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Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

Dump Puppies 

"My" dump puppies have become 5 weeks now.

So far all ten still alive!
The mother, struggling hard and apparently going through quite some pain of her teats, had already sorted one of the puppies out, but kept nursing it after I had brought it back into the litter.

Here some pics from yesterday for the animal chaps on board:

Ain´t they cute? :O)
Watch for the little rascal in the right upper side of the third picture. How he fetched one of the rags I brought them for toying, with both of his rear legs in the air while lolloping away. hehehe

Aren´t things weird, in a way.
How folks shell out up to several grands for a breeders´ puppy, that will often times be of delicate health, under developed and more often than not a bit dull. And often times neurotic from birth ( as breeders for reason of profits won´t let the adult male in to sort out the genetically retarded), if not later on through clueless treatment.
All that for visual appearance like size, shape or colours.

And then look at stray dog puppies like these on the contrary. Considered annoying trash. Hunted, tortured ... at best left unchecked. ( Had to shoo away some human invaders already. And am keeping my ears pr!cked day and night. - Also because of foxes.)

Could be they won´t win some silly optics competition, but you bet your hat that most of these robust guys as long as not mangled over through a retarded host of careless drivers, not shot or cought to be locked away in some tiny, filthy, dark hutch to serve as "yard dog", nor killed by parasites, will become Einsteins of the dog world.

They display some amazing intelligence and individual character already now.

How I would love to take at least two of these and make them my personal chums once they reach three months of age! >sigh<

Having mentioned to a friend just yesterday, how remarkable it is that the puppies survived the coldness in the bare open, and how lucky they were that the winter has been largely relatively mild, since their time of birth ...

This is now how things looked this very morning:

Speaking of the devil ...

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics of the patchwork family ( seems there have been at least three fiances behind this litter)!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 13:23:09

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


Those puppies are really cute, and if I lived near you I would take a couple of them off your hands for companions and pets right now, that is if you would part with a couple and let me have them. I have always loved animals, and I honor and respect others (such as you) who love them as well.

I often prefer animals as companions to many humans! When I was assigned to the American Embassy in Santiago, Chile, I obtained a couple of baby female rabbits and nurtured them into adulthood. Those rabbits became a couple of excellent companions, and I brought them back to Washington, DC for my assignment to the State Department. One died, but the other one lived, and I shipped her to Jakarta, Indonesia for my next assignment. She died of old age in Indonesia. Those rabbits were a couple of entertaining characters. Both knew their names (Chiquita and Panchita) learned some interesting tricks, and seemed to love to listen to Mozart when I played classical CDs.

I suspect that you and I (agreeably!) disagree about political philosophy, economic systems, and social policy, but we share a common bond in our love of nature's creatures. It is an honor to consider you a Foro friend.




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 14:11:27

Posts: 5078
Joined: Apr. 10 2005

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

They are cute!! :D

I hope they aren´t running around freely where the next international soccer championship is...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 15:06:09

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


I figured already that you must be a fair person deep down there.

Man, how I would love seeing these little creatures going into hands like yours!

I have BTW taken my tomcat with me too, despite the hazzles. And he is part of the reason why I havn´t left this place, as the EU, due to new rules, won´t allow animals to be imported from outside, notwithstanding that my cat is originally from Germany.

He is a furry friend, and I can´t just leave him behind.
This is also the main reason why I won´t be taking of these puppies ( eventhough wishing to dedicate to / enjoy myself with the company of dogs all of my life through; vainly, for not having had appropirate place and time ) as I don´t know yet whether and when I might be leaving this place. And from experience, I would probably be stuck to here because of them.

Such before the fact that adopting strays would be doing nothing to change the overall situation of millions of poor creatures in this country alone.

Just look at this one mother dog, that decided to settle in my neighbourhood when she was a puppy, two years ago. As long as alife she will probably give birth to 2-3 litters per year, all damned to suffer. ( Her first and last one perished altogether at the age of 3 weeks despite my attempt to help.)
I will be seeking for a vet with an anesthetic gun so that she might at least be sterilized, but chances are about zero to find one.

I am already dreading the point in time when she´ll be taking the litter on her daily tours. The people will be seeing them as unholy pack and calling on administratives who then send a hord of unwashed amateur gunners to shoot them.

This type of policy has already liquidated all of stray dogs in the capitol, and from what I hear, the same thing is being planned for cats. - This would bring a rat explosion over the people in the awkward built, rotten city, and probably be what is deserved with that retarded mentality of indifference and detouchment.

Hey Doitsujin,

I am glad to see an empathical post from you.

Are you relating to the Ukraine?
It ain´t any different here, actually it is worse.

And what improves the situation in the Ukraine one more time is the fact that a western organisation has sealed an agreement with the Ukrainian officials that they shall refrain from shooting stray dogs, whilst the organisation is capturing and sterilizing the animals in huge numbers.

I besides wrote to that organisation, asking them to please set up for a similar agreement over here, offering to help with initiating contacts. ( Eventhough chances should be close to zero that local admins would listen at all.)
No reply from the org so far.

But thank you for the reminder!
I was pondering over past weeks what it is that I forgot. It´s writing to the org one more time.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 16:13:55

Posts: 7867
Joined: Jan. 11 2006
From: Beirut, Lebanon

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 16:17:57

Posts: 5078
Joined: Apr. 10 2005

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


I am glad to see an empathical post from you.

You know...puppies and babys always work... xD

Thats sad to hear that at your place it is even worse than in the Ukraine with the dogs on the streets.. That was really shocking a while ago.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 18:13:29

Posts: 4495
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

cute !!!

When i was a child , we lived in Shomal (northern area of Iran, near the caspian sea) for few years and we had a German Shepard .... lovely animal ....

Weird! now that i live in Germany (where almost everyone has a dog, i don't have one,,,,,but in Iran at that time when nobody had a dog and in fact everyone hated dogs,,,,we had a dog !)


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 20:25:36

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


ORIGINAL: Doitsujin

Thats sad to hear that at your place it is even worse than in the Ukraine with the dogs on the streets.. That was really shocking a while ago.

I havn´t seen images of that, and don´t want to. Have seen enough in life already; and medial reports only ad to it.

In case you didn´t know: Such "cleaning" off from stray animals appears to be routine in many places. And the residents seem to take such impassively as if it was refuse collection. Hosts of shoulder shrugging zombies, whose ability of compassion is reduced to obligate hypocrisy.

Who thinks that he be authentic with fondling childrens´ head, whilst in the same time able to set aside with creatures distress, should know that he is only fooling his hollow, apathetic self.
Behind countless existances of apparent human being there is waiting unpalatable truth of emotional frigidity.
For, feeling of external helplessness and pain is just that, and on principal independent of the object.

In pretty all cultures there appears to be traditional, idealised saying about fools blindness and inner eye blahblah, but in the least of them the background is congruently done up and really meant.
Many self-evidently wise terms are popular, yet just empty tokenism out of comprehension.

Sorry, if thelike sounds too .

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 21:04:31

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Arash



cute !!!

When i was a child , we lived in Shomal (northern area of Iran, near the caspian sea) for few years and we had a German Shepard .... lovely animal ....

Weird! now that i live in Germany (where almost everyone has a dog, i don't have one,,,,,but in Iran at that time when nobody had a dog and in fact everyone hated dogs,,,,we had a dog !)

German shepherd has always been my dream dog ( especially the fluffy ones).

My mother had a friend; "aunt Inge" for me.
They had such a shepherd dog named "Exel". Knew him since he came in at maybe 4 months.
He was a bit rough and darn strong; ´throwing folks around all the time. Playing with him in the snow was something!

What a buddy!

These days you´ll be hard pressed to find one with healthy straight back.
Probably easier now to be found abroad than in Germany.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 21 2012 21:13:01

Posts: 891
Joined: Oct. 29 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Hey Ruphus, just saw this. Made me think of your junkyard puppies.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 30 2012 23:12:28

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Just saw your post first time, Chester!
Yep, quite like it. The ones here get fed with all too current food too, like with hunted chicken or cats. No pleasent finding to my eyes.

Good day muchachos,

Here´s an update on the fluffy rocker gang.
Since these guys started toppling around, folks here have encreasingly become aware of them, with meanwhile the gang having become sort of famous in town. Much to my regret.

It is for over a month now that I am kind of conducting literally day & night shifts with guarding puppies against fox and people. In fact the foxes apparently having been succesfully kept away, but fellow men driving me nuts.
From any time in the day or night, be it 3 pm or 5 am I am rushing to the window, often times followed by a galloping down and keeping some people from klimbing over the wall and abducting puppies. With them sometimes inside there already / me due to have them get out and f*** off.
This is happening some average 2 to 4 times a day, and my tomcat who initially would be startled by me jumping out of bed or whatever like a spring puppet, meanwhile will hardly raise his head anymore when the procedure is taking place one more time again. He now, cool with all that, just waits for me at the door to great me back on return.
Luckily I can distinguish by now the puppies louds. Whether they are just bickering with each other, whether they signal a car nearing, whether people approaching the gate, and disticntly when the border has been crossed over the wall.
So far, only one puppy has been kidnapped. Probably when I was out till late in the night ( and forgot to turn on lights).

To tell you the most moving action to date:

Three days ago early in the morning, I wake up by a hefty alarm scream, rush to the window and see two bull-necks bagging ina puppy into a big sack, that appeared somewhat filled already.I yell a "Hey!!", immediately run for my pants and hurry to down there. Only a ~ 20 seconds later down there, no guys, no puppies to be seen. With my neighbours son, who has come by
now too, we run down the street with the guys nowhere to be seen.
I return to my garage, bring out the car and we let tires scream around the blocks. The guys with the sack like vanished from the ground. When we return to here, the neighbour´s son says: "Look there, that´s a head of a puppy sticking out through the hole in the wall!" And indeed, some 100 meters away I spot it too. Teetered through all the garbage in that lot, I arrive and pull out a
complete exhausted and parallized puppy, and on the other side of the wall I see another one, anxiously waiting for to be retrieved too.
We put the one puppy in the car, drive around the block to the front of the lot in question where there is an apartment bulding under construction. Before its gate a parked car, which I block with mine. Inside sitting the foreman, having a break. My compagnion tells him friendly to let us in and get the puppies back, but I rumble at the guy, how he would allow his workers to mess around in such ways. Steered up, inside the lot I angrily peer into the trailer, but can´t see anyone in the darkness, before heading on to get the abductee. Now the workers feel provoked enough, come out and ask what´s up with us, me on returning again, my neighbour´s son though tells me to go on / confriming every thing to be alright. So I continue and get that little rascal, and we leave. Me wondering where the rest of the gang being now, to my delight I see 3 of them back on the lot. And a look into the canal tube in front of my house shows that they are all there. Obviously the two guys had only yet sacked in two puppies when they fled. All of the otherwise extremely well composed baby dogs, but especially the two actually deducted ones however show severally shocked by that only ~ 30 minutes lasting attack and kidnapping. The two can hardly walk from stress and all of them won´t leave the canal tube for hours. ( What a cruel energy archaic brutes can induce in only minutes!)

Next day, the doggies seem back to order, but I am fed up from the situation now.
Problem being: I can´t just take them into my yard for several reasons, one of them being their totally men-shy mother whom I could never make staying. And these guys after all still suckle.

So, seeing how "animal love" here is exclusively bound to appearance, I organize some hair colour and decide to stain these guys. No easy job to capture 9 wild little dogs ( some trying to bite, especially furiously the boss in their hierarchy), taint them, rinse them thoroughly and return them, but I suceed with it.
- And once again the sheer incredible smartness of these little creatures who grasp very soon that though pesky, I don´t intend to harm them. And so, at the third time of me approaching and picking them up one by one they won´t even growl or try to bite anymore, and the most couraged of them already starting with checking out the yard.
Only the final washing with ice cold water won´t really appeal, and they now seem through with me. ;O)

One of the groups I kept from invading and deporting was three men, of whom one turned out to be a good spirit actually.

There´s a fox family right beside his lot who has already killed so much poultry of his that the damage amounts to ~ 2000 bucks by now. Therefore he´d want to have a dog to keep the foxes away. Folks have told him to burn out the burrow and kill the foxes, but he won´t dare. Realizing what a nice guy he is, I am actually glad to see an opportunity of shelter for one of the doggies ( planning to yet convince him of taking two for reasons of company ). He wanted to take one with himself right away, but me told him to wait. "How about in 3 weeks". I say: "No. They will be ready yet in four".

Because of him I changed my original policy of approaching them as little as possible, to keep them wild. Will now be bringing myself closer, so that we might catch them when time has come, without any brute methods.

The fierce and steady attempts of abduction have me really wondering what´s up. For, if this is common ways with hundreds of millions of stray puppies, it can´t just be recruitment of cruel dog keepers who need replacement all the time ( which in fact is a given culprit, as people tell me themselves. The last one like this: "My wife had forgotten to give him water, and he was heckling like crazy; and then we saw him lying there dead").

I am starting to suspect that the Chinese might have another source like in the Phillipines or in Indonesia, where callous characters catch cats and dogs and deliver them to more or less secret installations where the animals are being collected, ( slowly!) strangled, then skinned and shipped to China where they end up as fluffy neckware, which again you will find on coats in your local store, declared under zoological phantasy names like "gerwolf" fur etc. Another point being meat ressource. Heard just yesterday of disclosure about major restaurant suppliers having illegally used cat meat for rotisserie. And where food prices are inflated like here ...

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2012 16:06:09

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Another possibility suggested to me, being that town´s residents, now widely aware about the weird stranger who is nursing & defending the creatures, estimating these doggies to be especially valubale. Rather unfamiliar with the idea that someone could be investing just for the sake of a living being, folks could be thinking that it was about a valuable breed.
And indeed, of the three groups I asked to move on today ( it´s early afternoon now, just so you know), one asked me what breed these were. (Asking me whether I had painted them up [!] Me: "That´s just muck". He: "But it looks so made in a way!")

And they looked unbelieving when I told them these to be just crossbreeds. ( Unfortunately, most of the rascals ressemble labradors / golden retrievers all too much, indeed.)

Anyway, staining the babies, though not having turned out at all as rugged-looking as intended, seems to have helped somewhat. That´s at least how it looks until now.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2012 16:14:48

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


What can I say except...
You are a really, really nice guy.
A gem of a Human Being with a heart of gold.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2012 18:28:46

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Hey Ron,

Such words can´t leave me unmoved, and I thank you dearly for the highly appreciated good vibes, my friend! :O)

Sincerely though, I think it doesn´t take much more than just an open eye to empathize. Fine souls ( as so many creatures are by nature, and men would be too) just speak to you.

And some even in miraculously strong ways.
Like say with a certain baby of the first litter. Even before they had opened their eyes, but had felt so much hardship and threat already, that one little critter started turning towards me. And when they were only left 3 at the age of three weeks I brought them into my garage, not knowing what to do ( returning them after an hour or so). And this very puppy would tumble out of the carton sway to right before me, take a seat on his butt and look up into my face with its pale beady eyes. Reaching less than 15 cm in hight, strunggling with the balance, yet keeping me strictly fixated for a very long moment, until I kneed down.

I swear: This little thing was conveying "I like you. Let´s be friends and stay together".
Two days later the mother dog wouldn´t stop howling of grief for days and weeks to come.
Have you ever seen how a howling dog can first stretch to then utter and crinch each time, quite exactly like mourning humans do? I certainly saw it in such way for the first time.

That garage sit-in will stay with me to the end of days.

In this litter there seems a special pal too. Too, from his / her early days on. ( Supposed female gender / havn´t checked ). It´s the one right before my lense in the first photos above ( who smacked her nose right on the occular ).

Below you see her from two days ago. Call me crazy, but I think to see her sending feelings sort like: "Why only; why can´t we two just lay side by side and chew a nice raw bone together? - Why only is it that you are rarely around and even just teasing us like yesterday with that stupid watering action?"

I bet you san see it too.

Me thinks of it as common language, just like music is; and our civilisation only too detouched from life.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2012 23:00:08

Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Hey Ruphus,

Man, I am enjoying following the progress of your little buddies.

It's amazing how much thought, time and vigilance has already been required of you to navigate the puppies to this point.

I really hope they are all able to find good homes.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 18 2012 23:54:49

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ron.M



What can I say except...
You are a really, really nice guy.
A gem of a Human Being with a heart of gold.

truly ...agree, they are really really cute, if i was there id take one off your hands, since my dog died about 2 years ago i feel like i am ready for another now


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2012 3:06:48

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


A month ago, when you first posted the photos and story of the puppies, I said that if I could, and if you agreed, I would love to take a couple of those cute little creatures off your hands and raise them as my companions. I still wish we could do that. If I were to define the basic elements of the good life well-lived, it probably would consist of having a fine guitar, a couple of dogs as companions, and a rare, adventurous woman to share them with.




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2012 11:24:58

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Me too, Bill. Ideally with a horse looking through the window, and cats too ...
So nice to read your positive feedback, guys! :O)

Wish I had kindred spirits like you around the place. How great would that be.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 19 2012 14:41:57

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Hello friends,

Two days ago I was asked why I had lost weight, obviously. With the ongoing story below, I know, you will be guessing how come.
So, here the update on the little rascals.

After the last tightly prevented abduction, and with all the sleepnessness, it had become clear that things couldn´t be going on that way. Consequently I decided to take some of the puppies into my small yard, notwithstandingly after all.

It were 5 of them, but one wouldn´t want to settle, all sitting before the gate; so I let him retun after a couple of days. That made them 4 internals and 4 externals. It helped indeed quite some with keeping kidnappers away, whose attempt progressively decreased to now near zero ( probably thinking the externals were of "less quality", aside from that they were getting more defensible and quicker with escaping).

Then, about three weeks ago, the externals would start slimming down rapidly one after the other and die. All so rapidly, that I suspected them to have been poisened. The more as their caracasses, which I had to pul out from the canal tube before my house, used to be stiff like a board too immediately and also stay stiff.

In fact I came to blows with a neighbour days ago, who had been pretending disdain for the apparent poiseners ( and stone throwers, of whom there had been too), whilst the same guy was secretely making noises at night to make the dogs bark. ( Which means not only potential of neighbours annoyance, but can trigger a phone call to official instances who could then routinely order elimination.) Realizing the neighbour´s phoney action, I announced serious trouble in case that it would turn out, him to have also been putting out rat poison, which didn´t leave us all too friendly, unfortunately.

Right before the devastating dying started, me had received my new camera, using the internals as motives for playing around with the new toy.

The photos were used to introduce the four internals to friends abroad, as displayed below.

This is Charlie.

Charlie is an absolutely cool type. Maybe kind of like Snoopy.
A very levelled character and never ever nervous. A true gentleman. One who likes to allow his siblings to "win" during scrambling, but should things get serious he will show nerves and make clear in just a second who he is.
He is the boss.

In the same time he is a total mimosa when it come to me. I only need to look at him crooked or dismiss his greeting and he will retreat immediately, sulked for a while.
He is also the one of the pack who gives the least about food.

I do love all of them, but am completely moonstruck especially for him.

This is her majesty, Miss dubie.

Dubies is the alpha female and pretty lordly with the others, except of with Charlie, who simply is everybody´s darling.
Dubie also is the most intelligent of them all. Sheer incredibly so.

This is Hermann.
Though not slow at all, he is the simplest chap in the pack.
Predominat characteristic: piggish. He has sort of a vaccum sucker inbuild with which he´ll suck half of the food away before the others have even started feeding. No wonder hes has evovlved the strongest of them. He is on the way of becoming a chunk with strong jaws.
Since I gave him away once together with Susie for only a couple of hours ( folks return them the minute they realize that I´m indeed checking how they will be dealing with the puppies, as announced) he has become very clinging and extremely appreciative. Whereas originally he was very shy.

Here together with brother Charlie.

My favorite pic:

Since Charlie has been stubtley weakened physically the two are still very harmonically, but every once in a time you´ll see Hermann provoking for a second, in the way of "but I´m stronger than you", with his brother obviously signalling: "Won´t you dare even thinking of it".

Susie is now very shy, since the hours at the stranger´s place. She won´t let me grab her anymore, and will hide away when strangers enter the yard. She tremendously fears to be given away.
She is the underdog. This poor little baby. So cute, so dear, so fragile.
And yet when the pack ( usually without Charlie, though) decides to jump on her she will defend herself like a tiger. The mobbing was only occassionally, lessend with my disapprove and has decreased even more lately.
Sweety, she´ll break your heart.

And not ugly at all.

Just wanting to have a life like everyone else. Live and let live.

Here with Charlie.

The one she loves dearly, and before whom she is sitting here like a guard.

Unlike with her sometimes fierce and mercyless sister.

Of whom with hermann, she needs to defend herself at times.


Charlie suddenly lost weight severally and became passive, then refused to eat.
We have had three trips to the vet ( a long, bumpy and horrible drive, during which he vomitts every time. - I´ve been soaked with puke and piss each time, and you can sense that the little guy doesn´t feel comfy with it at all).
He had swallowed stones who stuck in the guts; was prescribed antiobioticum and paraffin and clyster with soap water, and another antibioticum per injection. However, he´d bring up whatever I would instill. Even the special med to prevent exactly that.

Then, three day ago, Hermann would follow Charlie´s way of laying passive, vomitting, refusing food and rapidly losing weight. In mind, I already saw them all wiped out by hepatitis or another desease. The situation was nerve wrecking. At least Hermann is keeping the meds inside.

Today, while Charlie ( now 5 days without a crumble of food) was receiving his third time infusion with blood serum, the blood test turned out miserable. The outlook was to smooth him with antibiotica and painkiller, but dying anyway; or surge with high chances of him not surviving anyway.

That´s when you saw a grown up man sitting before a little dog crying. Again and again.
Not my style actually, but just couldn´t hold composure. I wouldn´t stop inquiring the doc back and forth, and a more advanced of his colleagues showed up. His prognosis was the same, but his making more clear that without surgery there be no way out, made me ask to please operate. I think, the man then really gave his best.

It turned out that the guts hadn´t went necrosis yet, and I was able to take this little hero home with me, as the luckiest man on earth.
Charlie ain´t through yet, as there´s to be found a way first to make him eat, but I guess whose as strong as him will make it.
Tomorrow morning we´ll be back to the vet for nutriment infusion, maybe for a couple of days to come, but then he shall start eating again.

Dubie and Susie seem to be doing fine so far. Their somewhat lessened interest into eating must have been merely for empthical reasons, as today they have been eating fine again. (Their consideration and altered behaviour for the sick brothers certainly is amazing.)

The left over external puppy looks no good either, and his mother now as well.
I have seen that horrid people have thrown hospital waste ( human extracts, bandages et al) in the lot; unclear hence what the doggies are suffering from and whether they can come through.

Wish us strong; and for the remains of the hound family.



Who wants to see former photos, look here.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 19:22:33

Posts: 6424
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Go Charlie! It made me cry too. You are a very special person Ruphus and, if there is a God, he is smiling on you.

Beautiful photos with your new camera and lens, I guess? Please keep us posted with updates and images of their progress.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 19:40:05

Posts: 170
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RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Thank you for sharing your story Ruphus. Best wishes to you and your beautiful little dogs!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 19:43:26

Posts: 672
Joined: Jan. 20 2011
From: Canada

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

I love your documentary and have been following it from the beginning.
Thanks for sharing


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 19:47:01

Posts: 6424
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Sean


I love your documentary and have been following it from the beginning.

Good point and it gives me an idea. Ruphus, keep a photo diary and you could publish the whole story in a photobook one day. I can help with the edit and get it out there if you want?


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 19:51:17

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Escribano


You are a very special person Ruphus and, if there is a God, he is smiling on you.

I second that Ruphus!

You are an amazing human being and give us hope in this selfish and greedy world.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 19:59:42

Posts: 891
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RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics Ruphus. I wish you and your pack of little ones the best.

As a dog owner, I've always fantasized about having a whole pack so my dog (Duke) won't feel lonely and experience the joy of being amongst his own kind. Alas, I'm forced to live in dense metropolitan areas for work so that dream has yet to come true. He does seem to be quite fond of my daughter though :).

Not sure if I shared a pic of him here yet, but here he is when he was a little younger (he's 8 years old now and can still out run anyone I know).

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 21:06:58

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RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to chester

Can't help myself. :)

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 21:13:15

Posts: 1837
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RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

best luck to your puppies ... Ruphus
the pics are amazing and full of life thank you for posting them
I'm sorry for what happened hope it all gets better soon

good luck !

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 21:20:06

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RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to chester

One last one...

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 5 2012 21:21:27

Posts: 1821
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From: The land down under

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus

That's a sad story Ruphus. I hope everything works out as best as it can.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 6 2012 10:58:08
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3436
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: Dump Puppies (in reply to Ruphus


How discouraging to hear of such mistreatment. After all, it was we humans who brought them into our lives and bred them to be helpers and companions. The cruelty of your neighbors illustrates the alienation you so often speak of. How can people be so lacking in empathy?

Dogs can attract our affection, and break our hearts when they die. Larisa's dog Jack is getting on in years. He's eleven. His eyesight is failing, he doesn't hear as sharply as he used to, but still he is a loving friend.

The other day I said to her I was sorry Jack would probably be gone in a few years. She said, "Yes, they live such a short time, but they give so much happiness. It reminds us that our time here is short, too, and we should live it to the fullest."

Good luck with your remaining friends. I admire you for the care you have taken of them.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 6 2012 21:03:17
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