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RE: Proposition concerning lurkers
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Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia
RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Franchiquito)
why don't you ban also people who state want to help others, but their only aim is to be watched or listened? those people sometimes starts to put their comments on other threads, and this particularly happens before they post something, so they can get more comments. Sorry guys, this foro was the best i knew before these stupid discussions. I dont know what to say to you man , i dont know where you are coming from, not sure what happened. heres the thing .. EVERYONE that uploads something here, wants to be watched or listened so what if they state they wanna help others ? what does that matter to you? why is theyr reason so important in your life ? what difference could it possibo;y make to you ? and just because you dont find it helpful, whats to say others dont ? quote:
those people sometimes starts to put their comments on other threads, and this particularly happens before they post something, so they can get more comments Yes we all know , we have all seen it perhaps even done it, SO What , why does it bother you so much ? Who cares have you had a audio post ignored or something lately ? whats going on man ?
Date Dec. 5 2007 11:19:35
Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia
RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Jenny)
Hi Jenny :-) nice to meet you Guys I think we all just need to chill out that includes everyone me too, we all have to make an effort to go back to just beeing positive and flexible. none of this is getting us anywhere, just atracting more negativity , precisely what we dont want anymore. SO Kg, Welcome to the foro, if i missread your comments and wrongly made assumptions i am sorry. please find a way to be positive with us, and we will do the same with you. Romerito, thank you for standing up for me, lets get back to your greate tabs thread mate. Franchiquito I dont know what happened man cause you wont talk to me, i would hate to see you go, so i hope you find a reason about the foro to be positive and focus on that. (gonna go to the Audio uloads section and look for latest audios from you ..il find it even if you dont tell me) I am not trying to silence anyone , but i really thing that we all have alot more to gain from going positive now , agreed ? I for one am exausted from negativity and the more we keep this going the more is going to atract more negativity. I acctualy have absolute no complaints about anything at the foro, because however it is good or bad, i made it that way, noone else its doing it, its us.
Date Dec. 5 2007 12:34:26
RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Florian)
I for one am exausted from negativity. i made a special thred for all this negativity already.its called the petty greivence thred.
Date Dec. 5 2007 12:39:08
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