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Joined: Jan. 10 2006

how to sell guitars 

I have been asked to speak at different guitar-related events over the past 15 years or so about subjects like building, restoration, Torres copies, Santos Hernández, the Granada school and ethics as they relate to guitar-makers. One of the subjects that I always thought would be interesting for aspiring makers is marketing (as it applies to our craft). I may yet do a talk or an article on that but in the meantime I would like to revive the subject of the locked thread to see what the rest of you have to say. Hey Simon, could you bring the appropriate posts over from the locked thread?

Obviously marketing for us can be as simple as where you look for players to give you feedback or taking the hit and selling to shops to get more exposure. Craftspeople very often find it difficult to do the hard sell over the internet so we need to find more subtle ways to get our instruments out there. I think this subject is also useful so that the beginner realises just how hard it is to get good enough AND then to get enough people to see that. I remember one particular beginner who had made a few guitars and was completely convinced that they were perfect but couldn't understand why the good players he knew applauded his instruments, praised the authenticity, marvelled over his workmanship but did not want to buy the guitar. Hahahahaha


John Ray
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 17 2021 5:50:29
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
Joined: Apr. 15 2008

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar


I remember one particular beginner who had made a few guitars and was completely convinced that they were perfect but couldn't understand why the good players he knew applauded his instruments, praised the authenticity, marvelled over his workmanship but did not want to buy the guitar. Hahahahaha

John, most players are tuned to the idea of getting a flamenco guitar at a greatly reduced rate from a new name builder. This makes sense because new names don't usually hold their value until the market establishes a set price.

Of course there are many other reasons why new guitars don't sell.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 17 2021 15:36:25
ernandez R

Posts: 758
Joined: Mar. 25 2019
From: Alaska USA

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

I wrote the following for the previous blocked thread but had decided not to post it cause..?

Well... I started thinking about selling my guitars about the time I started cutting up woods for #3-5 before I had finished #2. I'm 13 in now and hopeful my next will be an instrument I can offer for sale here on the foro or Delcamp or where ever. I'm realist enough to know I might not make one good enough... I have three hanging in a new gallery of local crafts and I've had a few players really excited about my guitars but not enough to pay the $3k US I'm asking.

Had my first real Flamenco player play them yesterday. Don't laugh but a teenager, 15 at most, but he was a serious player, knew his guitars, new about the action etc, more funny cause I never heard him play only a chance encounter when he was walking by and was asking his parents if he could go to the shop and play them some more. I'm like, hay, I built those guitars! We talked at length, the whole family was musical, we discussed the technical and philosophical aspects of playing flamenco. He has a real instructor only I never asked who or where they lived. They are coming back through next week for a visit to my shop. To be honest I'll give him one of my guitars knowing he can't afford my asking price; but ask yourself what is value, what is price, how much would you pay to gift a young person a tool that may well become key or doorway toward something greater then the sum of wood and glue, dust chips and toil?

It's getting tight up here trying to keep our lodging and restaurant afloat. I pulled into the shop a set of aircraft floats to make some real money, couple thousands rivets to drill then redrive. I'm good at it, I enjoy it, but the end product doesn't sing the way our woods do... Buddy of mine said to me once, about a less then suitable lady I was rolling with: any port in a storm.

$100 an hour to repair aircraft floats vs. $10 an hour to build guitars... Not sure if one should laugh or cry...



I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy,
doesn't have to be fast,
should have some meat on the bones,
can be raw or well done,
as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 17 2021 15:56:50

Posts: 9392
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar


This should save Simon the time. It's the conversation pasted back here from the prinatable version-

Guest -> Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 13:29:20)

Hello boyos,

This is an easier question to answer for classical guitars in Wales, but I'm curious from the flamenco luthiers perspective, how do you start out selling your instruments as new luthiers?
I'd imagine this process is easier in Spain where the flamenco scene is largest, but also I'd imagine it's quite different than the rest of the world i.e being able to approach players and just show your instruments relatively easily.

Would love your guy's experience as always

Hwyl fawr butties

Escribano -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 13:37:21)

Anders Elliason (for a many years in Spain), as an example, built a following through forums such as this and I made a documentary about him, which didn't hurt at all.

Stephen Hill is based in Spain but was active in the Lewes luthier scene before that and he now runs successful building courses in La Herradura. He also makes classical guitars.

Being in Spain adds credibility and you can find a player to show off your guitars more easily.

Can't speak for others but being active on forums, YouTube and social media is an important way to get your name out there.

Also, being very good at it, approachable, great with customers, reasonable pricing and consistent helps a lot

Guest -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 18:12:12)

Thanks for the reply butty!

I don't know that I will ever make a true flamenco (still undecided) but am fascinated with the instrument and would love an opportunity to learn more first hand about them.
One of the last things you mentioned was price and this is again something I don't quite get with flamenco guitars, I've seen online luthier made Brazilian rosewood negras for €1500 and can't quite understand it. Made in Spain not china and all solid wood. Plus a few extra bells and whistles that set it apart. I'm a new luthier so I charge £1500 regardless of the type of guitar or timbers involved. I'm lucky that I can afford to do this as most people wouldn't be able to live with that little money at the pace I build (family commitments really restrict my output).
So how much do new flamenco luthiers actually charge and how quickly are they working to build their reputation?
Diolch butty

Escribano -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 18:35:16)

You are going to have to be very good, with years of experience and satisfied customers to command 2500-3000 Euros. One every 4-6 weeks. I can make that in a week in software.

Guest -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 19:06:25)

I get what your saying truly.
But it's not about the money for me. I am 31 now and worked a well paid job I HATED until I was 30. I was lucky that by then I had paid off my house cars etc with a nice pension pot and investments to boot. I am now able to care for my son full time (which is my only goal in life) while keeping a few hours a day while he is in school to dream and build guitars. I don't know how much success I will or won't have. I know what I build sounds good but wether that's enough who can say. I hope for the best. Who knows maybe one day you yourself hold one of my guitars and say it's good? Or not?
I know I can accumulate even more money by going and doing another job I hate but honestly, seeing men where I worked die before they saw a penny of their pension with hundreds of thousands of pounds in the bank really put me off. Who wants to be the richest man in the graveyard?
I hope you enjoy your work as I now do mine, and if not suggest that maybe it's not too late for a change?
Hwyl fawr butty

RobF -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 21:08:39)

It may be helpful to seek out some of the guitar makers in the South of England and Wales (and further afield, if practical), introduce yourself and see if they are amenable to having you over for a visit.

That is likely the best next step for you, as the makers in your area will be able to outline the demographics that you’ll be dealing with when starting out, as well as possibly give hints on how they developed their careers in your part of the world. They may even be willing to provide you with some contacts.

Be prepared to sing for your supper, or at least pay for supper for them and their families. Pay attention to the layout of their shops and any advice they are willing to give, keep an open mind, and be respectful. If you have an example or two of your work to bring, then by all means do so, and if they are so kind as to critique it, be gracious enough to take the criticism on the chin and bear it.

Personally, I’m short on philosophy, I seem to be most comfortable with trying to provide practical problem solving advice to new makers, with the hopes of helping them develop a luthier’s mindset, rather than to provide cookie cutter types of solutions. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I should keep my involvement on the Foro to that narrow path, so that’s about all I can or will offer for now.

johnguitar -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 13 2021 21:44:50)

As in anything these days, if you want to sell something you need to get on people's radar. You can interpret that as "being aggressive" with your sales techniques, flooding the internet with photos and videos or convincing a well-known player to be seen with your guitar. It is very easy to make a beautiful webpage and call yourself a "master luthier" but that is why so many people do it and therefore it gets them nowhere. My experience working in Spain is that unless you are a player and take the guitar to the peña and allow it to be passed around it is not easy to get exposure. You have to be pushy but there always seem to be two or three hobby makers for every one player and the hobby makers have no qualms about insisting that the players try their guitars. I always feel like players get way too many people wanting to show them guitars one on one. This is not to mention that there are obviously great makers here and competition is stiff, so no, not easy.

If you are like most of us who work with our hands you will have trouble selling yourself (this is what selling a guitar comes down to) so your best bet is to find someone to do it for you. A player who loves what you are doing or a shop which will buy your guitars have been by far the most important factors for me. Interest in my flamencos went through the roof after I started selling them at the place in Santa Monica and the german flamenco shop. I had a player too that helped me sell quite a few flamencos to the people around him. I don't think he is that great a player but he was influential. And right now the guy with the shop in Madrid is loving my flamencos; see the video in this thread. This shows you that they will do a fantastic job of promoting you if they like your work.

estebanana -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 14 2021 1:42:50)

Since you ask.
Build a few first. Make them reductive, simple binding and make a rosette by studying 1920-1950’s Santos- Esteso- Barbero rosettes

Do Not Make a negra- use cypress. Make the heel sexy, study Arcangel.

Don’t show your stuff to a dealer before you figure it out, nor should you let dealers see guitars you make quickly for your buddies. ( that’s a past mistake of mine)
Only show them your most formal work, otherwise they will form an unfavorable opinion about you. The incidental nuance and evidence of a guitar being made that we find so charming in antique guitars is of zero interest to modern dealers evaluating contemporary guitars. Everything had to be slick. Flamenco guitars are in some ways harder to make than ‘classical’ guitars because anything can pass as a classical to the right players. Flamenco guitars have a narrower envelope.

The curiosity of making a flamenco guitar should be the motivation, not the sales aspect. Think about how this project could inform your ‘classical’ building rather than whether you can sell them. As least for the first one. If curiosity isn’t the motivation the guitar will have no mojo.

Ricardo -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 14 2021 15:56:33)

1. Work with good players and let the players try out new versions of your build and as the work improves, so grows your reputation prices go up and after several guitars you start to get a wait list going.

2. Sell one to a rich lawyer/doctor for inflated price and watch as his enthusiastic rich buddies line up to get one for their closet. Put a gold star inlay in the headstock and call it “elite model”.

Either path works.

Tom Blackshear -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 14 2021 19:42:33)


What do you do when a guitar maker rings your door bell?

Pay him for the pizza.

It's always best for most builders to keep their day job and enjoy building guitars as a hobby.

I did and enjoyed a long association with it without starving; owned a carpet cleaning company, sometimes earning $3,000 a day doing flood work.

Stephen Eden -> RE: Actually selling guitars? (Jun. 15 2021 8:52:34)

First thing when selling guitars in the UK is to forget about flamenco guitars. We are far to close to Spain. If flamenco is your thing then build one, learn from it then build a better one. You'd be able to sell them fairly easily for under 1k on ebay. At the moment I'd say my flamenco guitar to classical guitar ratio is 1 in 10 to 1 in 12.

Best bet starting out is classical. In the UK you will need to focus on shops really. That's where you will get most of your exposure. So London guitar studio is now the main shop in England. DK guitars in Glasgow is starting to look pretty good and a fairly new one is classical guitar Academy. The most well known one Kent guitar classics is closed now as he retired.

Other than that get in to guitar expo's where you can show your work along side other builders and more people will be willing to at least have a look. Most of them have a makers show case now where a pro will play your guitar in front of an audience for a piece or two. Don't go in expecting to sell anything unless your work is exceptional at an exceptionally low price. After a few years of doing it you will start to get noticed!

Hope that helps

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 17 2021 22:39:14

Posts: 9392
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

It's funny that guy didn't last long for all the good feedback he got.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 17 2021 22:41:26

Posts: 632
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RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar


It's funny that guy didn't last long for all the good feedback he got.

I thought the same when I first read that thread. There was much valuable information there. It got me thinking about Kevin Richards, a UK based luthier who was active here but sadly died over a year ago.

He made great flamenco guitars and sold quite a few to players in the North West of England. They were a bit cheaper than a up and coming spanish luthiers maybe £1500 - £2500 and fantastic sounding instruments so it made financial sense to a lot of people. Maybe more importantly he was really passionate about flamenco, played well, accompanied dance classes and was even singing. He loved building guitars and was searching for the sound and that was important. "The curiosity of making a flamenco guitar was definetly the motivation for him". He was a retired teacher so wasn't trying make a living from it.

I wish I owned one now. I often felt guilty that I bought a Jesus de Jimenez guitar instead of one of his. It was just a bit more than Kevins at the time, the Euro was good for us here then. There was definetly some romance for me getting a guitar from Spain, having to write and speak to him in Spanish etc. Jesus turned out to be a top guy and also plays well.

Anyway, I love reading the luthier section and was really impressed by the generosity of advice given.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 17 2021 23:17:51

Posts: 14935
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From: Washington DC

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to estebanana


ORIGINAL: estebanana

It's funny that guy didn't last long for all the good feedback he got.

I am assuming, after all the joy of finding a “friendly” group like us, his “best flamenco player” topic came with Morante’s harsh “if you cant tell a cante accompanist from a show off solo guitarist, then you are no friend of mine”, or something along those line, was probably a shock to the system. Either that or my joke about the gold star elite model (I stole that from Anders or Estebanana, sorry can’t remember) sold to rich lawyers might have hit too close to the mark? Either ways, wooops, sorry sir. He was a nice guy with interesting observations.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 17:06:08

Posts: 6422
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to Ricardo

They come with their own presumptions, with little respect and then leave again.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 18:33:37


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Joined: Nov. 21 2010

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to Ricardo


if you cant tell a cante accompanist from a show off solo guitarist, then you are no friend of mine

Please don't change my words. I merely asked if he was aware of the difference between a guitarista and a tocaor. I did not take it kindly when he addressed me as friend, which seemed condescending, since we did not know each other.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 18:46:10

Posts: 6422
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to Morante

I am with Morante on this one. It maybe because I advised him that there is a lot more to flamenco than the guitar and, though he might mention his wealth from a hated job at 31, we are all in a secret club of the really, stinking rich.

Sorry about that.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 21:01:13

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RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

I missed all this for I am but a guitar making horse with blinders and face in the feed troughs.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 22:00:46

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RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

He was on the Delcamp forum too and left. He was weird, and mentioned something about the English oppressing his people. Have you been oppressing the Welch again? Do I need to file a report with Amnesty International?

I reckon he skulked back to Aberystwyth and cursed us all~ “She all show you” he says like Sean Connery “ All make a flamenco cwrth and cwrth croth ya withe me falsetasth.”

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 22:06:38

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RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

maybe the guy has some thin skin, but for sure there are some flamenco snobs on here too, cant hate either way...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 18 2021 23:49:44
ernandez R

Posts: 758
Joined: Mar. 25 2019
From: Alaska USA

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

You know, for every comment I send I usually write two or three, most of the time I find my two cents hardly worth one so I keep it to myself. I started by writing emails the same way, I would write them but if in any way contentious wait until the next day to send.

Of course if one gets his tighty whities twisted up by some unknown stranger on a foro he has know for all of three days...

I read the foro and the delcamp back years before making my first comment. On the delcamp when I first started posting Capt. Faulk made some comment about my plantilla looking like a paper toilet seat liner. If I Hadn't done my home work and spent some quality time reading through the old posts and just reading the current ones before thinking I had somthing worthy to add, well I might of told him to get jiggy with the handle of his favorite chisel. As it was I just laughed told myslef, F... younknowmhe is kinda right. Of course he went on to share some drawings with proportionS and golden ratio stuff. I'm good, I'm ****ing good at many things and almost always crush lesser men with my drive and tanaicty. But. I don't know everything, dog if I did I would just disappear into my navel...

Busy twelve hour day, foot soaking in bucket of ice water, E Torrini playing in my pocket, keeping time with the rain drops and Robbins, woodpeckers and squerals, arctic turns and mew gulls squawking over the river... Swatting the occasional mosquito, thumb typing in this antique iDevice. I don't even know why I logged in to share somthing. Guess it's called a comunity, we can join in and share what we have, I know phuc all about flamenco and just a smidgen more about building one, but I'm listening and learning.

Selling guitars? If I find the secret you'll be the first to know.



I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy,
doesn't have to be fast,
should have some meat on the bones,
can be raw or well done,
as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 19 2021 5:03:06

Posts: 9392
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RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to ernandez R


On the delcamp when I first started posting Capt. Faulk made some comment about my plantilla looking like a paper toilet seat liner. If I H

Don’t think I actually said that, but if I did I’m more brilliant than I give myself credit for. 😂

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 19 2021 7:18:14

Posts: 14935
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to Morante


Please don't change my words. I merely asked if he was aware of the difference between a guitarista and a tocaor.

Yes yes, sorry about that. But no sooner did you hit him with that than I thought “this poor fellow, coming from classical guitar world, admitting he recently got turned on to flamenco guitar building interest upon realization what was involved in playing mechanics and the years of misconceptions the classical guitar pedagogy perpetuates to the present belittling the flamenco art form, is not gonna have a CLUE what Morante is saying and only gonna get offended by it”. Since we all had to go through the leaning process I figured if this guy was serious he would have to figure that out too. Oh well.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 19 2021 17:29:41


Posts: 60
Joined: Mar. 9 2021

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to Ricardo



Yes yes, sorry about that. But no sooner did you hit him with that than I thought “this poor fellow, coming from classical guitar world, admitting he recently got turned on to flamenco guitar building interest upon realization what was involved in playing mechanics and the years of misconceptions the classical guitar pedagogy perpetuates to the present belittling the flamenco art form, is not gonna have a CLUE what Morante is saying and only gonna get offended by it”. Since we all had to go through the leaning process I figured if this guy was serious he would have to figure that out too. Oh well.

Well Segovia was probably responsible for that snobbery about flamenco and, given his influence in the classical guitar world, it persisted for a long time. I don’t think that’s the case any more. The newer generation of classical players no longer revere Segovia and classical guitar pedagogy has moved on a lot. I think many of the newer players hold flamenco guitar in very high esteem.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 19 2021 19:51:57
Richard Jernigan

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From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to agujetas


ORIGINAL: agujetas
Well Segovia was probably responsible for that snobbery about flamenco and, given his influence in the classical guitar world, it persisted for a long time. I don’t think that’s the case any more. The newer generation of classical players no longer revere Segovia and classical guitar pedagogy has moved on a lot. I think many of the newer players hold flamenco guitar in very high esteem.

Yes. Adam del Monte and Mak Grgic played a concert here, both classical and flamenco. Del Monte played a very "modern" original soleá, which he dedicaed to "my teacher, Pepe Habichuela." Grgic joined in on both classical and flamenco pieces, giving del Monte credit for arranging the flamenco duets.

Xuefei Yang, the virtuosic Chinese player, also played a flamenco piece in her last concert here.

And of course, Grisha plays both classical and flamenco. Last time he was here he gave a master class to Adam Holzman's classical guitar studio at the local University, teaching classical pieces to classical students.

As far as classical guitar pedagogy, in the master class videos Segovia totally ignores the most painfully obvious technical errors, some seeming inevitably destined to result in serious injury.

I assume the successful Segovia disciples either figured out technique on their own, or learned it from someone else as John Williams did.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 19 2021 20:18:56

Posts: 14935
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From: Washington DC

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to agujetas


The newer generation of classical players no longer revere Segovia and classical guitar pedagogy has moved on a lot. I think many of the newer players hold flamenco guitar in very high esteem.

Paco de lucia, accused by even Segovia of just running fast scales but plenty others thanks to the Guitar Trio success, proved a big point with the Aranjuez recording of 1991. I personally find that to be his worst recording Only because I am not impressed by the concierto nor the Albeniz compositions. The Falla album I find more interesting. But I am proud he did it to show that flamenco technique has a musical purpose beyond flash speed and noise. Of course the old timers probably could not stand the naily tone and buzzing notes, but it was still the better sounding version compas wise. To be frank, I would have much better appreciated Paco interpreting the Bach Lute Suites.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 20 2021 17:23:31


Posts: 1133
Joined: Jan. 11 2013

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

Segovia did an excellent work in order to raise the role of the classical guitar to the contemporary classical music genre and panorama: nowadays we have a lot of classical pieces composed purposely for classical guitars. If there wasn't Segovia ....
Having said that, I'm quite happy Paco brought the flamenco guitar to her proper level and with a clear identity and technique.
At the end of the day, both the parts reached their goals.

Difficult to sell premium flamenco guitars outside of Spain as the market is a niche for aficionados. In Spain you have much more players of the genre and therefore potential customers...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 20 2021 19:50:36

Posts: 1749
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

The most common mistake that builders make in my oppinion is to give me a guitar with a too high bone and tell me: “you can lower the bone if you want”.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 20 2021 20:43:35


Posts: 60
Joined: Mar. 9 2021

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to gerundino63


ORIGINAL: gerundino63

The most common mistake that builders make in my oppinion is to give me a guitar with a too high bone and tell me: “you can lower the bone if you want”.

That’s my experience as well. I think they must be scared that a potential buyer could be put off if the guitar buzzes so they err on the side of caution and set it high. I’ve had to get the action lowered on virtually every guitar I’ve owned, new or used, and I don’t even like a particularly low action.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 20 2021 20:59:13


Posts: 1133
Joined: Jan. 11 2013

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar

Well it depends from the actual action the guitar is set. If they give you the guitar at 3 mm action with margins to lower the bone further down it’s perfectly fine.
If instead the action is too high it’s a different matter;
Anyway a guitar set at 2.5 mm action means you must buy a new bone if you want to raise the action up.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 20 2021 23:09:09

Posts: 1749
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From: The Netherlands

RE: how to sell guitars (in reply to johnguitar


Well it depends from the actual action the guitar is set. If they give you the guitar at 3 mm action with margins to lower the bone further down it’s perfectly fine.
If instead the action is too high it’s a different matter;
Anyway a guitar set at 2.5 mm action means you must buy a new bone if you want to raise the action up.

Well, 3mm is fine. I meant more.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2021 0:03:36
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