Leñador -> Guitar made me fat (finding balance in your life) (Dec. 9 2015 3:38:29)
Obviously, I made me fat, not guitar, but it's a good scape goat. There was a time from about 19-26/7 that I did not play guitar much, fiddled around with metal songs that I had learned when I was 14 but it was maybe a once every few weeks kind of thing. Instead my time was usually filled with Ju-Jitsu and Kickboxing/Muay Thai. I trained 3 times a week for about two hours each, drank beer and ate anything I wanted and easily walked around at a super lean 180lbs. At a certain point I dislocated my shoulder, this became an ongoing issue, dislocations happened about every month in class. I had a surgery, went back to MMA and days before a ju-jitsu competition I had another bad dislocation. After this it began dislocating on the regular again! After a few more month of this I finally realized my body just couldn't handle combat sports. This is when I went back to guitar. I replaced all the time spent training and exercising with playing guitar, after a few month of this I found flamenco and really amped up my practicing. I basically worked, went home, drank a 6 pack and practiced until bed time. This lasted a few years and I ballooned up to 245lbs. At some point I got a lady friend, cut out the daily beer drinking and got down to about 230/235. This went on for another couple of years but my weight didn't budge. My practicing cut back a lot due to work and life(lady) obligations but I still managed to squeeze in a good 45 minutes a day at least. At a certain point I looked at my self in the mirror, drunk, fat, hairy, and pale and said "I gotta do something." My blood pressure was getting high, I snored like a monster and just didn't feel good about myself. I've since hired a personal trainer, changed my diet drastically and hit the gym about 5 times a week. 3 month later I'm down to 205 but it's been REALLY HARD WORK! I vastly underestimated how much my metabolism slowed down after 30. I basically work, go to the gym, eat, prepare my food for the next day, do dishes and by that time it's time for bed. It's getting exhausting and i'm beginning to feel like my life is really missing something, I try and squeeze in guitar when I can but it's just not enough to feel balanced. Here's what I pose to you. How do you maintain balance in your life? Between work, family and health how do you squeeze in enough time for your mind and me time? I run a business and try to shut the phone/email off at 6 now, that's helped a bit but I still feel like I'm squeezing every ounce out of the day and I'm still missing something. Anyone got any secrets or perhaps anyone else just wanna vent about being over ran?? I'd love to hear what other music lovers do to bring balance to their life.