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IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ?   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? 

I just dont have the time or patience to learn a new new computer came with windows 7 ..i tried pisses me off that i dont know what i am doing...

a simple option like selecting mutiple files and moving the to another folder is a hustle for me...before xp used to have an option, move files or copy button at the top of the folder...i dont know how to do it on win 7 looked for it for 15 minues today...still dont know..

can you tell me either how to remove windows 7 to install xp or ....where the freaking button to move multiple files between folders and drives is ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:41:53

Posts: 811
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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

Put the CD of the Windows version you want to install in the drive.
Boot the computer so it boots from the CD and let her rip.
It will ask you about overwriting, say yeah baby.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:43:40

Posts: 9282
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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to rogeliocan

oh i would love it if it was like that...but

is not as simple as that...i tried with dosent let it..i keep getting the same error...i think its a common thing


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:44:29

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

Oops, and to select multiple files I doubt that has change.
In the file explorer, select the first file than press the Shift key and then select the next file down or up the list, this will select all files in between.
To select a much of files here and there, click on the first file, then press the Ctrl key as you click all other files you want to select.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:45:58

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


is not as simple as that...i tried with dosent let it..i keep getting the same error

What errror is that?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:47:01

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to rogeliocan

no i can select them...thats no moving them all at the press of a button and selecting the destination right from used to have it in the top of every folder



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:48:09

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


What errror is that

the blue window you get simillar to when you having a hard drive problem

0000000xx error etc


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:49:52

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


no i can select them...thats no moving them all at the press of a button and selecting the destination right from used to have it in the top of every folder


I don't have my Windows 7 with me right now. But for shure you could drag and drop or right-click and use the context menu.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:50:31

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to rogeliocan

you can drag...but for that u need the destination folder also open...the whole point is not having too button send it to where you want it...

you can right click once files selected but i didnt see the option...theres a send to option but that sends it to a different drive...not a perticular folder

i am sure theres an eazy way...i just havent found it yet...only today i installed the new pc and started using it...must admit some things are nice...but i love the one button option at the top of every folder to send files to selected folders


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:53:24

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


the blue window you get simillar to when you having a hard drive problem

0000000xx error etc

Here is what I think. I think your machine is too new for XP and your old XP CD lacks the proper hard drive drivers for your machine. So it can't find a hard disk and crashes.

To fix this you would have to get the drivers on a floppy drive, and, when XP prompts you for a driver disk, tell it to go there. But you can't even get it to that point. So I would think that you have no choice and get used to Windows 7.
The move to Windows 7 is not that bad, a lot easier and less annoying then Vista.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 15:57:50

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


i am sure theres an eazy way...

You can open another explorer window and set it to the destination, then you drag to that window.

You can have WIndows display the menu by setting the options. This shows how.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:01:08

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to rogeliocan

mmm i think there is a way to do it...i once did it for a friend on a new laptop...i just forghot what i did...

i remember that i had to format the c drive somehow and start fresh and clean, then it works no problem...i think the error is something to do with windows 7


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:02:08

Posts: 1926
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

Total Commander is your answer, no need to change systems, just learn this one simple program, it does everything for you in nanoseconds...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:04:14

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


i remember that i had to format the c drive somehow and start fresh and clean...i think the error is something to do with windows 7

Impossible. Think about it. Windows 7 is sitting on your hard drive and you are booting from the CD. Your CD knows nothing about what is on the Hard Drive, it just loads and runs.
Booting from your CD, it's all what is on the CD and your hardware, nothing to do with what is on your hard drive.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:05:49

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to rogeliocan


Impossible. Think about it. Windows 7 is sitting on your hard drive and you are booting from the CD. Your CD knows nothing about what is on the Hard Drive, it just loads and runs.

well i dont know ..maybe you right...all i know is that i didnt have that problem on a clean install on the laptop after i removed and formated win7 drive

think about it...if removing win 7 was as eazy as placing an operating system cd in the tray there wouldnt be tousands of articles on the web about how to remove win7


Total Commander is your answer, no need to change systems, just learn this one simple program, it does everything for you in nanoseconds...

thanks buddy i will give it a try

thank you both very much for trying to help me


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:10:26

Posts: 811
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From: Canada

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian


think about it...if removing win 7 was as eazy as placing an operating system cd in the tray there wouldnt be tousands of articles on the web about how to remove win7

Well who knows, maybe you are right. Post an update if you figure it out. I hopw at least you were able to have you menus show up.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:18:47

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to rogeliocan


I hopw at least you were able to have you menus show up.

oh yes i followed that link and did it


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:20:22

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

YAY i found my answer!!

exactly what i need ...perhaps il give windows 7 another week to grow on me


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 16:22:56

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

I'm little bit sleepy and didn't understand what you really want because i read fast
but ctrl+x for cutting and then ctrl+v for pasting is like moving files
ctrl+a would select all files in the folder , ctrl+c to copy files if you need that

about xp and new computers , yes most new computers don't support xp for various reason

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 27 2011 17:47:08

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Elie


I'm little bit sleepy and didn't understand what you really want because i read fast

I just wanted this...the "Move to" and "Copy to" button...didn't wanna drag and drop, you have to find the folder u want to send it to first, open it, go back to your all again... alot of times different folders.. that doubles the work when you have alot of small files to move and you do it often, i didn't realize how much i was using that option until i no longer had it

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 28 2011 0:34:53

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

Not sure if it's relevant to your post anymore, but before you roll back your new machine to XP, I'd research to see if the components of your new PC are even supported under XP. As someone who's done this before, I can tell you that some device manufacturers no longer create XP drivers, leaving you to try drivers for a similar device, or some hacked-up third party ones. Ya gotta go into your Device Manager and write down all the specific device info before you reformat, otherwise you'll be sorry!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 28 2011 1:01:48

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

And we Mac users just laugh and shake our heads


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 28 2011 8:17:05

Posts: 86
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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

I move files all the time and it had never been a problem for me... I used to play games that need me to be really fast though (Starcraft) and watching the typical computer user makes me really impatient haha. Like watching someone driving at 20 km/h on the highway.

I prefer my way and I'm sure it's faster than what you're using because I assume you'll have to browse for your folder after each time you click "Move to..."

Maybe try using alt + tab and other hotkeys more?

Select/highlight (use Ctrl click or Shift click or Ctrl + A (Select all) -->
Ctrl + C (Copy) OR Ctrl + X (Cut/move) --->
Alt + Tab (You may need to hold Alt and press Tab several times) --->
Ctrl + V (Paste).

Or alternatively just open 2 windows and drag them if the files aren't too scattered.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 28 2011 16:35:35

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to JieXian


Maybe try using alt + tab and other hotkeys more?

Select/highlight (use Ctrl click or Shift click or Ctrl + A (Select all) -->
Ctrl + C (Copy) OR Ctrl + X (Cut/move) --->
Alt + Tab (You may need to hold Alt and press Tab several times) --->
Ctrl + V (Paste).

Or alternatively just open 2 windows and drag them if the files aren't too scattered.

thats eazy enough to do and i do sometimes but still its twice the effort...and also i dont wanna copy and duplicate the files somewhere by simply copying them...i wanna move them...the "move to" button is the eazyest and makes most sense i think


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 0:37:38

Posts: 86
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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

To move you can use ctrl + x to cut instead of ctrl + c to copy.

Of course if you prefer that way then do it by all means but that way will be useful when you come across a computer without that modification.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 5:44:51

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

I dont use Win7 for two reasons. One is driver for my soundcard, the other is they remover that "Up" button which lets you go one directory up. This was the most useful button in XP and they removed it. Thats just BS.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 9:34:07

Posts: 1926
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From: Budapest, now in Southampton

RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to Florian

trying to work in windows explorer is a total waste of time, just get total commander, trust me on this one...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 9:57:30

Posts: 7867
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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ


trying to work in windows explorer is a total waste of time, just get total commander, trust me on this one...

Especially if you want to do backups of you data.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 10:12:18

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to xirdneH_imiJ

I stopped using TOtal cmd since it gives you no information about the size of a folder. With explorer you just move your mouse over it and BAM you get a pop-up info.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 10:29:02

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RE: IS there a way to remove Windows 7 ? (in reply to XXX


I stopped using TOtal cmd since it gives you no information about the size of a folder. With explorer you just move your mouse over it and BAM you get a pop-up info.

Just click on the folder and hit space on your keyboard, and the information you seek will appear before your very eyes.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 29 2011 10:40:27
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