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Posts: 84
Joined: Jan. 12 2006
From: Croatia

Top flamenco tunes 

I hate these kind of descriptions but i don't know any other way to ask you what i have in, if you were allowed to bring only 2 flamenco songs with you on a far far far away...freakin desert island :)))) , which ones would that be ?

here is my choice : Paco&Tomatito&Camaron - Tu amor para mi no es fantasia
PDL - Cepa Andaluza

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 8 2006 20:50:59

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

Tercio de Vara-by Manolo Sanlucar
Jucal-Gerardo Nuñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 8 2006 20:55:49

Posts: 735
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

Jesus, what a nightmare, two songs on a desert island?

Potro de rabia y miel - Camarón
A Bulería from Raza y Compas - Fernanda y Bernarda

BTW Do you play Jucal Ricardo? I just learned it but some of the fingerings in the tab where a bit strange ..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 8 2006 22:49:03

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 8 2006 23:10:01

Posts: 735
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

I would have preferred being alone on an island with a guitar and two women instead
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 8 2006 23:15:22

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to sonikete


Do you play Jucal Ricardo? I just learned it but some of the fingerings in the tab where a bit strange ..

Yep. The fingerings are mostly correct, but he has a few timing mistakes, if you are going by Faucher's book.

I made a discovery that Faucher makes DELIBERATE timing mistakes so he can figure out who steals his transcriptions. Interested in the story?

Any questions on specific fingering, just ask.


Tomatito- a mi tio "el nino miguel"-bulerias

That would have been my 6th desert island choice.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 7:21:04

Posts: 735
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

I usually rely more on listening to the recording than on tabs, but i wanted to get that solo right. Because its one of my all time favorites

It was mainly the part at 00:45 in the beginning, there are some broken chords in the tab and an awkward position shift in a way classical guitarists might do. I play that part using whole chords and an open string instead and that feels a lot smoother, so i wondered if you did it at the masterclass with him, and know the way its supposed to be, I cant really tell from the video at that speed.

Funny if faucher wants to track down who copies his transcriptions, id like to hear the story, i have seen copies of his tabs taking classes from guitarists from granada to madrid so he will have to hunt down some fine guitarists..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 10:21:16

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to sonikete


It was mainly the part at 00:45 in the beginning, there are some broken chords in the tab and an awkward position shift in a way classical guitarists might do. I play that part using whole chords and an open string instead and that feels a lot smoother, so i wondered if you did it at the masterclass with him, and know the way its supposed to be, I cant really tell from the video at that speed.

If you are going by Faucher's book, page 32, then yeah it is correct. The C#m7, barre 4th, reach up to 9th fret, then jump down to 2nd position barre 2. That is correct. Not a hard jump really. You are "riding" the contra beat, so you have a full beat to make that jump.

You saw that spot in the youtube video right? Because he is barring, you have to play E on 5th fret. I guess it is not wrong to use the open string and let go of the barre, but that is not what he does. It is a very typical "flamenco" thing to hold the barre and position and reach for notes. Only thing is I think he plays open E WITH the B bass note the first time. Faucher has only the base note. The B maj7 is not barred. Then the next measure A#m7b5, and he does a little different nowadays than written. Not clear what he plays on CD, but this is what I play there:


Hey...that sounds jazzy.
Here is the vid again, he plays that part towards the end. But it is playback remember.

The part you want is at 1:07. Hey I just saw he keeps the A# in the bass like Faucher has it. But I like my way. "ricardo style".
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 18:15:10

Posts: 3053
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

La Barossa
Bulerias de la Perla (camarón)


This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 20:40:39

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 20:45:32

Posts: 735
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo


Hey...that sounds jazzy.

Ha ha ha, well some people get away with it ... Thanks!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 20:54:48

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to duende


La Barossa

That would have been number 3 for me. Number 4 Soniquete from Zyrab. Number5 Maria Vargas live with Paco Cepero por bulerias.

Why can't I just take my 60gig IPOD and a solar powered battery charger to the desert Island?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 21:06:44
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

Can I get a "hollaz" for Serranito's Tarantas?


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Arizona Wedding Music Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 21:07:54

Posts: 3053
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to Ricardo


Why can't I just take my 60gig IPOD and a solar powered battery charger to the desert Island?

now, that would be to much jazz!


This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 21:33:42

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RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

Man I would be screwed then because I just can't pick two. I love so many I wouldn't be able to decide which two.

Something by Tomatito or Moraito, and something off Ricardo's rumba CD, Azul y Blanco. Seriously Rich. If you read this, it's a damn good CD. It's been in my car stereo for I don't know how long now. Put's me in a great mood. So, if I was stranded, something off this cd would make it barable(sp?)


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 22:10:30

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to TANúñez


something off Ricardo's rumba CD, Azul y Blanco.

hmm, if I was stranded on an island with THAT, I think I would just have to end it.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 22:14:34

Posts: 2559
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RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to Ricardo

Aw don't say that. It's good man. You have any plans to come out with something else? Flamenco album?


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 22:23:17

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 9 2006 22:39:22

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to Guest


Hopefully, agujetas and rafael de utrera would be on the same plane as me. We would all survive and I would be forced to learn how to accompany well.

Sounds like a freakin nightmare! I think you would be killed and eaten very quickly. Funny about Agujetas vs Raf. Utrera. I have a personal story, but maybe one day I will tell it, not now.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 10 2006 3:37:06

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 10 2006 3:43:16

Posts: 3053
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From: Sweden

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

I would be scared of Agujetas


This is hard stuff!
Don't give up...
And don't make it a race.
Enjoy the ray of sunshine that comes with every new step in knowledge.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 10 2006 5:18:21

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 10 2006 5:39:23

Posts: 15506
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From: Washington DC

RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to Guest

Trapped on an island with Agujetas sounds scary. Maybe safer with Diego (nice one missing a finger) than Manuel. I mean the guy (M. Agujeta) is perfectly happy singing Martinete, he doesn't need a guitarist to live there eating his coconuts a pestering him about all the different Solea! And maybe you did not hear the rumour of how he beat up his guitarist that gave him a wrong chord?

I would prefer to be trapped on the island with La Singla, who of course got caught in a time warp in 1967 first before washing up on shore, 2006.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 10 2006 7:26:23

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 10 2006 7:40:33

Posts: 25
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RE: Top flamenco tunes (in reply to deyo

Vicente Amigo: El Mandaito

Agujetas and Moraito: Solea
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 13 2019 15:28:25
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