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RE: Nino Josele THE DOLPHIN (in reply to Jan Willem)
Nope mate. Sorry... If you ever do come across it somewhere, please let me know.
Who knows? Maybe one of those days I'll actually go through the audio of the piece, and through the video of Josele performing it on YouTube and transcribe a nifty GP5 file of it.
But for now: highly unlikely. I have an exam on Oct. 9. Perhaps when I'm done with that, I'll give it a go and let you know if things turn up.
been working on this for a while a bit here and there started a guitar pro file but finding it difficult at present to complete...time keeps getting away from me but here is the lead sheet from 'The Brazilian Real Book'...
if you have'nt found the tab let me know i can send what i've transcribed so far...about one and a half minutes into it....would like a push to finish it...really love this performance...and the album... at gigs i knd of improvise the rest based on the lead sheet and a prior arrangement i did when at college...
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Posts: 1943
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton
RE: Nino Josele THE DOLPHIN (in reply to machopicasso)
i haven't tabbed anything in a while (and haven't even touched the guitar much), but i'm willing to give this a try, in fact we were talking about this with Ramzi yesterday...
RE: Nino Josele THE DOLPHIN (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ)
Alright - so the first thing is that the album version has the guitar tuned one half-step down across all strings. I thought the live version was quite different from the album one, but I think after taking this into consideration (going to digitally up the album version one half-step), the video might have Josele close to playing what was actually being done on the album.
if you have'nt found the tab let me know i can send what i've transcribed so far...about one and a half minutes into it
Hey Al,
Thanks a ton, mate. I started working on it on my own simply as an exercise. I finished 25% so far. I am going to send you the tab once I complete it so you can have a look. Some bits of it feel awkward to me regarding the left hand fingerings, but the actual pitches / notes are correct. I'd like to have other people's opinions to make sure...