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RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
I change them every 2 weeks. Used to change the basses more often, but i just dont care anymore.
Dull basses dont bother me anymore, but i do hate trebles that are heavily scratched up from my nails, and stretched out to the point that they feel as hard as cement.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
i use to change once a month but since i got back into this rock n roll thing i havent changed for over a year. It still sounds ok. must be a good guitar.
This is hard stuff! Don't give up... And don't make it a race. Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
but do you buy single D-strings?
yes mate it's available to buy just a single string , there are :Savarez, La Bella, D'Addario Strings and some other label , but these are the most 3 famous
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
I change the basses about every 6 weeks...but I clean them every weekend starting at week 2. The trebles I usually change every other bass re-string. With my new Navarro Concert Flamenco I'll probably be changing the basses monthly to keep that sweet, rich tone.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
Tele, I keep my trebles on for a year or 2.... In general, this with changing string has a lot to do with the guitar. Robert Ruck said that he started building guitars because he was tired of changing strings. Some guitars. Even VERY expensive ones only work with new strings. I personally consider those guitars to be bad guitars and I dont care what the name on the labe says.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
I keep my trebles on for a year or 2
Wow!! So do you clean your strings a lot? I wipe them of when I finished playing, But even though If I dont change them after 2 or maximum 3 months, the basses become really dirty and dull sounding. So I change the whole set!
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
Both bases and trebles i tolerate as long as they don't produce bad overtones or became a pain in the *** 1 way or the other. I learned to live with dull bases and you can temporary reanimate them by rewinding them and smashing/snare-drum them to the fingerboard (kicking out the dirt and the dust) a couple of times before rewinding them to normal tension (with pegs it takes seconds). My trebles can stay on for years, the bases...well i'm lazy so nowadays maybe twice a year.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
I agree with Anders, this is what I do as well, the change of bass strings brightens everything, trebles last forever. If you change them more often, it's just to satisfy your need to tie knots.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
Yes, but that same guitar usually sounds better with crisp basses on it :)
Well, thats personal I prefer the basses when they are slightly worn Just some 10 - 15 hours of playing When the basses are totally new, the guitar sound is very much a new string sound. I personally prefer to hear the guitar itself some more
Interesting, One of the most famous guitar brands, is famous for always needing new strings and the players who use this brand always change the strings with a very short interval. The same players you see on stage strugling with a guitar that wont stay in tune because of new strings. I just dont understand.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
Interesting, One of the most famous guitar brands, is famous for always needing new strings and the players who use this brand always change the strings with a very short interval. The same players you see on stage strugling with a guitar that wont stay in tune because of new strings. I just dont understand.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
I change my bass strings every couple of months - normally when they start to get a bit tarnished and the wire is not even over the frets anymore.
The trebles I leave on for twice as long or more. They seem to hold up well to wear and tear.
I think it really depends on how much you play as well. I am a learner so play less that a professional player but still probably average about 6 hours a week.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to el carbonero)
I have noticed luthier medium basses last best for me. I've tried daddario, la bella, hannabach, savared. They also don't get large areas exposed with copper after long use. They turn copper color only at the fret contact points.
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to rombsix)
Used to change them monthly, but now I change them (the whole set) only twice per year.
I haven't changed my strings probably for the past 1.5 years now on my Cordoba GK Studio Negra... I use D'Addario Pro Arte EJ 45 normal/medium tension classical guitar strings. I always leave my guitar in its gig-bag whenever I am not playing it, and I practice about four or five times per week, each session lasting about 30 to 60 minutes. My strings never seem to wear out... I mean, obviously, they're not brand new, but the windings have not come off of the basses or anything like that (just a bit of discoloration), and they still tune very well. My hands do NOT sweat at all, and I always make sure to play with a capo on a different position (fret 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4) so that I can distribute the wear-and-tear all over the strings rather than on a single area (thereby weakening it). I also don't do very many slides...
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Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: How often do you change your str... (in reply to yohan)
Since I play more than one guitar, I change the basses when they get dull, not on a regular schedule. Usually this is not long after they stay in tune overnight without stretching. For me the trebles last through about three sets of basses.