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Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under
Ruben diaz challenge
Hey guys,
I just saw this video.
Not sure why someone with the ability to work out, transcribe and play this somewhat unclear solo would need lessons but i thought it was an interesting challenge.
There is a guitar in it for a person who can be bothered.
Not sure why someone with the ability to work out, transcribe and play this somewhat unclear solo would need lessons
yea exactly mm if its still valid i think i will give it a shot the part he played is not so hard to transcribe and play . the guitar cost 15,000$ wow thats cool but over all why is ruben so nervous or does he always play like this way
Its wierd, when i first saw Ruben playing over top of Paco records i thought he was pretty darn good.
Then i heard his own recordings. He completely falls apart when playing on his own. This video is a perfect indication. Very sloppy, with zero control. And clearly, no sense of phrasing or melodic development.
Of course, im sure HE thinks he's a genius, so i guess it doesnt matter what i think.
but over all why is ruben so nervous or does he always play like this way
Its his trademark and one of his best-selling products in his accesoiries catalogue. The spring is an extra hardned G-string, AG are famous about it. Nice for in your car.
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15.000 guitar? ? Maybe its like the lottery which they do at the main strainstatin from time to time where they put an expensive car as "price" in the station. You just have to sign up with your name, address and hope you get it. But the truth is, nobody gets it. They just want your details for spamming you with commercials and sell your details to other people who need contacts to spam with commercials..
I think ruben is an entertaining guy and a good guitarist. He has obviously put a lot of time into flamenco and paco's guitar muisic.
My main observation regarding him is his attitude towards music. To me, he completely misses the point about music. He seems so focused on lots of IMO, weird concepts, rules etc, not to mention playing like paco.
In doing this, his music comes across in a way that doesn't allow me to relax and enjoy listening. I feel like he also misses out on being able to relax and enjoy music when he takes this mental attitude.
I believe that you have to be in a much more neutral state of mind to create nice music.
I think his music would really improve if he approached it in a different way.
as a guitarist, I think he's very very competent, but as a musician, not really. A musician should create something beautiful, that thing that he is playing, I'm sure is pretty hard to play.. but musically it is nothing.
I rather listen to BB King play 4 notes over a 2 bars of blues to that anyday.
I heard somewhere that its better to love music that respect it.
Or some kind of combination of both.
I didn't know these guitars were so expensive. 15000 is a lot. Not a bad prize really. If i thought i could replay his solo i would probably give it a try just for the income alone.
How long do you think it would take to transcribe? You would have to contend with all those slippery bits. Even if it took a month, 15000 is not bad.
I heard somewhere that its better to love music that respect it.
Or some kind of combination of both.
should be spontaneous and springing out of relaxed body/mind.
Good observations, guys. I always thought that love is a combination of desire and admiration. Neatly wraps up the short and the long term, respectively.
I think this talk about how he behaves while playing (nervous, not relaxed, etc.) is quite irrelevant.
I mean we have some very weird behaviour (like very comical face expressions or weird body movements etc. from some very good players). That doesn't say anything about the music which comes out of guitar. One shouldn't conclude anything from such things. Some things are out of control, when you play guitar and concentrate on music.
So, what counts is Audio.
I mean there is one guy on youtube whose face scares the sh!t out of me when he plays. But i don't care. He is a very good player. Muy Flamenco.
I think people (incl. me) make fun out of these things about Prof. now because of OTHER important things (his behavior towards others in flamenco community, his business practices, etc. - we had enough talk about this in the past)
Otherwise, no one would really care if his body shakes while playing or if he looks nervous or not.
So i think the only critic to this guy should be those important things mentioned.
He is educated as Professor, according to many here he plays quite good, he has worked hard on his teaching and educational content, he pays homage to a living master that everyone else seems to worship, and because he seems to have personal traits that you find annoying you disregard and ridecule his life of work and dedication to all that he does.
I think that we all should consider from where you are spewing out your blatant disregard for him. Take his course and see if you like it, listen to him, but this is becoming like the Jaun Martin hate of a while ago. I don't think we are qualified to judge him, and unless you find fault in his work you have no reason to. People are different to each other, and in the arena of human activity we all fail to impress others, and I find it disrespectable to use a forum website to persecute anyone for any reason. It's not fair and it shows that you are less than he.
All that he did was stumble on to the foro and interact with it's members, and that is proof of something that we all should consider, and we should know better. It could go either way at this point, and I really don't see why somebody shouldn't just tell you.
I am not going to persecute him for you, and a find some of the behavior exibited on forums to be gross and dispicalble. I am not going to argue with you but clearly you could see what you are doing here, and I think it's fitting that you should be reminded........ gary
This solo is impossible to transcribe and play! With all due respect to Ruben, it's not exactly the best thing he's ever put out. Frankly, it's muddy and he missed a lot of notes. How do you deal with that? Do you copy his mistakes or do you correct them? Cause who knows what in the world he intended to play. He should post exactly the same solo played clearly like Paco. Or, better yet, he should choose an excerpt from any of Paco's live solos and I will have that in one week. Simply because it's always clear.
There used to be a popular competition in the Sunday newspapers here called "Spot the Ball". This showed a photograph from a recent football match, usually a close up of an exciting moment involving a few players, but the ball had been erased from the photograph.
The challenge for the contestants was to put an X where they thought the ball would have been, the closest winning the top prize of £1000 or something.
Thing is, that even if you had the original photograph to hand and had marked the position of the ball exactly...it is very unlikely you would have won...
Because (on reading the smallprint) "The position of the ball shall be chosen by a panel of experts".
Ruben needs to publish the Terms and Conditions of the challenge, otherwise it is totally arbitrary and in fact even PdL himself could lose.
A bit like Doit's "Win a car" competition at the station.
I think that we all should consider from where you are spewing out your blatant disregard for him.
Eh? I choose to blatantly disregard this mean little man. His attitude sucks, the guitars he promotes (or commissions) are of questionable provenance and value. He has made more than one threat against me that you know nothing of.
In short, I think he is a bully and a charlatan, busy selling his snake oil.
p.s. I am pleased to see our robust discussion of his guitars is still number 3 in Google for "andalusian guitars". I trust that will continue to serve as reward enough for his tactics.
yeah M.S.A, i didn't mean you particulary. just general.
what i mean is, maybe some people missed the old threads how this guy behaved when he joined to foro, or afterwards through a account of his student, and all that stuff about Andalusian Guitars, etc.
And then they could just think we are making fun of him, just because we don't like his appearance or his music or ....... and thats not true.
I think if those things didn't happen, then maybe we would talk different about the other things mentioned in this thread. thats all i am saying.
Arash, maybe I'm the one who started the argument by asking why ruben was so nervous in the video so I want to apologize . actually I like ruben , also I contacted him many times and he replied so I really respect him and he has many good stuff on his site but this video was kinda strange for me I dunno ,his solo was messy . anyway im sorry . but does ruben still a member of this foro ? what is his member name ?.
anytime someone runs a contest one should always ask: "what does the contest operator get out of the contest?" it seems the alleged professor diaz is giving away everything but the kitchen sink. i am curious as to what he gets out of it? maybe the spot the ball contest is a good example--nobody wins anything but people are hooked into the magzaine, newspaper, cyber school, etc. the idea is to get people into the magazine, store, cyber store, etc. and then buy something else. maybe some will sign up for his paid on-line lessons. this type of "contest" has been done before in many contexts. the county fair and carnival "contests" come to mind.
as to "professor" diaz--check out the threads in the luthier section about his alleged "professorship" as well as the guitars he hawks. also check out his comments, etc. you can go to acguitar and g.s.i. and see his posts. a common theme seems to prevelant at those sites as well as here. i will let the reader make up his or her mind about those themes.
I tend to avoid funny posts about this Diaz psycho, but seems because most important info regarding his history on the foro is deleted, some folks still think we are "bullying" him.
I will only add that this "contest" looks exact same as those he posed on some of us, like myself or Mcguire, when we either simply pointed out a fault of his technique or disagreed with his methods of teaching. The "contests" are designed to be un winable while offering bad info to boot. (wrong fingerings and chord voicings, etc), proving only HE has the right to teach or play flamenco a la the "maestro".
I would say THIS particular challenge was in response ot some some other person in the internet world who disagreed both with Ruben's methods and perhaps something about quality of guitars. Just an educated guess on my part. In the end he is just advertising himself again, and you guys are helping him out by posting vids of him and discussing it.
All that he did was stumble on to the foro and interact with it's members
Not true...sorry Gary but either you must be thinking of a different person or you had a computor virus whilst his "interaction" was going on and came back when some of the threads had been erased.
I entirely understand your point about mutual respect for forum members and the ability to harmonise with people whose viewpoints you dont necessarily agree with BUT and this is a big BUT....there is a line where passionate debate ends and dictatorial rant begins. Spamming the entire general forum with posts which weren't even to do with the thread, spamming the forum with multiple personalities, spamming the forum with instruments of dubious origin and price, personally insulting ALL the teachers and respected recording artists on the forum, attacking any member that disagreed with his delusional opinions, spamming the personal message facility of the forum, pretending to have a published thesis on flamenco technique, openly lying about the nature of his qualification and personal relation with PDL.....the forum became practically unusable in the last couple of weeks before he was banned!
...and you interpret the rejection of this "interaction" as persecution. I wonder how many war criminals you would consider were "just misunderstood"?