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OK..... I just watched this before seeing any of the posts below. I just wanted to first say that I absolutely love this material. Simple, beautiful, thoughtful and I am thrilled that this is the video that gets the final prize offering for this impromptu challenge. Thanks so much for participating. I do think that many foro memmbers and lurkers alike will learn a ton from the videos posted. Even the videos that may be offered to contradict my guidelines. My text description alone could not touch the learning potential of it plus these videos. I knew that when I made my first post. I also maintain that any contradictory posts, particularly video examples made by individuals rather than the posting of performances by iconic figures in the flamenco world will further the understanding and creative potential exponentially beyond what we have done thus far. Thanks again Deniz and I hope that more videos will be posted even the the prizes have all been awarded.
RE: Minera - my attempt (in reply to JasonMcGuire)
Thanks alot Jason! I wouldnt have the guts to sit down and really work it out myself if it werent for this inspiring thread! All videos had their personal charme of the Minera, and there were really lots of good ideas being developed here. Olé!
My dear friend and teacher Pedro Cortes has added this to the discussion of Mineras.
"here are some of my thoughts on the minera subject. All students should know that pre Paco de lucia mineras had certain motifs that when you heard them it said to you this is a mineras,,,post paco that was lost and changed into a form that just had pretty melodies and even went into compas at the end of the piece(( if you wanted to )). I'l try to find motif examples and post them or send them to you. Harmonic ideas ,,,,you need to have some knowledge of simple Harmonie to understand this. As you mentioned you can go to to GRANANIA KEY via E minor ,,,it being the relative minor to the major key. but this how I also look at it: use the 2, 3 ,6 ,chords and use those minor chords as hormonic minor and resolve them to there 5 mode. so we are in E Major so the 2 chord is F# would resolve to Db or C# 7b7,,,,so Db is a sister key use F# as the pedal transitional chord to modulate between keys. There are more ,,,you can use the E major or the D to modulate to granaina key,,it all depend on the melody you create to modulate between the keys. The 3 chord is G# minor or Ab minor that would take you to Eb7add b9 or D#7 add b9 so you can use either the G# or C# or even BM7 or B7 to modulate to different keys. The art is in creating a proper melody or motif to connect your key changes."
I will pass on any further info from Pedro as I receive it.
the maestro title makes me feel funny. I prefer my students and friends just call me "Jason"........ "Dude" works too. I do appreciate the respect Abraham.
Ole!! Deniz. You've got a tone and musical sensitivity that I really appreciate, there are some beautiful phrases in your Mineras. I always enjoy your rare video posts.
The foro is really rocking this week, there are just too many good things to get involved in. I'm still stretching out in Jason's por medio harmony lessons.
Anyway I really learnt a lot from this thread and I will return and use it in the future. This thread has priceless information- the foro at it's best, thank you to all who contributed. It's worth tolerating the occasional bit of nonsense and name calling if we also get threads as creative and collaborative as this. If Ron is enjoying torque libre, you guys must be doing something right!
RE: Minera - my attempt (in reply to JasonMcGuire)
Another short Video post here i used Pedro Cortes suggestions to a degree. Eminor [sometimes with an A pedal...Melodic minor as well] To C#7b9 OR Db7b9 Back Again going to F#m to D7#5 then to C#7b9 [0R Db7b9] then to Bminor then to A then to Minera Home Chord [G#7b9 or Ab7b9]
so this part contrasts the earlier posts in that is in a minor key while the others are primarily in Emajor going to the Minera Chord
BUT more importantly MELODY seemed to be the operative word for me today [inspired by Deniz's post i guess as it was the first piece of music i heard today] Also had a great lesson..Played some Minera..Greater understanding of toque Libre... So attempting to get a greater sense of it and use the Harmonic Advice given.
Unable to post over the next week and a half most important gig of my life [performing with Yamandu Costa] and Two flamenco shows this weekend.. plus my son is having issues with school! so need to focus on that But feel i have a few minutes worth of Mineras once i practice up the right hand some more.. Thanks for watching and commenting This has thread has been a real treasure..have subscribed.
Unable to post over the next week and a half most important gig of my life [performing with Yamandu Costa]
Al.... Yamandu is my favorite guitarist anywhere. Take it easy brother and have a great show. Let us know how it turns out and thanks for sharing so much.
RE: Minera - my attempt (in reply to JasonMcGuire)
Just want to say thanks to all for this excellent thread. Really really cool video Dr. Pedro Thanks a lot for sharing it. May i ask for the tabs ...pliz?
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)