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It's been 2 years I'm searching for Seguiria Tabs ! I mean the song tabs that is based on seguiria from flamenco . I don't like other forms of flamenco which make you dance ! in the most respectful way possible if anyone could find or have the Seguiria Tabs even if guitarpro (better) please share it !
Seguiria is a very emotional kind of flamenco . I love this and i know if others also hear one of the songs based on that will fall in love with Seguiria.
I'm waiting for your reply ! Thanks <3
My only porpuse is being a star of Seguiria Player !
Faucher's Siguiriyas book ("Calle del Flamenco vol. 2 - 100 falsetas for Siguiriya") as mentioned is well worth a look http://www.affedis.com/musicbooks.html
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to mark indigo)
Dear Mark! Thank you first for your PDF and I have just seen your post and try to play it at the weekend. I will write you as soon as possible. Anyway love you man for your kindness. I love this song!
RE: Make your request for tablature here (in reply to Florian)
Hi Florian Am looking for Mi Patio (Nunez)...It's in a Claude Worms book if my memory serves me correctly.Btw I've tabbed Falla's La Vida Breve and La Molinera & will have Los Vecinos shortly if you're interested. When you have a spare moment...Cheers,Charles,Sydney.