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RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
Ok Arash I sign you up for judging!
By the way, as I practice the composition at the moment,..160bpm feels to slow for la ardila. Should we increase the speed a bit to the original speed? Lets say 170 and above how you like..?
160 bpm seems to be no big challenge.. :./ But if the majority prefer 160bpm, I accept.
Throw a look on the first post of this threat. Im updating the lists of the participants and judges when there are news.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
When thinking twice about the speed. I think 160 should be ok. If someone plays it at higher speed and still manage to play it smoothly... he should get some "general" extra points on technic. But... well.. maybe not necessary.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
160 bpm seems to be no big challenge.. :./
I seriously hope you are joking. I've just been through this tab today and I dont care what the rest of you guys do...I'm doing at around 160 bpm (and thats going to be challenge enough for me)
Posts: 15491
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
ORIGINAL: Doitsujin
Ok Arash I sign you up for judging!
By the way, as I practice the composition at the moment,..160bpm feels to slow for la ardila. Should we increase the speed a bit to the original speed? Lets say 170 and above how you like..?
160 bpm seems to be no big challenge.. :./ But if the majority prefer 160bpm, I accept.
Throw a look on the first post of this threat. Im updating the lists of the participants and judges when there are news.
I said that earlier....160 is too slow for me anyway, to project the right feeling....at least for this tune....as you said. Do we have to use a loop? cant we just use live palmas or foot tap? Or does that affect anonimity? how about two loops, one at 160 and the other at 170? Or no loop at all?
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Ricardo)
just make 160 the minimum and allow members to go as high as they like...provide a couple of oficcial different loops at different speeds ...i can help with that if you dont have it....
i got 161 i can also speed this up to about 165
and i have 172
they are all the same as eachother...none are fancyer, come from the same cd...just different speeds
that way people can go as high as they like with still a minimum requirement
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
how about two loops, one at 160 and the other at 170? Or no loop at all?
Thats a very good idea. We will use two loops in the end. One at 160bpm and one at 170bpm. Florian, could you upload them? We check them out and if they are good I´ll put them in the first thread.
Live palmas would be the best also for me. IMO loops are often in much better quality than the actual playing.. and a bit boring.
Ok,.. we have to decide rapidly and don't discuss it to the ground. I say, in order to stay anonymous, we only use the two loops which we have to upload in the first thread. Live palmas would be much better '( I would also prefer it) but not everybody has friends who can clap in compas... It wouldn't be fair IMO.
Last but not least: Welcome c for joining the challenge!
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Florian)
You can count me in as well. How well I can play it I don't know but I know the journey will be a rewarding and educational. Good luck to all that are in.
If someone can email me the tab I would greatly appreciate it.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
Doit, Even if it is "anonymised"....do you think you and Ricardo and Florian will be able to recognize your own playing?
What marks will you award yourselves?
Or will you just be "neutral" and "fair" and "without bias", like when we have our own "internal enquiries" held by the Government, the Police and others here in the UK?
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Ron.M)
i cant upload anything past 1.60 mbs here cause of my speed but i think i can email about 3 mbs files...so i will email em to you]
Or will you just be "neutral" and "fair" and "without bias", like when we have our own "internal enquiries" held by the Government, the Police and others here in the UK?
no no we must insure to remain fair ...its good for me..i save time..i allready know my competition's score from me and my own
serious dont make me judge...i will give you all the worst scores to help myself...i am not even really joking about that
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
Doit, Even if it is "anonymised"....do you think you and Ricardo and Florian will be able to recognize your own playing?
What marks will you award yourselves?
Or will you just be "neutral" and "fair" and "without bias", like when we have our own "internal enquiries" held by the Government, the Police and others here in the UK?
We thought about the judging problem. Ailsa will get all mp3 with names. She will write a list and replace the names of the mp3s with serial-numbers. Than the judges will get the mp3s from her (together win an excell matrix for the points! (The matrix was a joke.. but I love stats and the judging should not be anonymous.
Well.. so we cant judge if we participate. Ron, please do us a biiig favor and be a judge! Please I´m on my knees in front of you!
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
Well.. so we cant judge if we participate. Ron, please do us a biiig favor and be a judge! Please I´m on my knees in front of you!
Sure, Doit, Thanks. I'll try to be fair. But I thought I better be honest and admit I'm open to bribes.
Another way of doing it AND to keep all your valuable assessment skills as judges is for Ailsa to award a standard 5,5,5 for each judge/competitor and to disallow any judge's votes for themselves.
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
We thought about the judging problem. Ailsa will get all mp3 with names. She will write a list and replace the names of the mp3s with serial-numbers
We ?...what are you ?...taking credit for my ideas now ? ...i am only joking ... but serious you nothing without me ..a monkey could do your job...Seriously
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RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
We ...what are you ?...taking credit for my ideas now ? ...i am only joking...but serious you nothing without me
(EDIT: I see us as a team. I mean everybody who writes something here to improve the challenge and everybody who is helping. So,,. its not important whos ideas were used anywhere. Its a joint venture of the forumpeople.)
eeeh.. so many mails the last 2 days... I´m confused who wrote what.. Yes Florian is giving me continously much very good ideas. Im really thankful for that. Ailsa wrote me a PM with the idea with the numbers. The whole challenge idea and to do the judging anonymously came from Florian. I only try to do waht they are telling me..
Thank you Ron for judging. Would you take the telephonenumer and picture from the hot lady who I wrote about as bribe? lol ... The one who made me practicing like hell?
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to Doitsujin)
eeeh.. so many mails the last 2 days... I´m confused who wrote what.
hmm ..i dont know..maybe you read it in another challenge thread and thought it was yours ..i once composed a catchy rumba and then after i realised it was Rio Ancho.
i am only having fun with you man please dont take me seriously .i dont care about that kind of stuff......but it was my idea
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
hmm ..i dont know..maybe you read it in another challenge thread and thought it was yours ..i once composed a catchy rumba and then after i realised it was Rio Ancho.
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Challenge, Advanced Thread (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
I just want to mention one point and make one suggestion about the quality of the Audio to all participants in advance and maybe Doisujin should mention it also in the first post.
TRY to record your Audio with the best possible equipment you get.
If you only have a 10 Dollar PC Mic, then try to borrow a good Mic from a Friend or something to record your final Audio.
Because the quality of the Audio unconsciously and unintentionally MIGHT affect the judging (even if some Judges do their best to imagine how good a bad recording would sound with a good recording equipment and Vice Versa).
I am not sure if all Judges will be able to distinguish these things and not be overly influenced by the quality of the Audio.
Some members mentioned in the past that the quality is not important, which is not true imo if you are really honest.
Of course, regarding compas for example it would not make a difference but in some other aspects like the sound you get out of your guitar or Rasgueso etc., it MIGHT influence your judging unwantedly.
Another possibility would be that EVERYONE records with a cheap PC Mic or the Camera Mic!
It is up to Doitsujin to decide if this is important or not of course. But think about it sincerely!