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As you might have seen, the 2nd edition of the book about the Granada guitar-makers has come out. It is available in Spain, USA and UK but I am trying to get it to re-sellers in other countries. Copies are available at Strings by Mail and ME Bruné; GSI should start carrying it any day now. DK classical guitars has agreed to sell in Great Britain and already has copies. Also Stanza della Musica in Rome has copies In these last two cases you will have to write or call as I think they are not set up to do online sales. I think that a lot of the high end guitar shops will take some but I am waiting to hear from most of those. I will keep you posted. Spain is completely covered because I have a national distributor that reaches all bookshops in the country. If you are in Spain try to find your closest bookshop and order from them. Follow the link below and click on “Ver disponibilidad” book search For international readers please have your dealer or bookshop contact the international distributor Madera Guitarras
This is exactly the same book as The Granada School of Guitar-makers with a few additions. Don't buy this if you already have the first edition. All of the comments in the old threads can be applied to this one too.
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Posts: 15491
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
The better guitar I am familiar with was Antonio Marin Montero, which my old roommate owned and I had some years to play on. Diego Gastor had a similar one in Rito y Geografia interview (18 frets!). Granada is covered very nicely (IMO) in the “Guitarrerros de Andalucía” big coffee table book by Luis F. Leal Pinar. Curious how this book compares in terms of “guitar porn” spreads. . I mean is it mostly essays?
I am a sucker for these books, and being more of a Madrid guy, The recent Santos book is an essential complement to Leal Pinar’s “Guitarrerros de Madrid”, (my personal favorite guitar book). Flamenco guitar porn for WEEKS!
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
Ricardo, this is not guitar porn in the way that the Santos book is. There are photos of the makers and of their guitars as well as quite a few random photos of hard-working hands doing their thing. The photos are of a more consistent quality than say the Leal book. Yes, the writing is more central to this book.
Manitas, in the post above there are two links which will take you directly to the book. The best search term is the ISBN of the book: 9788409627943.
Posts: 15491
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
Thanks for the video. Who in your view is the “top” builder in Granada? Like in Cordoba it is Reyes, in Madrid Santos or Esteso, etc. Is it Marin Montero or is there someone more revered?
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to Ricardo)
I once publicly said something about what percentage of the makers in Granada were great makers and got all sorts of flak for it. I won’t be making that mistake again. Furthermore if you ask me who makes the best guitars in Granada I am obliged by my clients, my family and my representatives in different countries to answer, “Me!” with great enthusiasm. I will send you a private message Ricardo with my thoughts on fame and reputation. What I will say here is that you and the others here might be better equipped to answer the question which might be why we use expressions like “top” or “revered”. Taken as a group the members of the foro have probably played each of the Granada makers’ guitars as well as having heard everything there is to say about them publicly.
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
It’s plenty of excellent guitar makers down there. Ray, Baarslag, Marvi, Quintanilla, Jimenez, Montero, Bellido, Rodriguez, Diaz… how can you make a list? If you have to pick the most representative I’d say Montero. I for one tried a truly exceptional De La Chica but couldn’t afford it. I owned an a good number of guitars made in Granada throughout the years and they were all high quality guitars. Eventually I sold them all for different reasons but a “66 Bellido. My “66 Pepe Bellido is not what I would define an exceptional guitar and yet she has it all with an enchanting sweet voice. .
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
I am still looking for re-sellers around the world for this book. My preference is to have it available from high-end guitar shops or music bookshops. However, the important thing is to enable readers to get the book without dropping a bundle on shipping. By the way, GSI now has it on their website.
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
I'll be ordering mine from DK Guitars in Scotland, it's not on their website, but my enquiry confirmed it is in stock for £55 including shipping, and to email or phone to order it.
The early bird catches the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese.
RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
This drawing was made by Richard Bruné and I have his permission to send the original file to anyone who has the first or second edition of the Granada guitar-makers book. The file will allow you to print it out to scale as opposed to trying to copy the body shape from the pages of the book.
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RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
I guess I can't talk about this book without mentioning the other one that I was involved in. This was back in 2006 when the photographer approached me about a monographic exhibition of guitar, guitar-maker and workshop themes. It seemed like an attractive idea so I said yes. The exhibition turned out great so she decided to publish all of the photos.The Art of Guitar Click on the link for a taste of what is in the book.
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RE: Book: Granada and the Traditiona... (in reply to John Ray)
Hello to all,
Recently I got a copy of this wonderful book. I enjoyed reading some insights about conversations between the Alejandro (Alex van der Horst) and Otto Vowinkel. Also the pictures of bracingsystems the luthiers use with the use of a bridgeplate or strut instead of the bridgeplate. It was a long time waiting but worth the waiting.