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RE: Cypress Classical - Any Suggestions? (in reply to elias)
cant really understand , the majority of guitars are well balanced for "modern flamenco"... even the cheap ones.. so you can play flamenco or classical....
you didnt consider yet a Cedar top with cypress back , thats a nice setup
RE: Cypress Classical - Any Suggestions? (in reply to Andy Culpepper)
ORIGINAL: Andy Culpepper
I haven't checked the old Foro in a while but someone told me about this thread so I'll chime in. Cypress is my favorite wood for both classical and flamenco guitars and I've made a number of Cypress classicals. Here's a nice one that ended up at GSI:
This really is a beautiful sounding guitar and I've watched that vid and the ones with Larry Hammett and others many times. Gorgeous clarity and separation.
Let's just say I wouldn't bother a luthier about a 655mm spruce/cypress classical with tap plates and some tonal characteristics I like unless I was 100% committed mentally and financially, but I have no problem stirring the pot here on the foro .
RE: Cypress Classical - Any Suggestions? (in reply to Manitas de Lata)
10 classical guitar saddles $13.00
Buy all ten, find flamenco guitar. Replace low saddle with higher saddle. Set up action at 4mm under bass E at 12th fret. Set 3mm under 12th fret for treble E
Instant cypress classical guitar.
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RE: Cypress Classical - Any Suggestions? (in reply to Manitas de Lata)
some prefer to buy young cow bone from japan (or other place) , other bones can be from old cow and normally the bone quality is bad , can have issues in future
RE: Cypress Classical - Any Suggestions? (in reply to elias)
This really is a beautiful sounding guitar and I've watched that vid and the ones with Larry Hammett and others many times. Gorgeous clarity and separation.
Thanks for the kind words!
Some makers take a very similar approach to building a classical or a flamenco guitar and the difference is simply the setup and the golpeadores. I think that's totally valid and there are famous examples of top pros choosing to play flamenco on a classical guitar with the action lowered and golpeadores applied.
Personally, I take a very different approach to the soundboard on classical guitars vs. flamenco guitars, including different bracing, different top thickness and graduation, and different bridge weight. The needs of the instrument can be very different so it makes sense to me. On a classical guitar, I want the note to "bloom" and sustain after the initial pluck, whereas on a flamenco I want it to have a quick attack and get out of the way relatively quickly.
I do tell people that my flamenco guitars are much more versatile. As in, you can easily play classical music on one of my flamencos but playing flamenco on one of my classicals really won't work well, because they're not designed for rasgeo.
I actually think there is a beautiful, "naked", pure sound to flamenco guitars played in classical fashion that is very charming, for instance this was constructed as a flamenco guitar (not to just use my own guitars as examples but it's what I know best)
I just listened to the El Choro Breve by Guinga on a 2017 Culpepper among other videos of your guitars here. Your guitars are sounding great, Andy.
Thanks for the kind words, Ethan. I just checked your blog and recent videos and can confirm that your guitars are still "spooky good", as it says on your website
Here's my latest blanca (maybe off topic but it's a Cypress guitar)