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I drive for a living, and have been listening to a lot of camarón's work, and one track from canastera struck me as very good for feeling out buleria.
It's track 5, no quisiera que te fueres. I don't expect to play the entire thing, and really even a few of the more fundamentally bulerias-ish falsetas would be enough to satisfy my curiousity =]
are there any intelligent transcriptions for guitar of "fur elise" out there? there's a website that will only charge a couple hundred dollars for the answer in dropped d, but the name sounds like manwhore, and i spent all my money on provisions for this storm =]
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Florian)
Hi Florian,this is Charles from Sydney again.How's it going? I'm looking for the buleria of Paco del Gastor from the record "La guitarra gitana y pura de Paco del Gastor" titled "Recuerdo de Diego".Thanks in advance. Regards,Charles
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to duende)
I'm wondering if a tab for Paco Peña´s "Milonga" exists. I don't know what album it is from but it's like the straight version of "Rumbeando la Milonga" also I think from the same album.
This guy on youtube does it great but the camera angle doesn't let you see the left hand.
Thanks in advance
Stoney BTW - I'm new around here. This site is absolutely great. If I had had these resources 10 years ago I never would have stopped playing Flamenco. I can't wait to get a real guitar and get back into it.
Hi, If anyone has any material of Luis Maravilla in tab, please let me know (anything: Solea, Alegrias, Bulerias) ---or if there is sheet music available? Thank you.
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Billyboy)
hello friends, I played Tico Tico as duo with my friend .. later I watched it as quatro (four guitars) there were 4 guitars playing it .. so does anyone have the 4 guitars version of Tico Tico ? thanx