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Posts: 3055
Joined: Aug. 30 2008
From: Boston, MA, U.S.A
my tv recording is here!
okay they posted it online! you get to see my composition piece in the beginning, then i play the alegrias at 18:00 in. a few mess ups here, some big, some small, but oh well.
RE: my tv recording is here! (in reply to at_leo_87)
Your solo piece is not easy to play with those weird chords! Many possible mistakes to make, but you went through it well! Also the alegria was nice! The moment you went up with the chords at the end i thought this will never end on ten, but you did it just perfectly!
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: my tv recording is here! (in reply to at_leo_87)
Anthony, that was fantastic.
I really enjoyed watching the full video. Actually i watched it together with 2 friends who are here right now. They also really enjoyed it and said it was very nice.
Also very professional performance from all of you (but specially from you ;-) Great job (both guitar and cajon)
Also the TV people did a good job in recording Audio/Video imo. Really nothing to complain about them.
Also i liked the part where Lauren points out that its "Flam e n c o" and not "flam i n g o" lol, i liked that
Arash, Amir (another iranian afficionado) Engin (turkish afficionado)
Posts: 15470
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: my tv recording is here! (in reply to at_leo_87)
Nice job man! Cool video. Too bad you don't have a singer. It seems your playing is quite a bit stronger then the other guy, why did she not just have you play both dances?? Or maybe it was just the sound port thing that makes you seem stronger.....
RE: my tv recording is here! (in reply to at_leo_87)
Great Job Anthony! I liked your original composition too! I agree with other peoples suggestions, A nice sweet letrita on that alegria would be pretty awesome!
Posts: 3055
Joined: Aug. 30 2008
From: Boston, MA, U.S.A
RE: my tv recording is here! (in reply to Estevan)
So what's happening with your flight?
i'm departing the 25th! we're sticking with the plan where i sit in the streets and try to play something until you find me, right?
Congrats! Dont forget me once you are the next paco :)
don't worry because the sun will explode and the earth will be destroyed before that happens.
Nice job man! Cool video. Too bad you don't have a singer. It seems your playing is quite a bit stronger then the other guy, why did she not just have you play both dances?? Or maybe it was just the sound port thing that makes you seem stronger.....
thanks ricardo! yeah, there's absolutely no singers in boston. the only chance i get is when lauren sings for her students or if one if the students get drunk and wants to try. lol.
john is the guitarist she's been working with since the very beginning. so he's basically the "head guitarist." so i don't want to step on anyone's feet. but at the same time, i just like to do my best and get better and better and take whatever opportunity comes. it's a tough balance. but yeah, this soundport just gives me such an unfair advantage.
The golpe with index or middle done above the basses. It sounds really LOUD when you do it, and it's great!
I also really like your capirotes (didn't know they were called capirotes.. i thought they were called martillos)
oh, i just knew them as the thing that destroys my fresh nail polish job.
Even just a couple of verses would have lifted the whole thing to a higher level IMO.
I agree with other peoples suggestions, A nice sweet letrita on that alegria would be pretty awesome!
i think the best thing we can do is probably call someone from new york and have him sing on speakerphone. lol. i wouldn't dare try to learn to sing. i'm too shy to even shout jaleos sometimes.
RE: my tv recording is here! (in reply to at_leo_87)
Nice cuadro. I really enjoy the vids. Thanks for sharing. Your composition is very nice. Good flamenco tone and compas too, the cajon is not that easy to manage. Olee!!
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)