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So this is odd (pulsación at the Ramirez shop)   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 117
Joined: Feb. 11 2015

So this is odd (pulsación at the Ra... 

Orientation for anyone not familiar with the use of the term around this forum:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 21 2022 6:53:38

Posts: 15420
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Fawkes

It doesn’t really describe anything…it is purely subjective the way she puts it. However, Anders and others around here swear it is an objective “thing” they build into the top. I honestly never understood it myself as different than “action”, (as translated and as she measures it) as in over the fingerboard, or the height of the strings down at the bridge.

I got to try new style Ramirez flamencos at NAMM 2018. They made a beautiful catalogue book that I still have, and it is cool to see the old Jose I “tablao” guitar reissued, after having read about it as the old “standard” flamenco guitar before Manuel Ramirez took over the market. The guitars I played were not great. In fact, I have not met anybody that uses Ramirez flamenco guitars post Ramirez III (before early 1990’s). There was a young lady in college that had a Ramirez B model but it was likely also from Ramirez III or early IV. Anybody know any users of the new models???

I eventually changed my opinion in the linked thread above…feeling that it was Ander’s opinion and others gravitated toward it.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 21 2022 15:44:31


Posts: 117
Joined: Feb. 11 2015

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Ricardo

Thanks Ricardo. I should have dug around for more recent discussion about it, especially since I've been gone for ages.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 21 2022 18:04:56

Posts: 9630
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Fawkes

If you’re shopping for a guitar and the term pulsacion comes up, you’re in the wrong kind of store.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 21 2022 23:19:22


Posts: 1754
Joined: Oct. 15 2019

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Fawkes

In this video she has to choose between 2 pianos for her concert. At 5:20 the guy tells her she can choose the piano for her concert if the action is good for her.
If you follow the video carefully at 5:40-6:15 she ends up choosing that piano because it has warmer sound with lots of tone colors etc. So a clear anology with the sound of classical guitar.
She didn't choose the other piano because of its edgy and bright sound with a fast attack. In other words it sounded flamenco to her. LoL

Does anyone have idea what is the action on piano? How can we measure it? I believe it has again to do with pulsation. Recall the distinction between soft and hard pulsation.


Say No to Fuera de Compás!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 3 2023 10:46:41


Posts: 117
Joined: Feb. 11 2015

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Fawkes

Perceived action on a piano has to do with weight of touch (what it takes to depress a key), depth of touch (how far the key is pressed when different things happen like the release of the hammer and end of travel), and subtleties to do with the timing and speed of recovery of the mechanism which is noticed in things like trills and fast repeated notes. I do not recall whether that 'recovery' issue necessarily ties in with weight or depth of touch.

What professional players focus on for a given instrument tends to be a bit rarified compared to the awareness of the hoi polloi, but more to the point it also varies. Great technicians will give up a little ease for the sake of tone color. This is especially noticeable in the violin world, and, if I remember correctly, was part of the equation that led great pianists to have favorite Steinways when the locale of a concert allowed them to have their pick.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 3 2023 17:56:44

Posts: 1705
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Fawkes

I want to point out the draw knives hanging on the wall behind her. I use one for roughing out the shape of the neck and it would appear that I am not the only one.


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 3 2023 22:47:49

Posts: 9630
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: So this is odd (pulsación at th... (in reply to Fawkes

Please stop with stupid thread

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 3 2023 22:58:40
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