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el ted


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Dec. 5 2007 13:26:27
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 9:02:22

Posts: 2194
Joined: Sep. 10 2005
From: holland

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Guest)1 votes

You don't have to be a lurker at first. When I registered, I did so because I had to ask a picado question. So my first post that night was about picado, the second one was about gayness.

Helpfull, off topic ? I don't know. I just think talking to people is nice to get to know each other. As in real life.

Btw. I haven't got anything against lurkers, as long as they mind their own business.
We got nothing to hide and nothing to keep for ourselves.

I wouldn't want to have a kindergarden situation like in some other forums, where you have to do first this to get that and so on and get unregistered when you dont post for a month blablabla.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 9:04:04

Posts: 2194
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From: holland

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to HemeolaMan)2 votes


ORIGINAL: HemeolaMan
look at it this way, i am almost as bad as a lurker, the difference is i have nothing to say and keep posting anyway lol

Village idiots are mostly more appreciated then shadowcreatures.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 9:09:58
el ted


Posts: 466
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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Dec. 5 2007 13:26:41
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 9:13:19

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to el ted)1 votes

another mathematical fomula

if everybody =


a) I don't have much time
b) I don't want to get involved in arguments
c) I can't contribute because my 'intermediate' playing ability means my opimion carries no weight.
d) I bloody HATE typing on I keyboard. I much prefer a B2 italic fountain pen!

BUT because of this site most nobly hosted by Simon, I have
a) bought a great guitar from Anders and will be after another shortly
b) bought SHEDLOADS of CD's from reading the adverts on this site.

would result in = NO FORO FLAMENCO therefore = NO Lurkers=afficiandos=Cd sales/concert ticket sales/guitar sales beginners=afficiandos=Cd sales/concert ticket sales/guitar sales

so the reason Lurkers get to Lurk , is because We provide something for them to Lurk at, without us , there is no Them

Now, who is more important to the equation ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:04:31


Posts: 245
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Italy

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to el ted)2 votes

why don't you ban also people who state want to help others, but
their only aim is to be watched or listened?
those people sometimes starts to put their comments on other threads, and
this particularly happens before they post something, so they can get
more comments.
Sorry guys, this foro was the best i knew before these stupid discussions.


....oh i've forgotten, feel free to ban me as I'll not post anymore.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:11:13


Posts: 64
Joined: Jan. 10 2007

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to el ted

Hi All,

I haven't really read the background to this, but as a lurker I feel I this might be a good time to publicly delurk...

so, hello everyone!

The main reason I lurk is because I'm a beginner. I would probably chat a lot more if this forum didn't have a search function, but as it does I'm not going to repeat the questions every beginner has (as I think that would annoy people more than lurking!)

This is a great place to come and listen and learn from those who are generous enough to share their knowledge and I appreciate that.

I've also spent time (not very efficiently lets say) on other forums before, and I've made a resolution to talk a bit less and play more when it comes to learning flamenco.

It's that simple... it's not because I live in the shadows eating rats or anything like that.

Right, I'll go back to my pit now and practice my solea.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:14:44

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Franchiquito


why don't you ban also people who state want to help others, but
their only aim is to be watched or listened?
those people sometimes starts to put their comments on other threads, and
this particularly happens before they post something, so they can get
more comments.
Sorry guys, this foro was the best i knew before these stupid discussions.

I dont know what to say to you man , i dont know where you are coming from, not sure what happened.

heres the thing ..

EVERYONE that uploads something here, wants to be watched or listened

so what if they state they wanna help others ? what does that matter to you?
why is theyr reason so important in your life ? what difference could it possibo;y make to you ?
and just because you dont find it helpful, whats to say others dont ?


those people sometimes starts to put their comments on other threads, and
this particularly happens before they post something, so they can get
more comments

Yes we all know , we have all seen it perhaps even done it, SO What , why does it bother you so much ? Who cares

have you had a audio post ignored or something lately ? whats going on man ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:19:35


Posts: 20
Joined: May 13 2007
From: Warsaw, Poland

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Franchiquito)2 votes


ORIGINAL: Franchiquito
Sorry guys, this foro was the best i knew before these stupid discussions.

I couldn't agree more. I'm sorry I got involved into this pointless "discussion", thus making the thread grow. If anyone wants to tell me how a hideous creature I am, please PM me.

Let me just..

Hello to everyone who Hello'ed me and everyone else too!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:20:59
John O.

Posts: 1723
Joined: Dec. 16 2005
From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to domzo

I don't mind lurkers. I do mind this though:

Quite a while ago I had an idea to put up video lessons (long since forgotten), and on Youtube I got this response:

"Great playing!!!! On this future Web site of yours... Could you give the people FREE and VALUABLE lesssons? Everybody is trying to make a buck, beginners could use a bit of generosity from pros. Not only teasers!

Thanks! (sorry, just sick of musician using youtube teasers to get customers...) "

My a@@hole response:

"Great idea, something VALUABLE for NOTHING! Can't find that anywhere. And do you know why? Because it's VALUABLE and the person doing it needs to EAT! The pros don't have a day job, man, and they're spending the whole day working on your free stuff.

I have a day job along side my music, allowing me to PAY for VALUABLE lessons which is why I play so well. This is also why I don't have time to make a site."

His response:

"Great playing! Just too bad for the attitude."


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:23:11

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to domzo

Hi domzo


Please excuse the vibe of the thread, hope it dosent feel too harsh and unfair to you.

I apreciatte the hello , expecially under this "speciall" circumstances


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:25:26

Posts: 4495
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Franchiquito


ORIGINAL: Franchiquito

....oh i've forgotten, feel free to ban me as I'll not post anymore.

now dont be childish.
florian is right when he says that if you post 5000 posts, then you have also quarrels from
while to while. It is impossible to avoid it with so many posts and so many members with different characters.
I already can see it myself with my 800 posts.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:28:25


Posts: 64
Joined: Jan. 10 2007

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Florian

Thanks for the welcome
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:28:54
John O.

Posts: 1723
Joined: Dec. 16 2005
From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to domzo


And they should really ban the internet for anybody who doesn't have at least one web site...


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:50:00

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to domzo


wtf is wrong man ? talk ? what happened ? why are you pissed off ?


Sorry guys, this foro was the best i knew before these stupid discussions

See thats not cool bro, i hate it when people tell other people what to talk about, just cause they are not interested.

Someone wanted to talk about this so they made the tread, others also did obviously , so they joined, why do you think that you can tell 20 adult members not to talk about something when they clearely do wanna talk about it ? weather you agree with it or not ?

nobody has to right to tell anybody what they should or shouldnt talk about, expecially in a insulting way.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:52:27

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Florian

I see you up there man, talk to me whats up ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:55:32
John O.

Posts: 1723
Joined: Dec. 16 2005
From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to el ted

Example: Jenny, I see you lurking here! You can't hide!

The foro could benefit from your opinions/experiences and especially since I met you in person I think it's a shame I don't see more from you. Still it's your time and I wouldn't want you banned...


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 11:57:48

Posts: 2632
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to John O.

hey lurkers. Don't be afraid to post. Even if you think your question may have been answered before. There are new members all the time so if it has been asked before some of us may have missed it first time round. And besides the answers/opinions may have changed. Get involved dudes. The more the merrier!! Lets turn this into a nice thread perhaps where so called lurkers can say hi and we can all say hi back and spread a bit of love instead of hate. Or perhaps discuss flamenco, god forbid! Ole!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:15:16


Posts: 97
Joined: Mar. 13 2007
From: Oxford, UK

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to John O.

Funny - I was just getting to the end of the posts and deciding to post when I got outed!!

I feel a bit like Domzo - I'm a beginner and don't have much to contribute but can search all the bits I need and am learning a lot from everyone here...

And it's weird - I think I've got things backwards to other people but I'm more confident in the real world and never really know how to post on forums - I spend ages writing something and then overanalyse it and change it endlessly til it doesn't make sense any more. And then the moment's passed anyway...

I will try to post more if I've got anything to say, and try to get over my weird writer's paranoia!

And BTW hello! I live in Oxford (UK) and have been learning flamenco guitar since April.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:18:14

Posts: 2194
Joined: Sep. 10 2005
From: holland

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to el ted)2 votes

So that's what the foro needs to be: The knowledgables dump their stuff, and the noobs extract it from the foro.
Sorry, I came her for FUN. Fun with people who love flamenco.
And it's a stage, to play something and get comments, advices etc.

And as for getting many comments on a post. I don't feel the urge to recruit members to react on my post. As a matter of fact, I can predict for almost for 100% which members will react and which don't.

The first group being the members I got to know very well by a lot of talking, babbling, joking and helping each other.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:22:16

Posts: 4495
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Stu


ORIGINAL: Manzmann

hey lurkers. Don't be afraid to post. Even if you think your question may have been answered before. There are new members all the time so if it has been asked before some of us may have missed it first time round. And besides the answers/opinions may have changed. Get involved dudes. The more the merrier!! Lets turn this into a nice thread perhaps where so called lurkers can say hi and we can all say hi back and spread a bit of love instead of hate. Or perhaps discuss flamenco, god forbid! Ole!

Ole Manzmann.....i agree 100%.
Lets stop all this fight. We are all right and wrong at the same time.

I like this foro because it is not a cold-hearted flamenco-wikipedia thing but a Tablao with a bar where you can also drink a Cerveza and talk and also argue sometimes and then go back to the show and listen and watch and play.

p..s. Jenny , you can hide if you want (just like Florian LOL) There is a function in the profile to hide! haha


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:23:55
John O.

Posts: 1723
Joined: Dec. 16 2005
From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Jenny)1 votes


I spend ages writing something and then overanalyse it and change it endlessly til it doesn't make sense any more.

I know how that is. Also don't worry about an opinion of yours being wrong because you think you're not experienced enough to have one.

Don't force yourself to post - was just having some fun


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:29:44

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Jenny

Hi Jenny :-)
nice to meet you

I think we all just need to chill out that includes everyone me too, we all have to make an effort to go back to just beeing positive and flexible.

none of this is getting us anywhere, just atracting more negativity , precisely what we dont want anymore.

SO Kg, Welcome to the foro, if i missread your comments and wrongly made assumptions i am sorry.

please find a way to be positive with us, and we will do the same with you.

Romerito, thank you for standing up for me, lets get back to your greate tabs thread mate.

I dont know what happened man cause you wont talk to me, i would hate to see you go, so i hope you find a reason about the foro to be positive and focus on that.
(gonna go to the Audio uloads section and look for latest audios from you find it even if you dont tell me)

I am not trying to silence anyone , but i really thing that we all have alot more to gain from going positive now , agreed ?
I for one am exausted from negativity and the more we keep this going the more is going to atract more negativity.

I acctualy have absolute no complaints about anything at the foro, because however it is good or bad, i made it that way, noone else its doing it, its us.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:34:26

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Florian


I for one am exausted from negativity.

i made a special thred for all this negativity already.its called the petty greivence thred.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:39:08
John O.

Posts: 1723
Joined: Dec. 16 2005
From: Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Guest


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 12:42:33


Posts: 29
Joined: Apr. 16 2005

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to el ted

I feel guilty now. I've effectively been 'lurking' on here for about 2 and half years now.
I come on here just about everyday soaking up the knowledge an advice from everyone here, without contributing myself. I would love to upload something oneday, but I still have lot of practice to do before that day comes. I think I introduced myself a year or so ago, but here it is again, I'm Blair, 20 from perth western australia. Anyway, I'll be making an effort to contribute a bit more around here.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 13:57:05

Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Stu


there is no chance of you being banned for "under posting"

Really? So did you want to borrow that book or not?

Actually that's because I'm just like ToddK with a different persona on and offline. As you know, I'm incredibly quiet and shy and reserved in real life. It's only with the anonymity of the internet that I feel able to speak up.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 16:36:31


Posts: 800
Joined: Apr. 4 2007
From: London

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Arash


defend the "friendly" lurkers.......look now what happened

I know - I was winding you up. Sorry.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 16:37:17


Posts: 97
Joined: Mar. 13 2007
From: Oxford, UK

RE: Proposition concerning lurkers (in reply to Arash



p..s. Jenny , you can hide if you want (just like Florian LOL) There is a function in the profile to hide! haha

Well I wouldn't go that far...

Hi Flo :)

And John, thanks! But now I've got started I think I might post a bit more anyway and experiment with not checking it before I post. It feels a bit weird watching other people post and not joining in, so I'll give it a go...

That'll learn ya..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 17:23:21

[Deleted] (in reply to el ted

[Deleted by Admins]


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 5 2007 18:24:09
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