequences end with a concluding 6-8-10.
Seguiriyas on the other hand is not a 12 beat pattern by nature but a 5 beat patten with an extended 3th and 4th beat.
In stead of the rather vague 12345 and for detailed study you can sub-devide it into
1 and 2 and 3 and a 4 and a 5 (and)
1-2-3--4--5(-) accents may occur on 3 and 5
This magnification however should not structurally result in "oh, let's count it like an alternative bulerias than", because it isn't. Bulerias is a 12 beat pattern by nature and Seguiriyas isn't. Obviously when Seguiriyas speeds up both can become pretty entangled. On the long term cross-vertilization and evolution might bring them even closer together.
Posts: 15424
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to Erik van Goch)
Not sure if you were addressing Mcguires app or what....for one I often start sevillanas on 4 with guitar (as per your 6 beat description). Perhaps you think of 5 as starting point....but a golpe first often gives the head beat to feel grounded. Faster sevillanas just attacking the tonic chord on 4 works to keep things moving if you rest an entire measure from the previous round or scratch compas 1-3....any way it's NOT that big a deal in the bigger picture.
Dr. Compas overlays sig accents over 12 count like this with nubers 12,2,4, 7, 10....not saying I agree just pointing out it doesn't start on count 8 as you described. My personal feeling always was sig lacks the symmetry of other 6 or 12 counts rhythms because its actually a combo of two odd meter phrases....the harmony reveals it like this: Bb= 7/8 phrased as 1-2-1-2-1-2-3.....or 1 & 2 & 3&ah, A = 5/8 phrased 1-2-3-1-2.....or 1&ah 2 &
Although 5 and 7 equal 12, the odd phrasing brings out the right feel more than other methods. Counting accents as per tradition keeps it simple. I learned a special slow 9 beat pattern of greek pop music that a girl taught me simply by counting to 11
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to Ricardo)
i can live with a colpe on 4 preceding my 5 in Sevillanas.
Although i don't agree with your view of Seguiriyas i guess we come to the same result from opposite directions.
What you call accents i call main beat (1.2.3..4..5.) Where you go from small to big to define to your accents (121212312312) i magnifie my main beat to see the inner details (1 and, 2and, 3 and a, 4 and a, 5 and) this equals a 3/4 6/8 pattern with shifted bars.
I guess we also agree that at the end of the line it's just a pulse we have to obey.
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to Francisco57)
I wonder if you can help me.. I had a look at your site, and noticed there seems to be a section missing from the 'Help' section on how to recover from heart attack after pressing the buy button and seeing the price (129 EUR).
I also broke my leg as I fell of the chair at the same time. I hope you have a good lawyer dude.
RE: Doctor Compas Public Beta Version (in reply to Francisco57)
Over-priced, has no swing to it, doesn't improvise, supplied palo presets are not accurately programmed... Other than that its a really amazing PC app.