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RE: Tom's tutorial Manuel Reyes Flam... (in reply to Tom Blackshear)
Hi Tom. Why did you choose cedar & rosewood for this Reyes Model? Will this combo represent the ultimate Reyes Sound that you've been developing through the years? What will be the differences from your spruce blanca versions? And will you ever build another spruce blanca in the future?
Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
RE: Tom's tutorial Manuel Reyes Flam... (in reply to Tom Blackshear)
Tom-- I too have an old Overholzer side bending...thing, but I used it only once, in 1972 when I got it. It has a plantilla with a waist that has a very wide curve compared to the plantilla I use. Does it just happen to match the Reyes plantilla?
Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
RE: Tom's tutorial Manuel Reyes Flam... (in reply to Tom Blackshear)
It all depends on the top tension, which I try not to build too tight at first but let the top age a little to tighten up. Then lower the saddle if necessary.
This is very interesting to me. I have noticed that different guitars with the same string length and same strings can feel hard or soft to the player depending on something not so obvious, which I have attributed to top stiffness. It sounds like you view the bulge of the top below the bridge as a spring.
I don't use a bridge caul at all. I just clamp the bridge wings down from the outside of the soundbox, which is the traditional method. The doming of my guitars pushes back and it works fine.
RE: Tom's tutorial Manuel Reyes Flam... (in reply to Tom Blackshear)
This is crazy but I thought I was going to retire from this craft permanently, Then I started getting orders again; 3 to be exact, and now I have to continue building for awhile until I run out of orders.
"...Build a better a mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door..."
I'm not surprised you are getting more orders. I am surprised you are accepting more orders in your retirement years...