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Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
Joined: Apr. 15 2008

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to estebanana


I'm glad you guys just worry about guitars and thank God you don't fly jetliners or practice medicine. Because you don't have the intellectual capacity.

I think intellect coupled with wisdom pretty much gives us the insight to realize our limitations.

I have a son who is an electronics genius and he understands the basics of science but moves in a higher realm of being able to create things that work. He has certain wisdom and ability to manage new ideas and this makes him valuable to his company.

So this is the beauty of individual people who operate with their particular talents. There is always a way to finagle a project to its completion, just like there are many specialty groups that develop their own intuitive skills.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 10:16:33


Posts: 1141
Joined: Jan. 11 2013

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear


thank God you don't fly jetliners or practice medicine. Because you don't have the intellectual capacity.

On the Pectin stuff you are right, and in this case the scientific approach is undoubtably necessary.
I understand your disappointment but your last sentence is just out of the lines.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 11:08:20

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

Forum history bears plenty of evidence that Steffen´s debates tend to unroll in the very same way. He will either claim or deny something, then stay insusceptible to whatever backup there be presented. And the more items, facts and congruency delivered to him the sooner he will resort to unrelated context and behavior.

It is quite an irony that he out of all is talking about "science" and "intellect".
Over and over again has he proven to be immune against exactly sobriety, logic, related data, scientific findings and studies, clinching to selected preconditions needed for to keep up his world and path in life.

Regarding intellect, he is not even able to entertain a dispute without very soon evading into refusal, denial and his standard trials to insult, as a seek for contextual escape.

Every long term participant has seen Steffen disproven countless of times by so many forum members, while not once ever have I seen him admit to have been erring or misinformed. (Anyone having seen him admitting misconception?)

A behaviour that displays fundamental disorder of reception and cognition. Not really precondition for capability of congruency and objective processing in service of a stringent debate and exchange, let alone "science".

If wanted to be only just dedicated to truth, to start with, he wouldn´t expose all that envy that he has with builders who enjoy client demand for their actually excelling instruments. What it does with Steffen instead is that it makes him raging. Blindly so.

He thus is the only luthier who attracted contradiction from diverse colleagues (which is a different matter from skepticism, which Tom for instance receives from time to time).

If Simon wasn´t feeling with Steffen´s lost situation and protected him, he would have had to ban him long ago and so many times already for irrational response and attitude.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 11:34:20

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Echi


Please note that pectin is just one component of wood, while it is other ones that are effected by thermal treatment. (Check out foregone posts.)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 11:37:51

Posts: 3782
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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear


It is clear that this axe must be scrap, yet it keeps looking like a pity to me.

Back then when the first guys like The Who or Hendrix thought it to be exciting to smash their guitars or to set them on fire, me always cringed seeing that.

Those were justified repents though, as it was about perfectly working instruments, which could had served someone.

Anyway, just want to express my appreciation for tools of spirit, I guess.

So, here is a toast to the guitar and it´s relatives!
.. Wait a minute, I forgot that there´s no spirit of wine to be had anywhere near here ...

So, cheers at least with a glass of water to you guys who build gifts!
Keep on planning and shaping that dang! :O)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 11:53:06

Posts: 1621
Joined: Aug. 24 2017

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to JasonM

I don’t want to add fuel to any fires but for some reason, which at the moment is eluding my intellectual grasp, this thread reminds me of something that happened to me many years ago.....

A young aspiring filmmaker, I think his name was Scorchesce or something like that, asked me for my opinion on an art-house short that he was producing called “Raging at Bullsh*t”. The film was OK, it had promise but was clearly in need of some fine tuning.

I gave him what help I could, advised him to clean up and shorten the title, change the main character’s occupation from guitar maker to something a little more “sexy” and so on, and maybe try to get a full length feature out of the thing. He thanked me profusely for my wisdom and generosity and went on his way. I sometimes wonder whatever happened to him and his little film...

There....I don’t know why, but I feel better now....
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 14:12:50

Posts: 1693
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From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to estebanana


No one cares about facts, reality or integrity.

Stephen, that's how people in Western Societies are in general. Look at how they accept the propaganda that the Main Stream Media ladles out all the time. People actually believe the fairy tale the Government and the MMM tell about 911 and the War On Terror. (Or the War On Drugs, for that matter.) Yes, I am a "Conspiracy Theorist"--actually a conspiracy realist. I empathize with you a lot because I can't deal with most people--who can't deal with the way-out reality that I am aware of and can't ignore; it causes them cognitive dissonance. Be well, my friend.


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 14:50:25

Posts: 1693
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to RobF


advised him to clean up and shorten the title, change the main character’s occupation from guitar maker to something a little more “sexy”

I take umbrage with that suggestion. What on Earth could possibly be sexier than a guitar maker?


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 14:56:02

Posts: 1621
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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to constructordeguitarras

I don’t think this malaise is endemic to Western Society or even to the modern era, for that matter. I think the power of myth has always been used to control the portion of a populace that doesn’t want to be obstructed by fact or reality. Unfortunately, that portion also seems to be more than willing to subjugate or eradicate any other who dares to disagree with them.

But up until recently the survival of the species and planet wasn’t placed at risk to the degree that it appears to be at this moment. I truly fear for the future.

Oh, and Stephen, peace man, I hope you know that I value your friendship.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 15:06:30

Posts: 1621
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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to constructordeguitarras


What on Earth could possibly be sexier than a guitar maker?

Lol, true, that
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 15:29:43
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
Joined: Apr. 15 2008

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Ruphus


If Simon wasn't feeling with Steffen's lost situation and protected him, he would have had to ban him long ago and so many times already for irrational response and attitude.

Ruphus, it could be a ploy with Simon and Stephen to generate more posts here

There is no such thing as lack of intelligence with Steve, he just likes to stir the pot just enough to cause activity. You know the old saying, "If it bleeds it leads."

So, Steve, you've been found out


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 16:01:01
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
Joined: Apr. 15 2008

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to RobF


But up until recently the survival of the species and planet wasn’t placed at risk to the degree that it appears to be at this moment. I truly fear for the future.

I personally believe that there will be certain peace and prosperity for years to come before a coming Holocaust. And the world's place in this universe will remain as solid, as now, in its foundation until the new heavens and the new earth.

My kids will most likely live the rest of their lives in safety and security with peace and happiness.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 16:15:45

Posts: 6424
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Ruphus


If Simon wasn´t feeling with Steffen´s lost situation and protected him, he would have had to ban him long ago and so many times already for irrational response and attitude.

Pot, meet kettle.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 16:45:57

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to estebanana


No one cares about facts, reality or integrity.

True enough, and we get that attitude from both ends of the spectrum. From the "Post-Modern" "Lit-Crit," "Cultural Studies" Department types in universities who claim there is neither "truth" nor "facts"; that what we claim as true and factual in Science, Anthropology, History or any other field is simply a "social construct," no more valid than a Hottentot's view of the world from his perspective in the Kalahari Desert. To the "Creationist," "Fundamentalist" types who claim that the earth is 6,000 years old and that evolution is "just a theory" (demonstrating their ignorance of what a theory is--they actually, but unknowingly, mean hypothesis, and they are wrong on both counts).

And then there are the "Conspiracy Theorists" who believe that the U.S. Government engineered the 9/11 attacks; that we did not land a man on the moon in 1969 (they claim it was filmed at Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, Arizona); that Area 51 is where the U.S. Air Force keeps captured aliens preserved in vats of formaldehyde (instead of being a test site for secret, advanced aircraft); that the contrails of jet aircraft are really "Chemtrails" (designed to chemically reduce habitable areas, thus reducing population); that vaccines cause autism; and the list goes on and on.

I would like to invite a Post-Modernist to step out of my townhouse's second story window, and on his way down explain once again why gravity is just a "social construct."

I sometimes wonder if the level of ignorance is greater today than in the past, or if it is a function of the internet, which allows anyone with a crackpot opinion to appear erudite to other crackpots willing to accept it.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 17:07:18

Posts: 15049
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to RobF



I don’t want to add fuel to any fires but for some reason, which at the moment is eluding my intellectual grasp, this thread reminds me of something that happened to me many years ago.....

A young aspiring filmmaker, I think his name was Scorchesce or something like that, asked me for my opinion on an art-house short that he was producing called “Raging at Bullsh*t”. The film was OK, it had promise but was clearly in need of some fine tuning.

I gave him what help I could, advised him to clean up and shorten the title, change the main character’s occupation from guitar maker to something a little more “sexy” and so on, and maybe try to get a full length feature out of the thing. He thanked me profusely for my wisdom and generosity and went on his way. I sometimes wonder whatever happened to him and his little film...

There....I don’t know why, but I feel better now....

It finally came out a while back, great suggestions. Although up in the north woods a moose Luthier would have some interesting new tonewood options....


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 17:55:34
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3436
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From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Ricardo

I modestly propose that in the interest of truth in labelling, this thread should be re-named from “Roasted Spruce” to “Re-fried Confusion.”

Conoisseurs will recognize that this honors the great New Orleans pianist Mac Rebennack, “Doctor John, the Night Tripper” and his song, “In the Right Place at the Wrong Time.”

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 19:23:51

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

Not entirely certain whether I understand correctly between the lines.
If I do though, it is incredible what the actual denial of facts that is plaguing common sense is being allocated to.

Once again for instance wondering to me what followers of Reuters or Fox-TV do with the fact that finally encircled IS together with their families were transported out from a pocket by busses provided through US forces.

And how the whole history of retard fanatics since the times of countermeasures against SU in Afghanistan until today sheds a smack on the current US (first appeal, then) threat on behalf of Idlib, which again past policy is making unlikely to be based on actual concerns about civilians there. (Of which again media are allowed to note that that town hosts lots of refugees, without mentioning who would have fled into an IS stronghold.)
Aside from the fact that concerns about civilians have not been all too high on the agenda since the second invasion in Iraq until Middle eastern whereabouts today.

But noticing blatant contradictions to official declaration ought to inevitably be leading to deniers of Apollo 11 or chemtrail believers; for a nice and simple lump.

Just as the inability to attentively follow a relatively short and lucid thread in which links to academic findings are presented and even footage of the alleged impractical in respect of treatment for tone wood. All in conjunction with complete countering evidence of denial, incoherency in response and of aggression.

To equal my argumentation with Steffen´s dismissive and incongruent evasion can only be done with solid intent.

Guys, if I understood you accurately, your abilities of analytically observing are severally deficient to say the least.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 19:48:19

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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Escribano


ORIGINAL: Escribano


If Simon wasn´t feeling with Steffen´s lost situation and protected him, he would have had to ban him long ago and so many times already for irrational response and attitude.

Pot, meet kettle.

If you can´t be fair, let´s be real.

Show me where I have been irrational.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 20:18:06

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to BarkellWH

In giving it a little more thought, I think a case can be made that Post-Modernism and its discontents, including its disdain for "facts," and the Lit-Crit crowd's contention that nothing exists outside the text, may have been responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. After all, Trump's minion Kellyanne Conway was the one who, when pressed about the absurdity of one of Trump's statements, replied that Trump was simply stating "alternative facts." Very post-modern.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 20:52:35

Posts: 3566
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Escribano


Pot, meet kettle.

- Nice to meet you Kettle.
- Likewise Pot. I’ve heard a lot about you.
- Me too. Simon says that in the guitar spusiness you have a lot of pull, Pot.
- Oh not so much. I’ve been around the block a few… wait. C’mere. Is that rouge on your cheek?
- Sure is. I don’t get away from work much sput tonight I thought…
- Sorry what was that? Sput?
- Oh sorry. It’s a speech impediment. I have a tard time with the letters sp and t.
- sp and t?
- yes. Tonestly it’s a problem. Especially since I’m a spanker.
- a spanker?
- Yes. Down at the spank. I work with our clients’ insurance company for all sorts of claims. Even with the police sometimes, like when a client tas a tit-and-run.
- Tit-and-run… erm… interesting.
- Not so much. Actually I always wanted to be a guitar maker. Sput gotta pay the rent you know…
- Sure, sure. Well, if you’re all rouged up, you probably want to meet the ladies. I know just the guy to hook you up. Bruce! Come over here!
- Yeah?
- Bruce this is P…
- What’s wrong Bruce?
- OK, OK. Come on Pol let’s go. Don't take it personally. It's the rouge. His PTSD's acting up again. You just horrified him.
- Sput, sput... Why would Spruce be torrified?

That's a new personal low for me joke-wise. Achievement unlocked.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 21:02:42
El Burdo


Posts: 635
Joined: Sep. 8 2011

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

Ahhh. The final days of Rome....
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 22:09:46

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Piwin

There once was a luthier named Bruce
Who was carefully roasting his spruce,
But the pot and the kettle
Severely tested his mettle,
And the overcooked spruce had no use.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 22:10:03

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear


ORIGINAL: Tom Blackshear

My kids will most likely live the rest of their lives in safety and security with peace and happiness.


If aiming for peace of mind, you are on right track with that expectation.
If however after profanity, reading up a bit in could help.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 7 2018 22:30:11

Posts: 1693
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear


My kids will most likely live the rest of their lives in safety and security with peace and happiness.

Tom--A nuclear armed World constantly at war leads you to that conclusion? I think it is inevitable that the current cycle of civilization will come to an end, just as other cycles of civilization probably did in the distant past. I just wonder whether the few survivors will have flamenco guitars.


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 0:20:34

Posts: 9412
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Escribano


Dr. John, good one.
I suggest
Swiss Spruce Movement
Les McCann at Montreux

Cut- 'Compared to What'
- Try to make it real compared to what?"


For those of you who try to change the subject by analysis of my behavior to deflect from your own self examination- I have some advice for you. Go have a long look in the mirror, or better yet seek professional help with a therapist.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 1:14:21

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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

Here's another good for this group-
Dig it-

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 2:29:10

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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

This one us good too. It matches the reality of today.

One of my favorite lines from Compared to What is ..dumb old red necks rolling logs, tired old ladies kissing dogs...

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 2:36:55

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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

This is the Alabama she's referencing- not Coltrane, but a church bombing in which little girls died.

See most of you people who do Flamenco and sell flamenco guitars are out of touch with the reality of oppression and racism in America. You think that through some religious fatalism and belief in god that everything is hunky dory.

You're hypocrites. Everything you work on in making flamenco guitars comes off the backs of gitanos. They kept the music through racism and oppression. And now you skate in and make a big ego show of how cool you are and how ****ing mysterious you are and enigmatic with secrets. It's garbage because you don't get the primary cause of your ability to make guitars for a music based on someone else's suffering.

The reality is that the black music in America tells a story in the same way flamenco does- but the politics and religion that white people espouse that everything will be fine and it's cool right now is an enormous lie. So while you sit there and expound on your mysteries and mythology you don't even get that it's not you who made it possible. You're standing on top of centuries worth of brown people being shoved down by the 'white' top end. And now say of the future - Oh it's cool, there may or may not be a Holocaust but we'll be ok because it's part of God's plan.

Many people really fail to see the irony of making an instrument that's music is based on the the suffering of brown people's, but it lives in a white world devoid of it's connection to the 'brownness' that gave it meaning.

And in America the whiteness of the flamenco guitar is expected. How many black tocaores out there?

Wow not even to mention the disconnect between science reality and guitar makers self mythologizing with quack theories and psuedo physics.

This the part where I'm supposed to reel it in and say, but kumbai ya, koombai Ya , we're all makers and we paid our dues and let's embrace and say grace and that we respect one another.

Really there are some of you I'll never respect, you do not deserve respect. You haven't earned it.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 3:04:49

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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

So here is the next thing- you're going to say poor Stevie, he so angry and self-righteous.

Fine, see it that way because I can live with that. It's cool because that's your perspective. Here's my line, my boundaries which you will try to take. You're gonna say poor Stevie if he only just give in. You're gonna explain my point of view for me and try to make sense of my faults and excuse me on the basis of he's fundamentally a good guy and I'm on the right side a d her really means well after all and eventually he'll be cool.

See that is you taking my right to dislike you. I have every right not to like you and for the dislike to be left alone. But no, Everytime I say I Do No Like You, it gets turned around into being My Fault. It's not anyone's fault, it's just a fact.

So the next time someone says I don't like you, or I don't agree with you- just ****ing accept that and Don't try to make excuses for the person's reasons for not liking you. When you try to excuse the person who doesn't like you what you're really doing is throwing them away.

That's a thing a few if you don't understand. Explaining away the fault of others to protect you point of view is one of the most pernicious forms of robbery of another person's selfhood. Stop doing that. Notice there's a difference between calling someone incompetent, unqualified, not up to the task etc. and saying oh poor person can't help it they don't see thing my way or the group way. That's pernicious. If you want to call me an a$$hole it's cool because I'll own that and not try to convince you otherwise.

Some people try to corerce others into respecting a group dynamic by publicly saying oh poor John, if he'd only be normal and join the church of common held group opinion. He be more whole. Maybe John disagrees with the group because he's already whole and don't want to be in agreement. But there's always that one guy who gonna go after John because John having a lone opinion is an easier target than the group.

And that how cults work. Just saying.

And if you're wondering why I'm going off in public and poining the diatribe at everyone it's because it's the only way I can figure out how to air my view without getting acused if an ad hom attack.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 4:22:08
Sr. Martins

Posts: 3079
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RE: Roasted spruce (in reply to Tom Blackshear

This thread is embarrassing.


"Ya no me conoce el sol, porque yo duermo de dia"
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 8 2018 7:55:02
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