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Had a great night yesterday evening with the Terremoto tribute.... Here's a short movie I shot with Joaquin Grilo. I've got more but is taking a while to upload
RE: Flamenco Biennale 2011 Amsterdam... (in reply to kozz)
haha nice! Clapping the contra reminds me how problematic i feel myself with this stuff
Now its time to reconsider my compas again, it was a very usefull
Yeah doing palmas is very usefull. If you pratice seriously what you learned there, you'll improved very much in the understanding and feeling of the Arte.
Ed is playing in the upper left corner
Just next to the lazy guy who seems so bored?! WTF i hope he did not pay for that
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
RE: Flamenco Biennale 2011 Amsterdam... (in reply to kozz)
ORIGINAL: kozz Here's a short movie I shot with Joaquin Grilo.
I wonder what the dance accomp experts on the foro think about this. Diego is mainly playing solo here. Dancer dances above his falsetas. Is this impro? If so, how does the dancer know the length of the falsetas and remates?
Posts: 1604
Joined: Dec. 24 2007
From: Siegburg, Alemania
RE: Flamenco Biennale 2011 Amsterdam... (in reply to kozz)
Ed is playing in the upper left corner
Yeah, it was a great workshop, Remco is the guy behind the camera I believe the "bored" guy is Bobote's son/relative (or "desciple" ---> he was doing palmas with El Torta & Diego Morao in the Saturday night show).