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How long can you go without playing before...   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 2559
Joined: Jul. 10 2003

How long can you go without playing ... 

How long can you go without playing before your skills start to diminish? Is it different for everyone? When I started building, I wasn't able to play as much as I used to. I've really missed playing so I have started again or at least have made an attempt to play more. I soon realized that I have lost A LOT! I have forgotten a lot of material but that is ok. I can re-learn it probably quicker than before since I'm familiar with it. Technique however is horrible. So, I was wondering, how long can you go without playing before your skills start to diminish? a week? two? a month? I'm in bad shape. We are in the process of moving into a new home. After the holidays, I plan to get back into playing with full force.


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 19:10:42

Posts: 1837
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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

for me its 3-6 days ... seriously im not kiddin

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 19:18:42


Posts: 11
Joined: Dec. 2 2011

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Elie

You could try doing stuff to stay in the right mind set.
You could listen to some new material, burn a nice cd and put it on while moving.
Or maybe figure out what you want to work on once you have time to practise again. Having some time to think about what you want to practise instead of reaching for the guitar and do the stuff you always do can be very helpful.
Goodluck moving!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 20:09:39

Posts: 881
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From: Hungary

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez


for me its 3-6 days

same here...tough I sometimes find It's better even after 6 days also, but that's rare
I just recently got starting to experiment with this, since I used to have much more time to practice...oh gosh

I used to have periods in my life with 6-8 hours pactice every day, then a 3 hour gig in a restaurant...sweet memories


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 20:12:10

Posts: 3053
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From: Sweden

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

3days. picado 1 day


This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 20:13:56

Posts: 2559
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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Hafez


You could listen to some new material, burn a nice cd and put it on while moving.

This I have started to do. I listen to all kinds of music but mainly rock and flamenco. The funny thing is I also play steel string acoustic and I don't have much trouble picking something up. Flamenco on the other hand, totally different. My compas is waaaay off so I have to start listening to it again to get it in my head and my technique is off. I truly believe that flamenco is one of the most difficult styles of music to play. So much involved. I'm quickly learning that if you don't use it you lose it. As difficult as it has been, it has been fun. It's like starting over again and learning. Such a beautiful culture. I never want to be away from it again too long.


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 20:43:06


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From: Segundo Barrio

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to duende

People don't beleive me when I tell them practicing Flamenco is like training for a sport- you have to be at it everyday or you start to lose a few steps very quickly. Then I tell them breaking a nail is like spraining your ankle- a big setback. Picado is always the first to go. I remember reading an interview of a classical guitarist (maybe Tennant) that went something like- "If I don't practice for a day I notice, two days my friends notice, three days my audience notices" Something like that. Seems about right.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 20:59:53

Posts: 1942
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to beno

3-4 days sounds right
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 22:04:29
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

Sometimes it does you good not to play , helps put things in perspective .
I play quite a bit now , but I always have to force myself to try to play something I need to play .
I could waste hours playing and not really doing anything , if you know what I mean. When I go on holiday I purposely don't play , have a guitar , go anywhere near guitars or listen to them , except perhaps by accident .
Afterward my guitar sounds better , cleaner and livelier , and then I want to play, maybe I lost a bit of something , but I soon get it back , of course maybe I dont have so much to lose as others , but I still say if you want to hear yourself play then have some time off , do something else and when you come back you will hear yourself anew.


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 22:09:25
Andy Culpepper

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From: NY, USA

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

I've never gone more than 3 days since I started playing, but I definitely don't lose anything in that amount of time, in fact I usually come back better than before. I used to play every day almost religiuosly, but I've found I play a lot better if I play every other day.


Andy Culpepper, luthier
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 22:24:20

Posts: 2559
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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to El Kiko


Sometimes it does you good not to play , helps put things in perspective .

Your absolutely right. When I was actively playing, I'd sometimes get really frustrated trying to learn something so I'd put the guitar down for a day or two. Then get back at it with better results. For me, the guitar is a love/hate relationship. Whether it be playing or building. A labor of love.


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 6 2011 22:51:12

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

yeah most times is 3 to 4 days...its not so much that your skills diminish but your confidence and certainty diminishes and u don't feel as comfortable and are more likely to make mistakes..

once in a blue moon, normally when u had a long period of practice sometime before you get one of those days when u play better than you ever had and surprise yourself ...but imo that mostly cause u know u haven't practiced and are expecting the worst

or in my case instead of technical ( long picadao runs etc) stuff I focus extra on my feel to try and compensate...keep the technical aspect as simple as i can to do the job ,doing the minimum required while most my focus is on dynamics


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 5:21:15


Posts: 990
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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

I just noticed your official location/origin (i.e. "The Uterus").

You and Courbet!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 10:20:15

Posts: 927
Joined: Mar. 6 2007
From: Bahrain

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez


How long can you go without playing before your skills start to diminish? Is it different for everyone? When I started building, I wasn't able to play as much as I used to. I've really missed playing so I have started again or at least have made an attempt to play more. I soon realized that I have lost A LOT! I have forgotten a lot of material but that is ok. I can re-learn it probably quicker than before since I'm familiar with it. Technique however is horrible. So, I was wondering, how long can you go without playing before your skills start to diminish? a week? two? a month? I'm in bad shape. We are in the process of moving into a new home. After the holidays, I plan to get back into playing with full force


Playing guitar is not my or your proirty like Ricardo, Jason and others, who they depend and live from it. Some time you need to finish what is important than spending your time practicing, which in your case finishing your house, being a good player without a house is bigger problem than a (for example) a weak player with a house!!

so, don't punish yourself, you did what you have to do as a responsible person, it is the absolute logical and wise decision you made, finish the build of your house, settled down, remove this heavy weight from your chest, and then you will be so ready to go back to guitar, but try to make at least half an hour playing or practicing each day, maybe before you sleep, so you don't loose or forget any technique.

also, if you dont have time to play you can listen and watch flamenco, watch lots of videos, work on your house while the ipod is playing solea, buleia, paco etc...

As I was trying to said, everyone should balance his life, 24 hours 7/days flamenco is not for everyone, it's only for professional and for who get an income from it, for us it is only a very series passion and hobby.

BTW, some time i find it so helpful to take one or two days as a break from playing, so when I get back to the guitar I feel much comfortable and clear minded.


Bahrain is my country and Andalucia is my dream
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 11:39:19

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Andy Culpepper



... a classical guitarist (maybe Tennant) that went something like- "If I don't practice for a day I notice, two days my friends notice, three days my audience notices" Something like that. Seems about right.

Me, my wife, friends ... It was Segovia who said that.


ORIGINAL: deteresa1

I've never gone more than 3 days since I started playing, but I definitely don't lose anything in that amount of time, in fact I usually come back better than before. I used to play every day almost religiuosly, but I've found I play a lot better if I play every other day.

I think it might have to do with posture.
If of the lucky guys who either started out with ergonomical posture by chance, or who had good instruction from start, breaks might not mean detriment that soon.

If the task however includes overcoming bad habits / default posture without yet having estalished the new ergonomical approach, breaks might throw you off, with each break restoring imperfect technique.

In high-power sports it has been realized years ago that breaks can do good, provided coordination imprint ( ~ posture ) is at a high level.
Thus, unlike in former times, athletes these days are allowed to take a break before events.
( I also remember to have been up sursprisingly well after breaks like Eastern hollidays etc.)

Another point could be the lust.
After a bit of abstinence the beauty of the instrument seems to be perceived even better, which again makes for an inspiring factor.

Since years now I have accustomed to regular exercising, quite daily.
For some reason currently having played only twice over the past ~ 14 days , I can feel the desire accumulating.
Already the last session was very satisfying, and tonight I expect to have some fun with the guitar.

Another aspect is the way of scheduling.

Over the first decades I used to play excessively for ~ 5-24 hours a piece and then pause for days, weeks or even months.
Needless to say that such won´t do.
Shorter practice, and be it just an hour, however regular / daily at that, obviously yields much more efficiently.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 11:53:00

Posts: 2559
Joined: Jul. 10 2003

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Haithamflamenco


Playing guitar is not my or your proirty like Ricardo, Jason and others, who they depend and live from it. Some time you need to finish what is important than spending your time practicing, which in your case finishing your house, being a good player without a house is bigger problem than a (for example) a weak player with a house!!

Well said Haithamflamenco.


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 12:49:17

[Deleted] (in reply to TANúñez

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 14:04:26

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to CMND/CNTRL


Flamenco is like training for a sport

I've thought for a while now its more like a martial art. In the guitar world the majority of chord strummers are cannon fodder. Rock guitar produces a few heavy weight boxing champions, finger style has some cool Thai kick boxers, the Classical players have some master swordsmen and the Jazz world can produce some Ninja assasins. However the kung fu masters of guitar are undoubtably the flamencos. You need the precision of a classical guitarist, the freedom of a Jazz player and the fire of a rock player combined with compas and duende. Its more than a sport....its an art, a philosophy, a daily discipline and a way of life.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 21:53:36

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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Pimientito

So Flamencos are more like Mixed Martial Arts who know a bit of everything.


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2011 22:27:12

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez


However the kung fu masters of guitar are undoubtably the flamencos. You need the precision of a classical guitarist, the freedom of a Jazz player and the fire of a rock player combined with compas and duende. Its more than a sport....its an art, a philosophy, a daily discipline and a way of life.

i think i just got a hard on


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 0:11:24

Posts: 495
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From: North Carolina, USA

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Florian

Is it already getting difficult to tell for sure?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 1:45:57

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Gummy


Is it already getting difficult to tell for sure?

lol i was trying to think further of something clever and funny to replie
meanwhile i kept laughing at your line...what else is there to say

brilliant comeback !


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 7:50:17

Posts: 2481
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From: Marbella

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Florian


i think i just got a hard on

At least that explains the expression in your Avatar
(you have to forgive my last comment...I just finished watching a Jet Li movie)


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"Ceremonial" by Mark Shurey "Pimientito". CD and digital download vailable on Amazon and
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 9:19:25

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From: Sarpsborg,Norway

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Pimientito


(you have to forgive my last comment...I just finished watching a Jet Li movie)

Your comment makes sort of sense, though.

I dont think I liked it as much as florian though


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 10:10:38

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to odinz


(you have to forgive my last comment...I just finished watching a Jet Li movie)

haha no it was perfectly worded, and expressed... that's what got me excited was poetic


At least that explains the expression in your Avatar

this is not really a hard on kind of expression if anything is more like...going to a public toilet and sitting on the stool.....before the last guy gets up

this great, i use my hero's photo to pay him tribute and what do i end up doing ? ...but its ok for me to do it cause i am his biggest fan

btw.. i already transcribed the falseta in this at 2:01( its hard cause its 3 guitars so i have to make it for one and chose what to ignore and what to use without losing its essence, which is gonna be hard to do without the backing chords ...but well see what happens, il keep trying things till i like it) just got to practice the hell out of it...that picado and speed is fasssssssst...but that run is so much fun and great practice for the little dance accompany there noone like this guy IMO


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2011 14:07:24


Posts: 47
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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to Pimientito


However the kung fu masters of guitar are undoubtably the flamencos. You need the precision of a classical guitarist, the freedom of a Jazz player and the fire of a rock player combined with compas and duende. Its more than a sport....its an art, a philosophy, a daily discipline and a way of life.

Well said... Bravisimo !!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2012 17:17:04


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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez


How long can you go without playing before your skills start to diminish?

8 minutes
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2012 17:28:32
Erik van Goch


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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

I hardly ever played/studied on a daily base. The few times i did i my average level soon raised dramatically (after a couple of weeks of daily practice). Ones used to a daily rhythm skipping 1 day would already be noticeable.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 3 2012 18:43:26

Posts: 1182
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From: Frankfurt, Germany

RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

one day.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 4 2012 0:32:16

Posts: 1469
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RE: How long can you go without play... (in reply to TANúñez

It varies, usually about one week. Altough sometimes after a break I notice new ideas coming up
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 10 2012 16:29:07
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