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Posts: 4
Joined: Sep. 11 2019

What guitar to buy 

Hi all!

I've been playing flamenco guitar for about 4 years now. Currently I have a yamaha cg182sf. Nothing wrong with it but I feel it would be fun to upgrade a little bit and I got about a 1000 euros to spend.

I've been searching alot online but I can't seem to really get ahold of what to buy. Unfortunately I live in a country where trying is not a option. Me going to a guitarshop wouldn't help since the shops here doesn't have flamenco guitars, a cheap alhambra at most.

So far I narrowed it down to 3 different models that I'm interested in

Prudencio saez 22
Raimundo 145
Amalio Burguet 2F

Regarding the raimundo and the saez I read alot of people saying the quality differs alot from guitar to guitar, the finish sometimes isn't perfect etc. The Burguet I have not seen any bad reviews about.

Since I can't touch and play I can't hear irl and relys on what audio samples is online. I actually like the sound of the saez the most.

The way it looks now I'm more into buying the Burguet 2f.

But I would need help deciding what to buy and why? Anyone with experience of those guitars? Maybe recommend some other guitar in this pricerange beeing a better alternative?

Best regards
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 11 2019 17:10:26


Posts: 58
Joined: Mar. 11 2019

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

Hi Degorian,

since the goal is to fit the player and its instrument, every other way to choose than to play it, feel and hear it yourself is kinda gambling. Maybe the instrument you hear on youtube fits you, and maybe it sounds like you heard in your hand too.

Maybe not.

My best advice to you, is not to buy by a sound sample on internet (same to buy shoes by a fashion ad:)). Buy a used one instead, played by a reliable player, who can tell you what to expect. And a used one, for 1K euros you can buy double the value...

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 7:25:34


Posts: 4
Joined: Sep. 11 2019

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

Thanks for the response!

And yes I can't nothing else then agree. Unfortunatly we don't have alot of flamenco players and flamenco guitars either new or used in my country so even the used one I would have to buy online..

Buying a flyticket to Spain, hotels etc would be a 1000 euros more.

Any tips of what to look for used at this price range?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 8:21:16
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3437
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

Many, if not most online dealers will send you a guitar to try for a couple of days, or even a week. In effect, you buy the guitar “on approvel.” You send the dealer the price of the guitar plus shipping. After you try it for the stated period, you can send it back (paying the shipping) and have the sale price refunded.

That said, I have only bought one guitar without playing it. It’s the most expensive flamenca I have. It’s also my favorite. The dealer seemed a bit flaky to me, and refused to send it on approval. I had it appraised by a famous luthier and flamenco guitarist. I bought it, knowing that if I didn’t like it I could sell it for a profit in Japan, where the maker is very popular.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 13:11:59


Posts: 551
Joined: May 14 2017

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

Student model Valeriano Bernal or Alavarez Bernal are that sort of money too.

Valeriano often has used models on their FB page along with vids of them being played.

Curious where you're based - assuming outside Europe at 1000 euros more?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 16:17:08


Posts: 4
Joined: Sep. 11 2019

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to mrstwinkle

Thanks for the response!

Well actually I'm in the very north of Sweden. So travelling just to the airport is a pain in the ass.

Well I basicly just highered my budget to 1500 euros and regarding the Valariano or Alvarez I dont know which one I should aim for. I did some more reasearch and found out about this one:

Maybe its a good one or maybe I should get another one?

The more I read and learn the more confused I get..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 18:19:21

Posts: 2090
Joined: Dec. 8 2005
From: Baltimore

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

I would recommend a Sanchis Lopez 2f. You might have a better chance of getting a guitar with proper flamenco geometry(neck /bridge) height with a Sanchis
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 21:21:02


Posts: 28
Joined: May 13 2019

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

I strongly recommend Richard's advice. You have four years of experience in playing flamenco so you have what it takes to find the right guitar on the internet. Richard's suggestion to use the internet to find dealers will get you the best guitar from a reliable seller. If you need a list of trusted dealers you can ask for help on this forum.
Recently I saw a blanca flamenco 2004 made by luthier Francisco Navarro for asking price $800.00. Last month I saw a negra flamenco guitar 1982 with Arcangel Fernandez label no signature for asking price $700.00. I think both these flamencos are better. Robert in USA
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 12 2019 22:34:07


Posts: 58
Joined: Mar. 11 2019

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian


Thanks for the response!

And yes I can't nothing else then agree. Unfortunatly we don't have alot of flamenco players and flamenco guitars either new or used in my country so even the used one I would have to buy online..

Buying a flyticket to Spain, hotels etc would be a 1000 euros more.

Any tips of what to look for used at this price range?

Ok, i see, but if you have to buy online without a try anyway, better to buy a more valuable used one from a reliable seller (shop or person), than buy a new one with questionable quality from a webshop in my opinion...

And you're in the foro: nothing but reliable persons here:))

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2019 7:06:37


Posts: 4
Joined: Sep. 11 2019

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to singlechange

Hi and thanks all for the responses!

The 3 first models I linked is no longer in my interest.

Well actually I really likes the sound of the hermanos Sanchis 2F. But it doesn't look like it's avaliable anywhere?

I found out about these three guitars:

All of them are around 1600 euros and its leaning towards the valariano maestro one. But I got this feeling that maybe this is not most bang for the buck. As many of you say buying a used one might be to prefer, better guitar for less money. But where do I find used guitars? What guitars to look for? And who is trusted sellers/reseller? A list of this would be great.

Best regards
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2019 7:52:00


Posts: 551
Joined: May 14 2017

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

Try Valeriano Bernal's Facebook. They regularly sell used guitars from the luthier's shop. I strongly suspect mentioning interest in a model and a budget less than RRP -might- get a favourable response.... They also have a distributor in Germany if that helps.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2019 9:16:16

Posts: 162
Joined: Jan. 19 2011

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

this is about 800 euros over your budget but i think worth it:

check out all the inventory. good prices, lot of guitars, not in best conditions but good prices:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2019 16:31:58

Posts: 1933
Joined: Dec. 2 2006
From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

There are some good suggestions here, but if you already have 1500 I'd recommend waiting and saving some more until you're sure you've found the one you need and will be able to afford it as well. In my limited experience a worthy upgrade will start around 2000 and if you're lucky you will find something used in your current budget. After 4 years and feeling the limitations of the Yamaha you can't afford to be disappointed in your next buy so be patient.
When I had my guitar made by Peña Vargas, I did rely on internet sound samples and I read everything I could about the maker and his guitars. I got a great deal at around the 2000 mark and it's probably the best buy I ever made.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 13 2019 19:32:47


Posts: 208
Joined: Mar. 29 2017
From: The Netherlands

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

I see where you are and know the feeling. I am similar "fresh" player as you are. My question is, what are you looking for in a new quitar vs, what are you missing/is wrong with your current guitar.

Anyway, my advise is not to buy over the internet. A guitar is such a personal thing. I once spoke to a builder and his awnswer was "you always know a great guitar when you play one". So just play and listen and feel.

Just plan your next holiday trip to spain or somehwere where there are guitar shops :-)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 16 2019 13:16:57


Posts: 1157
Joined: Jan. 11 2013

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

My 2 cents:
If you are not able to make an assessment, ask for advice to someone qualified. Better if he knows your level /way to play and what kind of sound you like more.
Budget is the other aspect: I’ve mostly bought on the second hand market in my life and this is the way I suggest you; you must be careful with the right action/bridge specs though and have to check carefully if the guitar has had any job of reparations or refinishing: avoid the latter.
Good deals for the money may be found in used Granada or Madrid made guitars.
Some less known luthiers may be the best option. Antonio Lagunar, Fernandez Fernandez, Antonio Duran ecc.
For your budget the easiest and safest option is either an used Sanchis or even better a used guitar from a luthier of this foro.
Someone said good things also about the premium Camps guitars.
Check also the AD section of this foro. In my case, in the last years I tried to sell here a Gerundino a Sanchis 1f extra bulerias and a Manzanero all for very reasonable prices. They’ll eventually got sold through different channels but all of them were very good guitars sold for few bucks.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2019 16:31:49

Posts: 347
Joined: Jan. 4 2019
From: Patras, Greece

RE: What guitar to buy (in reply to Degorian

Also check mundo flamenco site in Germany. This guy knows how to choose guitars very well and has guitars at your price range. He is also very helpful and will answer to your email and suggest something good for your money. Buying from these dealers (like mundo flamenco, lasonanta, flamencoguitarsforsale) is probably the only way to get a decent guitar and be sure that you spent your money wisely. You can even re sell the guitar after a few years without losing much. And as the others mentioned above, if you are not completely satisfied, you can also send the guitar back. If you ever think of going on a pro level guitar be sure to check Lazarides guitars!

Cheers, Andres.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 8 2019 20:33:30
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