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RE: Black Hole eats sun
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RE: Black Hole eats sun (in reply to Ricardo)
Actually this lady knows more about it as an expert on Super massive black hole growth. 31:50 Her main counter-argument seems to be in fact confirming that Farrah et al.'s finding is significant. While, once formed, elliptical galaxies ( EGs) are "passive", making them great candidates for this kind of research, she says that Farrah et al. did not consider, in the construction of their "time sequence" made of observed EGs at various ages by redshift, that EGs formed in the early universe would essentially grow less before forming as an EG compared to more recently formed EGs because the young universe was structured differently: "in the early Universe those galaxies are probably going to be a lot smaller very chaotic whereas it later on in the universe they've probably settled down into disc galaxies with spiral arms that can funnel material along them and grow the black hole before they merge together with something else and eventually form the elliptical galaxy" She is saying this in arguing that the apparent result in Farrah (growth in mass relative to stellar mass by a factor of 8 to 20 with EG age) may be due to a difference in how EGs are formed depending on whether they were formed long time ago (early universe) versus later on. But the ones formed in the early universe would be the ones that now would have the largest redshift i.e. be the oldest ones in the Farrah sequence, and vice versa. And yet, it is these older ones (formed in the younger universe) that show the biggest mass gain, factor of 20, compared to the younger ones (which should grow more according to her) that show a factor of 8. So, I don't understand how the differential growth histories before forming as an elliptical galaxy are supposed to be an alternative explanation of the Farrah findings - the effect of that would be running the other way in terms of mass growth factor, so Farrah should not have found an increase from 8 to 20 with age; and yet they did.
Date Feb. 27 2023 18:57:29
Posts: 15139
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Black Hole eats sun (in reply to kitarist)
But the ones formed in the early universe would be the ones that now would have the largest redshift i.e. be the oldest ones in the Farrah sequence, and vice versa. And yet, it is these older ones (formed in the younger universe) that show the biggest mass gain, factor of 20, compared to the younger ones (which should grow more according to her) that show a factor of 8. So, hmm. I think that is backwards…time does not run backwards. That would imply a DECREASE in mass as time moves forward anyway. Looking back means “long ago” or “old now”, but the things we see there are evolutionarily “young” compared to things we see nearby. The idea is that YOUNGER FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE high red shift ellipticals show lower masses than low red shift galaxies (nearby evolved OLD GALAXIES), assuming the ellipticals at ANY POINT IN TIME, don’t have material around them to evolve more, so consider/assume each one an evolutionary cul-de-sac. Since they are not mapping the literal time evolution, but infer that all other formational aspects were equal, they see GROWTH over time, not the opposite, so the younger ones will have grown more mass BY NOW, but that info has not reached us yet…it is inferred by the study. (If I have this wrong then I understand absolutely NOTHING ) She is saying that the assumption that the closer (older and more evolved) black holes that show growth via a mechanism OTHER than merger (elipticals don’t’ exist or evolve alone, they are ALL after-merger constructions), is ALREADY WELL KNOWN, but these mechanisms are NUMEROUS, and not clearly understood, and Farrah’s findings are just more of this non-merger growth on the huge pile. Anyway, a lot of this is beside the point that it is the STELLAR MASS black holes appearance in the evolution of star formation that triggers the acceleration, i.e., more recently in history. At least that is THE important correlation the explains observations known since 1998. But as you know “correlation does not equal causation”.
CD's and transcriptions available here: www.ricardomarlow.com
Date Mar. 3 2023 14:16:33
Posts: 15139
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Black Hole eats sun (in reply to kitarist)
ORIGINAL: kitarist Oh I see, calling EGs formed in the early universe 'old' was confusing. Perhaps not ironically, a few days ago, James Webb found 6 EG’s too massive to be allowed to exist THAT EARLY in the Universe. In other words, they imply that actually….they are the equivalent of “OLD” EGs after all. First thoughts are that the universe is quite a bit older than 13.8 billion, in order for the amount of time needed to pass for galaxy merger and evolution on that scale to occur. However, as Hossenfelder points out, this is actually a PREDICTION of the alternative solution to Dark Matter Wimps/Machos, called MOND (Modified Newtonian dynamics). I believe if this theory ends up having legs after all, then “red shift” studies like the blackholes over time thing, might also need updating.
CD's and transcriptions available here: www.ricardomarlow.com
Date Mar. 4 2023 16:24:05
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