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Posts: 1756
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands

Mammoth ivory 

Hi all,

I want to make a little sculpture from mammoth ivory. Or, if it is still sold ivory.
Does one of the guitarbuilders here know where, and if, it is possible to buy somewhere?

Thanks for al the help,



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 27 2017 21:20:31

Posts: 6429
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

Demand for mammoth ivory is endangering living elephants. I wouldn't recommend it, Peter.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 27 2017 21:53:58

Posts: 1756
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From: The Netherlands

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

You made me think Simon, red two articles, what is wishdome?

Well, first being sure what to do.

Better search in the first place for a nice piece boxwood.......


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 27 2017 22:10:53

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63


ORIGINAL: gerundino63
I want to make a little sculpture from mammoth ivory.

Just use one of your own teeth


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 27 2017 22:46:34

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

Box wood is good, but there's also a wood called Pink Ivory, slightly harder than boxwood.

I would not get into ivory, not now, we need to think of something else to use. The chain of custody for the illegal ivory market is not only bad for Elephants, but it pays for wars that put poor country people in the middle of violence. I mean, being a person of low morals, ethics and in possession of a shallow intellect, I see it that way.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 27 2017 23:33:33

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63


Just use one of your own teeth

That would be so metal! \m/
When I get my wisdoms out I’m gunna ask for them so I can carve something!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 1:13:07

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

If you're intent on using ivory, I'd ask a cutler. Ivory is their palo santo, so any experienced cutler would know all about what is legal and what is not, what possible alternatives there might be (like tagua, the so-called "vegetable ivory"), where to purchase and how to navigate that ethical minefield.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 1:50:06

Posts: 1694
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From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

You can get a pair of mammoth ivory tusks for only $29,000.00 but they also sell some small pieces:

Actually, this place is cheaper:

And in Alabama, the Tuskaloosa....


Ethan Deutsch
I always have flamenco guitars available for sale.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 2:49:18

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Leñador



Just use one of your own teeth

That would be so metal! \m/

This could be the new tatooing. Aficionados start mild with the teeth. Once they're all done they move on to phalanges, then the metatarsals, the patella, tibia, fibula and femur. All of course can be replaced with stainless steel counterparts. The real hard core don't stop there, the ilium, sternum and cranium are the reserve of the purest, highest form of the art!


Ay compañerita de mi alma
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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 7:03:49

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Leñador

Lenny, dude send me the teeth and I will inlay slices of into the peg grips and rosette.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 11:33:39

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63


Lenny, dude send me the teeth and I will inlay slices of into the peg grips and rosette.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 13:11:49

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

Try Walrus ivory, they're not endangered at this time.


John Shelton -
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 18:11:55

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

The only people who really should use ivory of any kind are native people.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2017 23:20:11

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to estebanana


The only people who really should use ivory of any kind are native people.

It's one of those issues that are at the intersection of several larger issues and where you just can't be right on all fronts. If your focus is animal conservation, then by all means say that ivory can only be used by "native people". If your focus is the rights of those "native peoples", then by all means allow commercial trade of ivory, which seems to be what they want. The Inuit of Nunavut are contesting the Canadian ban on international trade of narwhal tusks. It hurts their livelihood. Very much like the ban on seal pelts decimated the livelihoods of many in Northeastern Canada and Greenland. You can only sell so many carved trinkets to the occasional tourist. And having the "non-native" authorities decide what and to whom you can sell might mean the difference between having enough money to fill up a tank of gas or not. You just can't be right on all fronts. It's an ethical minefield.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 6:04:56

Posts: 1756
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From: The Netherlands

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to estebanana


he only people who really should use ivory of any kind are native people.

That’s a bit strainge, so in Holland only the Durch are allowed to make wooden shoes?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 7:18:42

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

Yes, only the Dutch can make windmills and wood shoes. I back this plan.

Let me say it this way, the Chinese market for Ivory us Fukkkkked. So let's do everything reasonable to kill the Chinese Ivory trade. It supports rape, terrorism, the Central African warlords, Boko Haram, and makes a few very sleazy people very wealthy. And the Ivory is made into useless status items, just stupid trinkets. Or it's ground into powder and used by flacid old men as Viagra. And Viagra actually works better and ground Ivory is just ground up hair cells.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 9:58:02

Posts: 3782
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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

One comment above made me laugh. :O)
Still, one thing can´t hurt to be mentioned.

Rhino horn consists of actually bundled hair and hence of hair & nail substance, as well as likewise the outer layer of cattle horn (which inside has a major inner core of bone though -that is perforated by nerve channels and actually quite sensitive). Ivory however largely consists of same substance that presents the main material under our teeths enamel. The first being "keratin" the other being "dentin". They sound similar as name.

If I may make a small side step ... I see these god damned pelt collars on the cheap Chinese coats now en mass everywhere on TV street scenes from all over the world. The way those collars are produced, them being cheaper than artificial pelt.

Do all these people not know how these collars stem from unspeakably tortured animals miserably bred in China or fetched and doomed as dog and cat strays in the Philippines etc.?!
Has a giant number of wearers really never noted where these disgusting, fluffy accessories come from?

It feels as if trendy contemporaries would just be caring less and lesser about anything cruel and careless.
-They will uproar though when it turns out that Apple has tweaked iPhones so that the gadgets will slow down conduct on exhausted batteries. That´s when everyone all of a sudden wakes up.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 14:09:27

Posts: 3566
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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Ruphus


Apple has tweaked iPhones so that the gadgets will slow down on exhausted batteries

Apple did WHAT???!!!!!!

just kidding


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 14:14:16

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63


Polyester ivory substitute to me feels so close to ivory that I wonder if anyone can spontaneously tell the difference. -Ofcourse, this won´t help in terms of carving. I guess carving Polyester to be no joy and possibly coming in with toxic fumes too.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 14:16:11

Posts: 1756
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From: The Netherlands

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

Thanks guys for the replies.

It is an unfair world, but no reason to be unfair too.
I stick to wood and stone as I used to.

Maybe I ask Morante if there is any Toro horn left over from a bullfight, but I guess that gives me another problem right!?

Just a joke.

Happy hollidays and a big beso to everybody.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 15:02:02

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63


Maybe I ask Morante if there is any Toro horn left over from a bullfight

I'm thinking of getting a guitar made out of the wood of the Llangernyw yew (seriously Welsh people, you gotta start taking it easy with the consonants....) Nut, pegs, frets and saddle out of elephant ivory, rosette inlaid with blood diamonds from Liberia and strings made out of white rhino gut. To go with it, I'd like a case with the outer side from the skin of a white rhino, and the inside covered in the fur of an ourangutan. For accessories, I'd like a cejilla made from the beak of a blue-throated macaw and, of course, a coal-powered metronome. And for a tuner, I'd like a wolf in a tiny cage (got to be portable...) trained to howl an A when you poke it with a stick.

Anybody got a problem with that?


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 15:45:19

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

I suppose it depends on the kind of stick used.
Will it be recyclable?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 16:15:38

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Ruphus

If by recyclable you mean single use and then thrown out to sea where it will unravel into a large sheet of plastic with plenty of holes for fish to get their heads stuck into...

then yes, it will be recyclable.

Of course, I wouldn't want to dump that in any sea near me (after all, I do go swimming sometimes), so I plan to charter a plane to fly all the way over the Indian ocean and dump it there. The pilots are free to drop a few cluster bombs over Africa if they get bored during their trip.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 29 2017 16:21:57

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

I have no good experience with all too liberal personnel policy.
If you allow them fun drops from the plane today, tomorrow they´ll be standing in line for salary claims.

Better to keep them disciplined.
That´s how mine learned jumping off and how they developed jump suits then. I then allowed them to open a small biz with that, and today folks are jumping from planes and rocks deliberately.

A true visionary always knows how to raise a source of creativity and yields. Unlike lowly creature like vast of people and smelly animals good for nothing, that are only consuming valuable oxygen.

Besides, those plastic spots in the oceans look fascinating. All these colors on a dark blue ... I´m sure folks will love watching them in our new space program. That is something! Worlds apart from childish dealing with stinking orangutans.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 30 2017 6:13:03


Posts: 2233
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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63


Maybe I ask Morante if there is any Toro horn left over from a bullfight, but I guess that gives me another problem right!?

If you really want it, I can get it.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 30 2017 14:47:20

Posts: 1805
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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Morante




Maybe I ask Morante if there is any Toro horn left over from a bullfight, but I guess that gives me another problem right!?

If you really want it, I can get it.

Could you also get the femur of an impailed matador, or some of their teeth?


Ay compañerita de mi alma
tú ahora no me conoces.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 30 2017 22:30:28


Posts: 2233
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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Morante


Could you also get the femur of an impailed matador. Or some of their teeth?

Vete al carrajo
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 30 2017 22:31:55

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Morante


Vete al carrajo

Para ti amigo


Ay compañerita de mi alma
tú ahora no me conoces.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 30 2017 22:45:06

Posts: 6429
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to Morante

Meda tu pinche guey


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 30 2017 22:49:53

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RE: Mammoth ivory (in reply to gerundino63

There's more than enough 'Bull Horn' in the luthiers section, just print it out and roll it into a cone shape. Then wear it like penetente hat.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 31 2017 0:44:17
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