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RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mrMagenta)
Its notated version is in the Japanese series of flamenco guitar music (the one with the yellow cover). It is arranged by Hideo Suzuki. It is indeed a fantastic piece.
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mrMagenta)
Ok, Ok! I read all this, and because I joined the forum lately I'll just write the tabs you asked and I HAVE! If you didn't get them, send me email and I will send you
- El Panuelo - Puerta del Principe - La Barrosa - Chanela - La Villa Vieja - Reflejo de Luna - Montino - Punta Umbria - LLanto a Cadiz - Guajiras de Lucia - Cuando Canta el Gallo - Impetu - Soniquete - Rio de La Miel - Monasterio de Sal - Aires Conqueros (Teatro Real version)
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Florian)
Hi Flamencos, It's my first post here, and apologies that I'm asking for something already I stumbled upon this site when searching for the tab for Con Garbo y Salero by Sabicas. Does anyone know where I can get the tab for this?
I've searched quite extensively but had no luck so far. Cheers K
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to boogiewonder)
Con Garbo y Salero
I must get at least 10 emails a month on Youtube for this. Sorry, I had it but lost it!!! You can watch Grisha or myself playing it on Youtube and try learning it that way. If you have any questions let me know!
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mrMagenta)
Hi guys!
I'm looking for the tabs for the song "Lya" from Gerardo Núñez's album "La nueva escuela de la Guitarra Flamenca", as well as Laurindo Almeida's "Danza Gitana".
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mrMagenta)
Hi guys, This is Kadir from Edmonton, AB, Canada. I have been checking this forum for a few days. All i can say is this is an amazing flamenco guitar forum. Thanks all for helpfull sharings. Does anybody have some compases for tangos?
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mrMagenta)
Someone mentioned Gerardo and Linares Siguyriyas in the general forum, which reminded me that I really like to solo version, Remache, from the Jucal album. I'd like to poke at it. Does anyone have a transcription?
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mrMagenta)
i can send you the one i have but if you ask me i think it's full of mistakes in some parts, and you need to get those parts on your own just by listening or slowing them down
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Florian)
Hi All - First post from a struggling Irish tocaor. What got me into Flamenco - apart from having a Spanish wife, was seeing the Flamenco film and Chocolate's Solea del Farruco - I think it was played by Ramon Amador. I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction to get the tab. All the best from the Emerald Isle. Mac