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Posts: 76
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Guess the Tonewood..... 

Decided to build a cabinet for a combination bookcase/guitar case...the top drawer accommodates a humicase perfectly

Please tell me what you guys think of my Paduak cabinet


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Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 2:22:33

Posts: 8003
Joined: Jan. 11 2006
From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Be careful that your guitar doesn't catch on fire inside of that cabinet. It's scorchin', man! Olé!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 2:43:56

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

That is one loud cabinet! Lol
Great craftsmanship man! Is that solid paduak?? I've never heard of paduak ply, if it's solid did you biscuit the pieces together for the box and top??? Great stuff man!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 3:31:22

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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Does is get peg tuners or machines?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 6:19:01
Anders Eliasson

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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Its a lovely looking cabinet and a good idea for keeping your favorite guitar healthy.
Unfortunately the color of Padauk fades away very drastically when exposed to light. I know a small padauk cabinet that is almost grey-brown.
But the beautifull craftmanship will always be there.
And in the long run, a more "relaxed" color may fit in better.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 7:37:42


Posts: 733
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From: UK

RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Save on insurance. Put a red Conde in the drawer and burglars wouldn't notice it!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 15:30:31
Joan Maher


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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

That's extremely Red what does the top guitar look like inside?



Joan Josep Maher
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 17 2017 15:46:38

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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Hahaha....Got you guys! Leñador was on to you guys really think it's Paduak? . Anybody care to guess the wood i really used?


Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 1:35:17

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Ahah! Lol, I'm gunna take a stab and say you used regular old doug fir acx ply??


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 1:54:26

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From: Seattle, Washington, USA

RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714


Anybody care to guess the wood i really used?



Ethan Deutsch
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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 3:02:40

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From: Los Angeles

RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714



Oh yeah, definitely pine.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 6:32:43
Anders Eliasson

Posts: 5780
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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Whatever it is, its a nice cabinet and now you can rest assured the color will most probably last.



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 8:05:02

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Guess the Tone Wood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

Very Good!!! Congrats to Ethan and Lenador for guessing Pine .....Yes I am cheap LOL!
But my idea was to take a very low grade wood like pine and make it sparkle.

THANKS to all about your kind comments about the craftsmanship. I'm sure all you Luthiers are capable of making similar cabinets of even better quality!

This was experiment with a special surprise in the top drawer for the future........and what's inside is definitely not Pine.......

So what 2 types of wood would you guess.....

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Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 13:11:11


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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Koa under
port orford cedar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2017 15:41:36

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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to eccullen

Anymore guesses?


Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 0:56:57

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

The wood inside is spruce of some kind. Then cypress. Figured wood is Oregon Myrtle or Black Acacia, or American Maple- they all can look similar in a pine drawer.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 3:48:04

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RE: My Conde Hermanos Fiery Red Cabinet (in reply to Lorenzo714

Cypress & Ceylon (satin Wood)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 7:48:12
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

I was hoping it was going have sound samples of a guitar and everyone would say it's Brazilian rosewood and then you say, ha ha! No, it's actually plywood and paper mache, it's all in ze lucier's hands!


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Arizona Wedding Music Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 16:19:58
Joan Maher


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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714


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Joan Josep Maher
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 19:45:51

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Joan Maher


ORIGINAL: Joan Maher


She looks like quit a handful, maybe even two.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 22:35:26

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

Ok between everyone's guesses you guys got it.....

The wood is Oregon Myrtle and Port Orford Cedar....some of the POC is curly for back and sides and straight tight grain for a nice top....oh and guess what project I am about to embark upon....little by little...I'm not in a rush I already have a lot of tools but didn't have this one until yesterday.....picked it up almost like new for under 500 !

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Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2017 23:14:42

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

You'll be sorry.


John Shelton -
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2017 0:49:31

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to jshelton5040

Why...because of the tracking? I already took it apart and put it back together and adjusted it properly. It ran 30 minutes good


Lorenzo Bonc
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2017 0:56:04

Posts: 9701
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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

What John said. Get used to taking it apart and retracking it, I had one from 2003 to 2013 and in the accumulated hours I spent adjusting it and hating its guts, I could have built two guitars.

The other issue is it will also begin to sand tops unevenly side to side- one side will be higher or lower than the other and you get wedge shaped tops. If it were me, and it has been, I would use it for final sanding ribs after taking most of the wood off with a hand plane.

I sold mine for $400.00 when it was ten years old, I felt like a sleazy used car dealer pawning off a lemon.

Anyway, High Five to ECullen and me for guessing POC and Oregon Myrtle!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2017 1:51:05


Posts: 47
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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

Pink ivory!

Oh, damn, too late... nevemind then.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 20 2017 23:19:14

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to estebanana


ORIGINAL: estebanana

What John said. Get used to taking it apart and retracking it, I had one from 2003 to 2013 and in the accumulated hours I spent adjusting it and hating its guts, I could have built two guitars.

The other issue is it will also begin to sand tops unevenly side to side- one side will be higher or lower than the other and you get wedge shaped tops. If it were me, and it has been, I would use it for final sanding ribs after taking most of the wood off with a hand plane.

I sold mine for $400.00 when it was ten years old, I felt like a sleazy used car dealer pawning off a lemon.

Anyway, High Five to ECullen and me for guessing POC and Oregon Myrtle!

Or keep it for making custom bones and nuts for everybody cheap?


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2017 3:47:07

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714


Or keep it for making custom bones and nuts for everybody cheap?

Different kind of sander. However I have been planning out a sticker machine.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2017 6:23:27

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to estebanana


ORIGINAL: estebanana
However I have been planning out a sticker machine.

What is a "sticker machine"? Never heard the term.


John Shelton -
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2017 14:28:22

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to Lorenzo714

Ricardo thinks rosettes are plastic stickers. So I'll make a machine to make them for him

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2017 14:40:01

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RE: Guess the Tonewood..... (in reply to estebanana

Ok, now I get it, sometimes old people are kind of slow on the uptake .


John Shelton -
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 21 2017 22:41:43
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