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Obviously, I made me fat, not guitar, but it's a good scape goat. There was a time from about 19-26/7 that I did not play guitar much, fiddled around with metal songs that I had learned when I was 14 but it was maybe a once every few weeks kind of thing. Instead my time was usually filled with Ju-Jitsu and Kickboxing/Muay Thai. I trained 3 times a week for about two hours each, drank beer and ate anything I wanted and easily walked around at a super lean 180lbs. At a certain point I dislocated my shoulder, this became an ongoing issue, dislocations happened about every month in class. I had a surgery, went back to MMA and days before a ju-jitsu competition I had another bad dislocation. After this it began dislocating on the regular again! After a few more month of this I finally realized my body just couldn't handle combat sports. This is when I went back to guitar. I replaced all the time spent training and exercising with playing guitar, after a few month of this I found flamenco and really amped up my practicing. I basically worked, went home, drank a 6 pack and practiced until bed time. This lasted a few years and I ballooned up to 245lbs. At some point I got a lady friend, cut out the daily beer drinking and got down to about 230/235. This went on for another couple of years but my weight didn't budge. My practicing cut back a lot due to work and life(lady) obligations but I still managed to squeeze in a good 45 minutes a day at least. At a certain point I looked at my self in the mirror, drunk, fat, hairy, and pale and said "I gotta do something." My blood pressure was getting high, I snored like a monster and just didn't feel good about myself. I've since hired a personal trainer, changed my diet drastically and hit the gym about 5 times a week. 3 month later I'm down to 205 but it's been REALLY HARD WORK! I vastly underestimated how much my metabolism slowed down after 30. I basically work, go to the gym, eat, prepare my food for the next day, do dishes and by that time it's time for bed. It's getting exhausting and i'm beginning to feel like my life is really missing something, I try and squeeze in guitar when I can but it's just not enough to feel balanced. Here's what I pose to you. How do you maintain balance in your life? Between work, family and health how do you squeeze in enough time for your mind and me time? I run a business and try to shut the phone/email off at 6 now, that's helped a bit but I still feel like I'm squeezing every ounce out of the day and I'm still missing something. Anyone got any secrets or perhaps anyone else just wanna vent about being over ran?? I'd love to hear what other music lovers do to bring balance to their life.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Don´t know wheter this could be helpful, as you might be aware of the following already:
There are advisory courses for overburdened people, and the pros there seem to usually be finding out about organising inefficiencies in daily routines. -You know, in the sense of detours, double ways, imperfect working routines etc. Through rearranging there often times are being squeezed out an average two hours spare time extra per day.
Regarding diet and metabolism, you will be knowing that there is a load of sugar being hidden in many sorts of foods. Much of it can be spared by omitting premade food or ingredients, and needless to say, beverages.
Also don´t believe in the isolated nutrient dealing of most modern diets (like low carbs). Reducing sweet / carbs and fat evenly makes more of sense.
Finally, on a personal note. Eventhough food combining could not be proven to function digestion wise as proposed, it has actually helped friends of mine to lose weight radically and extremely fast.
Seeking a way to get rid of tiredness after lunchhour in my fulltime physical practice times, it was amazing to see how helpful it was to engage food combining like fish with salad. Apparently so easy on the digestive tract that I would retrun to training hours without any fatigue.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Thanks Ruphus, that's interesting about the inefficiencies I'll have to look into that. I'd love to gain even one hour extra out of my day.
I'm basically just eating lean meats, veggies and fruits. Fruits more in the first half of the day and oats for breakfast. Small meals with snacks too. It's helped with energy for sure. I used to get tired after lunch too but now food doesn't make me tired it re-fuels me. People at the gym are crazy though, they say "Now that your used to eating like that when you eat bad it'll make you sick, you'll hate it." Every two weeks I have a cheat meal and its the most glorious thing ever! Lol I savor every bite and look forward to it for days! Though I am tired after, so I just nap haha.
Posts: 1604
Joined: Dec. 24 2007
From: Siegburg, Alemania
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Problem, is, things you work "against" won't work in the long run Having to have a "cheat meal" sounds like you're sort of dieting all the time. The best bet ist to learn to feel when you've eaten your fill, i.e. had enough. Slow eating, good quality food and fibers help. Although organizing your day can be helpful for some, I don't believe in that, because it's attractive to those who constantly "organize" their life, never having enough time to really perceive what they need/want/like. It is my conviction that less is more in this case. That said, here's something I do: Once a year, I leave away alcoholic beverages, sweets and chocolates, and fat in cooking for a month (although I'm an atheist I do this during Lent as the area I live in is very catholic, and nobody asks questions when I say I'm fasting). We have a collection of recipes "reserved" for that period with a bunch of really good dishes (I actually look forward to them during the year ) The original idea behind this was to break our routine, and be more aware. A nifty side-effect is, that I loose about 22 pounds! I can then splurge for another year
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Your dead on Edguerin, I'm swimming up stream and at some point I'm going to lose the battle. My hopes is that it's just a bit longer and when I hit target weight I can change my habits to something more sustainable. I'm going to need to just find active hobbies I enjoy that don't ruin my arm. Just straight exercising for the sake of exercising(weights and treadmill) I'm hating. I'd LOVE to be in a position to do the once a year for a month thing, that sounds kinda fun actually! Thanks for that Edguerin, your logic is so obvious and makes perfect sense yet I couldn't really see it till you said it.
Posts: 3484
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
I'm going to need to just find active hobbies I enjoy that don't ruin my arm. Just straight exercising for the sake of exercising(weights and treadmill) I'm hating.
Exercise is key, Lenny. The best diet in the world will have only minimal effect unless you combine it with exercise. I, too, find weights, treadmill, nautilus equipment, and all the other stuff boring. I don't do it. My suggestion is find a sport (individual, not team) that you enjoy and play regularly with a regular opponent.
In school I was never very good at team sports like baseball and football. In the Air Force I discovered handball, in which two opponents play in a four-wall court. Then in the Foreign Service I learned to play squash, a racquet sport played in a four-wall court. I continue to play squash, although it is now "old-man squash" at my age. I have never played racquet ball, but I know it is somewhat similar.
Here are the advantages of playing one of those sports:
A. They are fun when you play regularly with an opponent your own caliber.
B. They are intense, giving you maximum exercise in minimum time. I try to play for one hour, three times per week.
C. They build up both your muscle tone and your stamina.
D. I find that playing squash regularly increases my alertness and ability to concentrate when playing guitar.
In short, individual sports like squash, racquet ball, and handball give you all the advantages of intense exercise, take only about three hours per week, and increase your ability to concentrate. Highly recommended.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Thanks Bill! I had actually been looking at racquet ball a bit. I traded some guitar lessons for tennis lessons and felt like it just wasn't aggressive enough, racquet ball seemed a little more high pace. There's was few racquet ball places around but I forgot about squash. I'll have to check that out. I'd love to return to boxing at some point but it's going to take a major surgery to get me there. No desire to compete anymore, just putting the gear on a doing some light sparring would be enough to keep me super content. Right now my shoulder can't even handle pad work.
This is all great advice guys, it's much appreciated! And it's great hearing about what you guys do to keep your life in balance!
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Here's one method to get more time to play guitar.
Don't wash up, don't cut the grass, don't cook, don't sweep the floor, don't feed the kids, go to bed late, get to work late, sleep at work and make "maniana" your mantra. By this point you probably won't be getting any sex either, so there's another 5 minutes to the day. Provided you sleep enough at work all of that should make you a better guitarist, but if you don't you won't even be able to put a capo on in the right place
Posts: 1972
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Man, that's a lot of weight in a short period of time. Good job!! Nothing harder than losing weight. Yeah, I agree that finding a sport you enjoy is the best way to sustain the effort. I belong to a gym, and it's only when I can't surf that I can get myself to the gym. Surfing has not been good for my guitar playing though. 50 degree water doesn't do much for your hands. A great musician said to me that you can love everything, but you can't DO everything.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Thanks Mark! Yeah it's taken a lot of discipline, I think I can keep the lifestyle up till target weight but not much after. I'm looking into sports now, with my shoulder being lame it's hard as I tend to prefer aggressive combat sports.....maybe I just need to pull the trigger on another surgery......
Hey Rui I was talkin to my trainer about that the other day and he says it IS harder for people to put on bulk but it's easier to maintain than it is for fat people to keep the fat off. Keep eatin and lifting you can get there. He was 145 when he got into weight lifting and now he's 185 and massive looking.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
ORIGINAL: Leñador ....went home, drank a 6 pack and practiced until bed time. This lasted a few years and I ballooned up to 245lbs. At some point I got a lady friend.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Lenny, you live by the sea don't you? Are you close enough to a half decent swimming spot to shoot down for a 10 minute swim each day?
I live by the beach in LA, there's no parking and the water is kinda gross lol plus swimming is not doable with my arm, I have been kayaking a bit though lately, maybe some sort of watersport......
A virtual fist bump for this section.
Hahaha thanks, it was all kinds of fun that period of my life.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Necro bump here. I've found what I enjoy doing in terms of physical activity, cycling. Rented a bike with the lady on a whim in Venice beach and loved it. From there bought a hybrid bike and started doing 15 miles or so on the weekdays every other day or so and round 30 on the weekends. Did a rough 50 mile ride and decided from there to build my own road bike from parts. Here's my **** eating grin after I completed it. Took it to my local bike store for the once over and they actually gave me half off and said I did a pretty fair job on the build. Been cying bout 2 months and have lost 20lbs without changing my diet. Plan to squeeze in to some gay cycling clothing at some point but I'll wait till I drop another 20. Anyone else here cycle? If not, back to the original post, anyone finding ways to find balance in your life? Work, life, exercise, and creativity. https://www.dropbox.com/s/teya0e836d5c10j/Photo%20Dec%2010%2C%204%2042%2025%20PM.jpg?dl=0
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
you put that bike together?
I did, saved a ton of money in the process. The only thing I purchased as a set was the drivetrain. It was a lot of fun, the hardest bit is calibrating the dérailleurs but a bit of YouTube + trial and error and it comes together. Can't wait to have a garage so I can projects like this regularly without driving the lady crazy.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Good for you mate! That's impressive that you set it up yourself. My bike is my main mode of transportation these days. I probably don't get much mileage though because the furthest place I have to go on a regular basis is probably 7 or 8k away tops. I don't use it when I have my good guitar with me though, too risky. My crappy Bernal has been on quite a few rides. It's just one of those cheap a** Decathlon mountain bikes that you can get for 100 euros but works fine. Occasionally go for a ride in the casa de campo or the nearby sierra but the up-hill stuff always kills me!
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
time for me to put together a road bike.
It's a lot of fun and the specialized tools are pretty minimal. I only bought a chain whip, torque wrench(not a must but nice) bottom bracket tool, and a cassette tool, the rest I already had. The research of what parts to buy takes some time but the build was pretty quick, banged it out in a weekend. I recommend buying things based on your body measurements though, I used this site. http://www.competitivecyclist.com/za/CCY?PAGE=FIT_CALCULATOR_INTRO A nice bike makes a big difference, I used to cruise at around 12mph on my hybrid, on this thing I can comfortably maintain around 16/17mph and when I wanna jam I can hit 25mph for a mile or so. It's been a nice way to see my city through new eyes, can't wait to bike around Jerez an Sevilla in March!
That's completely awesome dude! I've been a bit lazy on the bike front recently - but usually I love using the bike to get to work and have started that again recetnly. Apart from anything else, it's a great way to practice cante and take in the scenery at the same time. I worked out today the best place to put a letras sheet is to stuff it under the rucksac hip belt - you can whip out those letras real quick that way.
Life balance wouldn't be too bad right now if it wasn't for my depressingly unbalanced wife . And she blames all her negative energy on my interest in music. It's just an excuse, a scapegoat for a much deeper problem, but it does make clocking up any productive practice time pretty delicate.
She's actually got a really nice bike, but it doesn't even get used once a year. I'll have to try getting her out on it this weekend. Thanks for the idea.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
I've never actually met a completely balanced even tempered woman, it's all part of the journey my friend. haha Any time my lady has to work more than 20 hours a week everything becomes me and the cats fault. lol
Yeah man, hit the road, help her burn off some of that energy. I've noticed too if my lady doesn't work out she get's moody as well. That kinda ties in to her working more than 20 hours a week. They need their beauty sleep you know!
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
ORIGINAL: Leñador I've never actually met a completely balanced even tempered woman, it's all part of the journey my friend. haha Any time my lady has to work more than 20 hours a week everything becomes me and the cats fault. lol
Yeah man, hit the road, help her burn off some of that energy. I've noticed too if my lady doesn't work out she get's moody as well. That kinda ties in to her working more than 20 hours a week.
It's funny. The best moment of our relationship over the last 4 years was shortly after this years Olympic games. She saw this
fell in love with the Brownlee brothers and started doing 5km a day on a treadmill whilst watching triathalon videos on youtube. The effect on the relationship was great But it's water under the bridge. She's seen ALL the youtube triathalon videos one thousand times now and has lost interest in the Brownlee brothers, me and definitely anything about flamenco.
They need their beauty sleep you know!
There in lies the conflict - kids in bed, perfect time to start practising flamenco. I could be so easy for her to get me to stop practising compas - but instead she scowls at the other "women" in my life and declares we have nothing in common anymore.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
That is tough man but she needs another "man" so you can have another "woman". My lady has been at odds with flamenco recently so I've been pushing piano, painting, poems, calligraphy, anything she's ever liked. It's just nice to have a lady with a hobby that makes her happy. I actually asked her to quit dancing so she doesn't resent flamenco by the te we get to the Jerez festival in March.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Hey y'all - I read this entire thread.
Lenny: glad you found cycling. I hope things simmer down with the missus.
Dud: I hope things get back on track with the missus.
For anyone here seeking a great hobby that also is good exercise: Argentine tango. It also works great to better understand partner communication, an area on which we can all work.
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to Leñador)
Thanks Ramz! All is well actually, just a girll being a girl, ive learned how to deal with it when it comes up.
Funny you mention Tango, we've recently been talking about it. One of the dance teachers I used to play for is Argentinian and also teaches Tango, We've been toying with the idea of taking it up together.
Posts: 3484
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: Guitar made me fat (finding bala... (in reply to rombsix)
For anyone here seeking a great hobby that also is good exercise: Argentine tango. It also works great to better understand partner communication, an area on which we can all work.
Tango started out in the brothels of Buenos Aires and subsequently gained respectability. It has aficionados all over the world. I remember a television special a few years ago in which a tango craze in Iceland was featured! Anything to keep warm, I guess. At one time I thought flamenco was the height of sensuality, but it doesn't compare with the sensuality of tango, not to mention the exercise. Talk about two bodies intertwined in unison!
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."