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i am sooooo bored   You are logged in as Guest
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i am sooooo bored 

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 12:37:32

Posts: 2194
Joined: Sep. 10 2005
From: holland

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 13:24:52



Posts: 2961
Joined: Dec. 6 2004

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

I wish i was bored

Ive been in the process of moving to a new house with my girlfriend.

Its a great house.
I have a much nicer studio room too. Its bigger, its much quieter
(no roomates stomping around, and their dogs barking )
and its central airconditioned.
The house is right near the water, wich i love.

Of course, the pain in the butt is moving everything you own. Its alot of
work, but its worth it.
Ive pretty much got my studio back up and running at this point.
I need to buy a bit more sound proofing foam, and i'll be ready to
roll. Few more days or so. I cant wait!!!!!

Ive got Ricardo on the books coming up, and im really looking forward to
having him in the new room. ITs gonna be so much more comfortable
and easier to work in. I think we'll both enjoy the sessions alot more now.

well D, i figured since you 're bored, i'd give you something to read at least

Take it easy!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 13:30:09

Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

Hey Dom, why you not practising guitar then? Liked koella's pic. Here's a different one. I'm at work and we are just sharing some pics of a meal we all went out for last week. Here I am looking slightly inebriated

It was a great evening! Get a dozen women together with a few bottles of wine and there's a lot of laughter.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 13:53:38


Posts: 1839
Joined: Jan. 23 2005

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

Yup, I too am bored. So I gave Ailsa some stubble!!! It looks quite convincing actually!!! Oops, sorry Ailsa... I think I better go practise a Solea or something!



¡Si esto no está en compas, esto no es el Flamenco!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 20:24:03

Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to JBASHORUN

BASH! We friends or wot?!! Couldn't you have done something more flattering? Like a moustache?

Have to admit it is quite convincing. And probably what I deserve for posting pics of myself....
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 20:56:24

Posts: 2194
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From: holland

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 21:03:12



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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Apr. 11 2011 18:21:53
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 21:03:32

Posts: 2277
Joined: Apr. 17 2007
From: South East England

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to JBASHORUN



["Is that Joaquin Cortes over there?! Oh no, its only Ailsa!" ]

No if I were JC I wouldn't have a shirt on. Don't even think about it Bash!!

OK, gotta go shave now.

PS if you wanna do something nice for me, give me HemeolaMan's hair.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 17 2007 21:37:23

Posts: 322
Joined: Jun. 9 2007

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

You guys make me laugh, 'ya know life is what you make it! I've got a call to make and it'l be in a half hour or so, 'so for now I'm checking up on you rascals!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 18 2007 3:47:03

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

thanx guys for bringing me a little humour in my hour of boredom i hope your move went well todd, moving sux but its great once its done.

Hey Dom, why you not practising guitar then?

cause i am sh*t

i think i might quit my my job tomorow, im over thinking of other career options, i thought i could become like that guy from kung fu (david caradine) and walk the earth barefoot, travelling from city to city aimlessly eating other peoples garbage. you know a drifter that sounds pretty good, the path towards enlightenment and all that crap....or maybe i should join a cult
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 10:51:52

Posts: 2194
Joined: Sep. 10 2005
From: holland

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

What is your job Dominic ?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 10:55:29

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to koella

im not telling o.k i bury dead an undertaker its so depressing, specially when you get a fat bastard
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 10:59:31

Posts: 405
Joined: Feb. 5 2006
From: Germany

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

Then you should not become a taxi driver. Might be weird if the guy on the backseat starts talking to you...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 11:42:41

Posts: 2789
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Georg

Hey Georg, how do you change your user name??
I cant seem to find anything in my profile that will allow me to do it.

Dom, are you really an Undertaker???
If so Boredom, suggests you've nothing to do or no-one to bury in your case, so nobody is dying, perhaps you should generate some business yourself?? remember that old lady down the road, with the dodgy legs, perhaps a little nudge into the road as you pass her on the street or that irritating fat guy you always see on the bus, simply throw a doughnut onto the motorway. Splat!!!!
You need never be bored again.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 13:24:51

Posts: 405
Joined: Feb. 5 2006
From: Germany

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest


Hey Georg, how do you change your user name??
I cant seem to find anything in my profile that will allow me to do it.

Simon can do this. Write him a pm, no mail.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 13:31:56

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

Hey Dom,
Are you really an undertaker?

The Death Biz is a great money earner, but not as an employee I bet...
When I got the itemised bill after my Mother's funeral, my eyes stood out on stalks!!!

Moving the body 500 yards from the Nursing Home to the Funeral Shop (Sorry...Parlour of Tranquility )..... £225!

35cm diameter Carnation wreath......£140!

Sh*t, they get a sheet of 6mm MDF, saw it up with a bandsaw, bang it together with a nail-gun and cover it with a thin veneer of walnut or rosewood, stick on a few fake "brass effect" handles and charge £770 for the basic version, with lining extra!

Where else can you ask that kinda dough with a straight face??

(Luthiers take heed.. )

It's an license to print money IMO.

I can't believe you can start up a Funeral business from scratch...
I bet you'd run into problems, like from your local council getting kickbacks or from threatening phone calls at 3.00 in the morning.
Too much quick money exchanging drugs.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I found out most of the Funeral Parlours around the world were owned by The Mob.

My instructions to my wife are to tie two bricks to my feet and give a local lobster fisherman a bottle of Glen Grant to dump me in the North Sea...




A good guitar might be a good guitar
But it takes a woman to break your heart
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 20 2007 21:05:39

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Ron.M


Dom, are you really an Undertaker???

no i was joking
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2007 5:05:05



Posts: 2961
Joined: Dec. 6 2004

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Guest

mmm, hardcore snub..


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2007 13:49:47

Posts: 3053
Joined: Dec. 15 2003
From: Sweden

RE: i am sooooo bored (in reply to Ron.M


My instructions to my wife are to tie two bricks to my feet and give a local lobster fisherman a bottle of Glen Grant to dump me in the North Sea...



This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 22 2007 15:14:47
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