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Rodgers Tuners and other shite   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 1740
Joined: Aug. 24 2017

Rodgers Tuners and other shite 

*Removed as I want to figure out what I have and what of it I want to keep before putting it out to the world as being available*
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2023 16:58:02


Posts: 2299
Joined: Nov. 21 2010

RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF


The past couple of years have been truly terrible for me

Sorry to hear that: you know you are always welcome in Cádiz.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2023 18:09:40
ernandez R

Posts: 820
Joined: Mar. 25 2019
From: Alaska USA

RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

I’m on board for some wood, I’ll pm my cell.

I’m coming to terms with never flying again and it was that thing that made the rough things life tossed my way through the years tolerable. Was figuring how much I could spend on wood and wether to fly out to you or even drive etc and a buddy sends Craig’s list airplane add link to me, a cheap beater Cessna 150, and I’m like ¡****! It’s still more then I can afford…

Got coved bad early this summer and I’m still having residual issues. Ya, it’s been a rough few years.

Still, a whole lot of good out there for the taking, I’ll contribute to your next Spain adventure best I can ;) and my offer of coming out to Alaska for a few days or a few weeks still stand.


pm sent


I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy,
doesn't have to be fast,
should have some meat on the bones,
can be raw or well done,
as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2023 20:35:55

Posts: 2805
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From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

Sorry to hear you've had a rough few years Rob. I'm not sure if you mean luthiery/financial wise? I'm thinking maybe you mean personal wise.

Hopefully things start to look up man.

I'd love to buy some wood but my industry (film and tv) has shut down again. Strikes. So I may have time to build soon...but no money to buy wood! 😄

Plus if I bought your wood, you'd have to settle for a visit to grey cold London. 😂

Hopefully you can shift some to some nice makers in here, preferably someone in Spain!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2023 20:48:22

Posts: 1740
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RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

Thanks for the replies, guys. Yeah, I got hit a couple of years ago on all sides and it left me reeling, but things are looking up.

The wood is bulky so I wouldn’t try to export it (although if I did a major road trip to Alaska I could just load some in the car).

The other stuff has been on my mind for a while, circumstance has it that I haven’t even been building anything recently, mainly more just doing repair and restoration bread and butter type of work, which isn’t really my bent. I think I need to take the bull by the horns, downsize, relocate, and start over on a small scale. I don’t need all the stuff I have, it’s almost stifling me.

At any rate, I’m going to spend some time taking inventory and try to place a value on what I can let go. Also decide what I should keep. I only need to keep enough wood for about 20 guitars, even less actually, although for wood like tops it’s nice to have a lot more than needed as it’s good to be able to paw through the pile and select the best piece to match the other woods, and stuff like that. It’s really hard to let wood go. Wood kind of has the same effect on me as the ring does on gollum, or gold on everybody else, it seems. I’m kind of addicted to it.

The shop machinery is more a convenience and an efficiency. There’s not a lot I can’t do with hand tools if time and scale aren’t factors. So I can let a lot of that go if it gets in the way of downsizing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2023 21:34:55

Posts: 1740
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RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

I probably should just mill the mahogany and Spanish cedar into neck blanks and sell them piecemeal. I would get substantially more $$$ for the wood that way. But a lot more overhead too. So, who knows? I guess I have to think about all this a bit more before just tossing it out there, lol.

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as ripping a neck blank off a larger board and seeing the fresh cut wood. Even better with the Spanish Cedar because it smells so good. But when you rip down a board and see the wood for the first time, if it’s nice wood, man, it’s hard to beat that feeling.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2023 22:15:48

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RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF


The tuners are no longer available.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 9 2023 1:50:03

Posts: 1740
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RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

And…our man Ernie has dibs on some of the wood and I’ll be putting a package together for him.

I think I’ll shut down moving the rest of the neck wood until I have the chance to take stock of my inventory and evaluate it. The Rosewood is still open to discussion, but really should be for Canadian buyers only as it’s a difficult wood to export. For instance, I don’t think it could go to the EU, even with CITES certification it could be difficult and probably not worth the cost or effort.

Thanks guys!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 9 2023 14:45:13

Posts: 879
Joined: May 8 2012
From: London

RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

I'm sorry you're in a bad patch, Rob. Here's to bouncing back.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2023 18:10:09

Posts: 1740
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RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to silddx

Thanks, but I shouldn’t be on here complaining, so many others put up with much worse. Bit of a run of the wrong kind of luck, that’s all, but luck changes, and it will. Also, sometimes when you step in sh*t, it’s because you weren’t watching where you were going, lol, so it’s hard to bitch about that, lol.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2023 18:39:34

Posts: 2805
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF


sometimes when you step in sh*t, it’s because you weren’t watching where you were going

I like this phrase.

Hope your luck takes an upward turn man. 👆
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2023 1:11:32

Posts: 9705
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to RobF

Do you know Doug Ingram in Manitoba? He’s a canoe maker, but he also builds guitars. I think this is his last season making canoes, says he’s going to build guitars more. I’ll mention the wood to him.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2023 2:00:02

Posts: 1740
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RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (in reply to estebanana

I don’t know Doug but it’s always nice to acquaint with a fellow Canadian maker.. A PM of his contact info would do or you could give him mine, either is fine. Thanks :)

I’m kind of regretting speaking so quickly about the neck wood. I really should have pulled the boards out and evaluated them all before spouting off on the internet about it. I don’t even know what the going rate for SA Honduran Mahogany is these days, so I have some research to do, lol.

I’ve also come to realize I have a bloody difficult time letting wood go It’s really not easy, lol. I’m going to make a package of woods up for HR and then I believe I’ll put the rest on hold until I can get a better grip on what I’m doing (or intend to do).
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2023 2:14:57
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