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Please don´t tell us how you came across there videos!!!! haha
An ex-flamenco guitarist and cat-owner friend of mine posted the videos on Facebook in conjunction with a statement saying that his cat turns out to like massages (like in the videos).
I was waiting for someone to make a comment like yours, Doit, considering that the word "spank" was used.
I would pay any non-zero amount of money to someone (for example a hacker) who is able to remove all cat videos from YouTube for at least a week or so.
I would pay any non-zero amount of money to someone (for example a hacker) who is able to remove all cat videos from YouTube for at least a week or so.
What do you have against cats? They're just cute, furry creatures...
I dont have anything against cats or other animals. Its just this type of humor "look what i can do with my pet" that kind of p*sses me off. Its so bourgeois.
I dont have anything against cats or other animals. Its just this type of humor "look what i can do with my pet" that kind of p*sses me off. Its so bourgeois.
I don't think the videos were meant as a joke. I didn't find them funny actually, but rather interesting in terms of never having known that some cats enjoy that sort of thing.
I dont have anything against cats or other animals. Its just this type of humor "look what i can do with my pet" that kind of p*sses me off.
The cats obviously love it. They keep asking for more when the owner stops. It must be arousing somehow (cats are pretty rough lovers). I'm just guessing that the sensation is similar to a male grabbing the females flanks and the cats are getting turned on by it.
Had a really long lie-in today. When I got up & ready, I decided to clean up the house, put some washing in the machine, clean out the cat's sh!t house and then have some lunch.
Have just cleaned out the cat's sh!t house and suddenly don't feel like lunch anymore.