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Here you have a short video of me playing the same intro por solea on two different guitars. Number 1 is a Indian Rosewood negra, no soundport. Number two is a Peghead blanca with a soundport. What they have in common is the same bracing system and two very similar soundboards. Besides that, they are very “green”. They´ve just had Strings on for a short while, both have been played a max. of some 30 - 40 minuts and they are both sold, packed and ready to be shipped. This is what my clients get. In my ears, they both sound very well, are very balanced, muy flamencas and are very open sounding already Pictures of the guitars can be seen on my blog: http://news-from-the-workshop.blogspot.com/
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Very transparent and remarkably open for green ones!
What I miss a bit is a tad more body and growl to mids and basses. I suppose this to be bound to the recording, though recalling that you prefer things rather bright.
Interesting how unlike to commonly expected properties the blanca appears to have more of it ( MF & LF) than the negra.
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
The reason for making this video is that here on the foro and especially in my email inbox, there are many questions about negras or blancas sound. When I hear this video, i must admit that I dont think that there´s that much difference in sound. Both are very flamenco sounding and there are things on both which i prefer. The negra has a very nice separation while the blanca has more of that typical cypress crunch. But both very flamenco. To me, the main diference is the feel and the response (Things you cant experience on the internet). They produce their sound in different ways. Its very difficult to put words on, but for me, its always that way. I´m a blanca man myself and even though I might prefer the sound of a negra, I´ll always choose to play the blanca... Because of that feel and response. But thats something 100% personal.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Ole. I'm a blanca peghead guy myself, more by nature than exposition nowadays. The negra sings a bit more. The blanca is plaintive, fading earlier, as she must.
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
I actually like the way that negra sings. I think its very flamenco sounding. But I prefer the feel and the response of a blanca. Not just talking about these two guitars. Its a general feeling. 95% of my playing time is on blancas. When I try other builders blancas and negras, its the same. BUT its personal and there are players prefering the sound, touch, response and general feel of negras.
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
The guitar is a joy to play. It has a tight pulsation without being hard at all.
Hello Anders, the guitar has just arrived, and played it for a few minutes.
She looks awesome! Can't compare it to the other guitars I'd had, its a total different league.
She is and plays very lightly, I really have to adapt to that. The balance is perfect,...it only now makes sense to me. The smell is great. Golpes finally sound great!
I was a little bit scared about the pegs and tuning, but it is a rather nice feeling. You really feel the tension of the strings while tuning.
More to come, but now I am gonna play for the rest of the day!!!
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Yes, We want video. We want video etc.
I´m glad its with you and that you like it. Its a very vibrant and loud guitar. I´m very proud of it. Also, I´m glad you like the smell, CDN cypress has a special smell.
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to gbv1158)
Complimenti Giambattista:)) Well, i should've been on Andres waiting list for a Blanca to be made by Next March but then for our nice work situation in Europe in general and in Italy on specific, instead of receiving the promised big bonus, i lost the job without even a thank you word and my contract was not renewed because of the poor budget of the company bla bla bla! Hopefully things got better again after quite 8months with no job, i had a nicer opportunity in another bigger company (( Alla Faccia Loro)) and i'm contacting Andres soon
THe funny thing is: when i contacted Andres months ago inquiring about the Blanca , i Bought a nice used Hnos Sanchez from a nice gentleman from Modena as a backup guitar with the intention to sell it once i receive The Andres! i also ordered a nice Hard Case from the BAM company and i had to be on their waiting list! few days ago i received The Case and it's simply Beautiful: Take a look here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/alandalusy/sets/72157627951789411/show/
Since i dunno when can i receive a Blanca From Andres '' I have to place my order, then contact him'' i simply put the Bam case in my closet, carefully with the intention of opening it for the Andres in the future
Congrats once again for you and Kozz. One day i'll get a coffee with you and i'll try your Preciosa Negrita amigo
Ciao Wael
This is hard stuff! Don't give up... And don't make it a race. Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Giambattista, I dont understand why you have to wait untill friday. Do you have hollydays in Italy this week? If not, UPS are not doing their job and you could ask for a refund. I hate when my guitars get stuck out there........
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Dear Andres, i beleive that Giambattista will agree with me if i say that we are used to that! they are not always on time when it comes to delivering something especially from abroad. Hence, Gas Stations in Italy are on strike from the 8th till the 11th of this month. I guess they are late for this reason!!
I was thinking about your number 81 Blanca but i can't afford that for the time being placing an order will be cool for a new one. I guess i'll come to visit too, not for the wood choice etc but i'll simply be so happy to meet you in person. Waiting for a week approval that i intend to spend in Spain. I'll PM you so soon
Ciao Wael
This is hard stuff! Don't give up... And don't make it a race. Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
ok..., UPS says that the guitar has arrived in Bari ( town 25 km from mine) this morning and the delivery will be by tomorrow!!
I guess the delay was because of the bad weather of these days in France and North Italy! (very very BAD! weather!)
( besides UPS doesn't work saturady and sunday)
So. I have to wait a few hours!.. till tomorrow!... who is going to sleep tonight! :-)
Weal, I'm sorry for your job!, I wish you to find soon a better new one! Unfortunately things in general are not going so good here in Italy! as all over in Europe!.... by the way I lost my job too, this summer, and now I am "starting" again with my own office. ( It is so hard!). I Hope you'll have as soon possibile the opportunity to own a guitar made by Anders!.... and of course if you happen to come this way be sure to contact me..... we'll play together, blanca and "preciosa"! :-)
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Thanks guys. A video will come soon, yesterday I also had my exam Spanish for beginners level 1. I kinda rushed it because I wanted to get home quick, but it wasn't that difficult.
Posts: 15491
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Video of new Anders Eliasson neg... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Nice. Both guitars have the same voice pretty much. The only thing I can tell is the negra has more bass, but only when you actually are playing on the basses. The mids are strong and clear on both guitars. Nice work anders.