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Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Ron.M)
I'm actually raking around to see if I have any fuses left in case the lights go out again...
Ahh,,,dont make us feel insecure Ron.
Even in a worst case scenario where this place should be burned to the ground, I still have our www.foroflamenco.es weekend cottage where we could go, burn some candles and have a fresh start.
So, no need to hold back your fire guys. Feel free to turn off the lights and raze this place to the ground.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
Original: Arash
Thats a great tangos! Thats the proof that flamenco works in other lenguages than spanish, too. And the lady was hot... huh.
I actually thought about posting a link to my youtube account here that you can get a slight impression about who you are challenging. But you are right Arash! I´ll be silent till the end of the challenge. I just don't want to scare the **** out of the other challengers ..Muhahaha Ok, without jokes. I checked my old recordings. They start from 2004 or5 and in every mp3 or clip myplaying sounds very different.. My skills increase continously and I owned more than 2 different guitars each year.. Nobody could identify me even if one would know my recordings. ^^Damn,.. I had a conde estudio in 2005. It had great sound. (But ****ty settings...)
But I also have not much time to practice. I only practice at the weekend at the moment.
Todd I read your post now. Im happy you are in and sad that we loose an important judge.... If you really think, you are not ready with the right hand till the end of the challenge, I please you to be a judge and upload the mp3 beside of the challenge. We all know that you are a fantastic player. I´ll put you to the challengers in the initial post for now.
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
ORIGINAL: Doitsujin
I actually thought about posting a link to my youtube account here that you can get a slight impression about who you are challenging. But you are right Arash! I´ll be silent till the end of the challenge. I just don't want to scare the **** out of the other challengers ..Muhahaha
Haha, i just searched few minutes in the Upload section to find something from you, but you seam to be like the MI6 Agent in Mission Impossible whenever he gets a new mission........and seam to delete everything after few minutes to cover your track
But acc. to the comments in this old thread for example, it seams like you are a badas$ player. I mean, even Todd was impressed (and thats quite unusual )
And this was in 2006.....so you had another 3 years time to practice
Posts: 1972
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
Man this challenge has everything-contestants, judges, prizes. Only one thing missing and that is incentive for the bystanders.
I offer my services as the advanced challenge oddsmaker. That's right, we set up a paypal account and once the field is finalized, we can determine the odds. No betting on anyone but yourself for the participants-we don't want anyone to throw the match for financial gain. :-)
The early line shows Ricardo with a slight advantage, however, Doit clearly has home field advantage given his suggestion of the piece. Flo has awakened a sleeping giant however, and it would be foolish to overlook ToddK with or without his trusty pick.
And of course dark horse candidates are certainly able to swoop in under the radar and dance off with the prize. And there is always the possibility of a late entry by a certain monster from the east known by the moniker "big G"
So, we have a real horse race, complete with all the thrills and spills, hopes and glory, of a Kentucky derby. May the best horse, er, picado, I mean, player, win.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Ron.M)
Bloody Luton - that is my wife's former team! That Stavros guy sounds like a mix of Rowan Atkinson, the Chopper and I don't know who else! What a strange psuedo accent he has!
Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread - mor... (in reply to Ron.M)
Yes he is a brilliant player - I still have some of his stuff on my mp3 player, downloaded from his website. Haven't seen him on the Foro for a few months tho.
Now that ToddK has deserted the judging panel for the competition we have 7 left - all excellent, but perhaps we should recruit a few more? Here are some suggestions for people who have a good ear and I think would make good judges:
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
But acc. to the comments in this old thread for example, it seams like you are a badas$ player. I mean, even Todd was impressed (and thats quite unusual )
And this was in 2006.....so you had another 3 years time to practice
You know,..here are nice people who all appreciate uploads by other members. In the meanwhile there were some uploads by several members including Ricardo, who definitely topped that three or four times. I had this Paco Guitar when I recorded this video. I was so unhappy with it, that I didn't play much around a year...
Hey I deleted nothing! Rapidshare deletes automatically after a while of inactivity.. Or I have a look for some old recordings..
Posts: 271
Joined: Jun. 30 2004
From: West Palm Beach, Florida USA
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
Holy Cow!! What is all of this challenging stuff??? Sorry guys, I fell off of the planet for a little while. I've been pretty busy spearfishing!! I figure if I can't play guitar like Paco, I may be able to fish better than him MUHAHAHAHA!!!! Anyways, I'm trying fill myself in with this challenge. Let me see if I get it right:
The piece is La Ardila by Tomatito, right? How much of the piece does one have to play? I'm assuming everyones welcome to play, correct?
Let me know. I may be interested to participate. For me it would just be for fun!! I'm completely against musical contests. Just my 2 cents. I just want to hear how many different interpretations there will be.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to duende)
I definitely wouldn't want to say this piece is easy, but easier than you'd think when you listen to it. Errol you've posted more difficult stuff than this, welcome aboard!
I have the first half up to 160bpm now and am trying to get it up a bit more, still kind of shakey at 170 though. Some of the thumbwork is really a challenge.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread - mor... (in reply to Ailsa)
Ailsa and Ron, I've only just seen your messages from a few days ago asking me to be a judge. As I mentioned the other day, I can't know ahead of time if I'm going to be free; that's just the nature of my job. As it is, I might have to back out of judging the beginners' competition, so it'd be better not to count on me for these things. But thanks for considering me, and I have to say that what you're all doing is really, really cool! Some hilarious posts, too, from all of you, although I haven't had much time lately to read them all. Good luck!!!
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
Now that ToddK has deserted the judging panel for the competition we have 7 left - all excellent, but perhaps we should recruit a few more? Here are some suggestions for people who have a good ear and I think would make good judges:
Hey Ailsa, thanks for suggesting me, but IMO the judges should be experienced and with some real background for it to be at least a bit objective at the end. I don't think I qualify, at least not for the judge of the advanced players! Don't you think so?
Ricardo (and Doit if I remember?) even suggested I should join the advanced challenge. Honestly, I think I'll be good in the intermediate for now. But if we were talking about an 'advanced falseta' here, I would join. From my perspective learning Tomate's WHOLE PIECE seems pointless. I would choose a nice challenging falseta that everyone could still use it anytime. Not to mention judging would be easier this way... But that's for the next time maybe, people are already learning La Ardila! Good luck!!
vengo de los san migueles si no me caso este año que yo me caso el año que viene
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Matic)
Hey Ailsa, thanks for suggesting me, but IMO the judges should be experienced and with some real background for it to be at least a bit objective at the end. I don't think I qualify, at least not for the judge of the advanced players! Don't you think so?
I dont agree. I think there can be a huge difference in theory, ear, ability of judging others and such things, and the actual level you or me personally are able to play. Take me for instance, i am not able to play this piece properly, i would say i am intermediate,,,,,,but i am sure that i am able to be a good and objective judge even for much better players than me. And i am sure that you can be a good judge too. You dont have to be a pro. player in order to be able a good judge for advanced players. I can even see weak points of Paco sometimes LOL
Ok, maybe if you are beginner with no experience, you should not judge an advanced challenge, but not in our case. So join in!!
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
...huh, SQL error...ok, here again
Hello Masters of the Advanced Challenge, I have a little question. I am participating in the, beginners challenge, a solea from Graf Martinez. Very nice, and indeed a challenge, but the original sound example from Martinez makes me a little bit nerveous, and I don't seem to get the mood for those falsetas.
So my question is: Is there someone who can play these falsetas and have it placed somewhere here on the forum? That would be really nice (and a good warm-up excercise for you guys It should only take 1:30 of your precious time
original: Matic ]Ricardo (and Doit if I remember?) even suggested I should join the advanced challenge. Honestly, I think I'll be good in the intermediate for now. But if we were talking about an 'advanced falseta' here, I would join. From my perspective learning Tomate's WHOLE PIECE seems pointless. I would choose a nice challenging falseta that everyone could still use it anytime. Not to mention judging would be easier this way... But that's for the next time maybe, people are already learning La Ardila! Good luck!!
^^ Well than. You can be the special guest who could heat up the time before getting the points for the challengers. If you want, send me your audio within the deadline of the challenge. We´ll upload 1-2 days before the uploads of the complete composition. I would be very interested in that. ;.) If you play the whole piece, I sign you up. You have nothing to loose, as the idea is "practice and get better".
thanks, I checked the rules again. 164 bpm will be a challenge definitely but I will see what can be achieved. Indeed, I have nosed around the forum looking at other challengers' videos, I am impressed.
Well than. You can be the special guest who could heat up the time before getting the points for the challengers. If you want, send me your audio within the deadline of the challenge. We´ll upload 1-2 days before the uploads of the complete composition. I would be very interested in that. ;.) If you play the whole piece, I sign you up. You have nothing to loose, as the idea is "practice and get better"
I'm not 100% sure what you mean here. If I can play through the piece that's a great for me, and I don't mind being on the side lines. It is, I guess, valuable to compare my own progress with other people's rather than all out competion.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to marrow3)
I'm not 100% sure what you mean here. If I can play through the piece that's a great for me, and I don't mind being on the side lines. It is, I guess, valuable to compare my own progress with other people's rather than all out competion.
I answered to Matic 2 posts above yours.... Marrow, you are in for the complete composition as the rest of us. ;.)
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
I´m happy to tell you all that we have one more judge! JasonMcGuire! Oley! Thank you Jason for helping us!!
And a second good news. We have one more participant! Edgar! Welcome on board!
Ok, participants. You still have 2 month left for practicing and recoding. Still a lot of time.
I don´t know how far you came till now, but I would say, till the middle of april you should be able to play the whole piece savely in compas at slow speed. Lets say 140bpm.
I hope you are on a good way for playing through the alegria at the required minimum of 164bpm. Remember, you have to use one of the two provided loops with no slowdown. If you still didnt start learning it, now its the time to start. Don´t be lazy and go for it! Give all and you will get skills which are for sure useful for any things you play after the challenge. Just use the chance!
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread - mor... (in reply to Ailsa)
Hey Ailsa,
I'm flattered you think I am fit enough to be a judge on the Advanced Challenge. However, I am afraid I'm going to be SWAMPED at the time of judging and will have absolutely no time whatsoever (because that is when I have all of my final exams).
I am surely NOT going to even participate in the challenge. I might have a go at Jason McGuire's challenge considering it is only a single falseta (and thus may be feasible time-wise).
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
Wow, you guys are crazy I just read the whole thread finaly.
I'm having so much fun learning this, but one problem got to the 5th page and it is different from the Vid, I want to play it, so does anyone have the tab or do I got to slow it down and try to figure it out.
Any body else have this problem.
May we find God through Flamenco instead of Angels and Demons
Posts: 15491
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Arash)
for folks using Faucher's transcription from the Tomatito book, that very LAST page has the variations very close to what he plays for the 2nd falseta, as seen on video. What is missing is all the choral variations he does in the video in between the 1st and second falseta.