RobF -> RE: Rodgers Tuners and other shite (Sep. 8 2023 21:34:55)
Thanks for the replies, guys. Yeah, I got hit a couple of years ago on all sides and it left me reeling, but things are looking up. The wood is bulky so I wouldn’t try to export it (although if I did a major road trip to Alaska I could just load some in the car). The other stuff has been on my mind for a while, circumstance has it that I haven’t even been building anything recently, mainly more just doing repair and restoration bread and butter type of work, which isn’t really my bent. I think I need to take the bull by the horns, downsize, relocate, and start over on a small scale. I don’t need all the stuff I have, it’s almost stifling me. At any rate, I’m going to spend some time taking inventory and try to place a value on what I can let go. Also decide what I should keep. I only need to keep enough wood for about 20 guitars, even less actually, although for wood like tops it’s nice to have a lot more than needed as it’s good to be able to paw through the pile and select the best piece to match the other woods, and stuff like that. It’s really hard to let wood go. Wood kind of has the same effect on me as the ring does on gollum, or gold on everybody else, it seems. I’m kind of addicted to it. The shop machinery is more a convenience and an efficiency. There’s not a lot I can’t do with hand tools if time and scale aren’t factors. So I can let a lot of that go if it gets in the way of downsizing.