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RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to metalhead)
I'm a high volume hull diver. I dive under very large yachts and scrub and scrape the growth off, detail the hardware and maintain the sacrificial anodes. Yesterday I did a 50' poweryacht, 60' poweryacht, then a 70' poweryacht, then followed up with 3 sailboats (36 ft, 33 ft, 30 ft).
I may not be the best flamenco player here but I bet I could beat anyone in an uphill race
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Tikahtnu)
I usually can't see more than a couple feet. It's a dream job for me. It's very physical, motivates deep and consistent breathing, and don't need to fight against gravity. I love getting paid for top shelf exercise. I see a lot of really cool life down there, and have gotten very good at guiding fish and nudibranchs to the underside of the docks, which have heavy growth and healthy ecosystems. But no, the water isn't crystal clear by any means where I am, but I believe I'm in possibly the best place in the world to do what I do. The bay is relatively shallow, lots of nutrients in the water, and lots of billionaires around here, so the bottoms of their status symbols collect lots of interesting growth. Mussels, oysters, barnacles, sponges, sea squirts, lots of things I've never known the names of. It used to creep me out until I stopped looking at it like one giant organism and started identifying what the individuals were.
These guys like to latch onto my tongue sometimes. They're characters.
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RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Tikahtnu)
Inpatient psychiatrist at the main county hospital in Minneapolis, MN, after a grueling 12 years of medical education (college + med school + residency). Happy to be done with all that and happier yet that I was able to keep up with music as much as I did.
Posts: 1968
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Tikahtnu)
I was a full time electric guitarist from 21 to 27, when I started studying flamenco. I continued gigging until my mid fifties but had started a small flooring company in 1981 with my mom when she divorced and was left with a truckload of carpet. I knew nothing about running a business and I used to bring a guitar to work and spent most of the day practicing. I still keep a few guitars at work. Between practicing and gigging I'd sell a flooring job. Made just enough to pay the rent.
By the time I was 35 I had two daughters and needed to earn more money so I spent more time on the flooring company and won some great accounts. I transitioned into commercial and property management work and that is what I still do. I work alone and my only employees are my installers. It gives me a huge amount of flexibilty and freedom.
I stopped gigging about ten years ago and at 65 I have yet to muster any desire to return to it. I still play a lot a guitar and spend most of my time studying technique and cante accompaniment. In short I'm a musician who owns a small non music related business. I hope to retire in the next year or so.
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Mark2)
nice "everyday" story , as time passes i realized that if we go very serious like a full time on a thing that we love , we can kill that love , so for me having two major activities or more (work, playing , exercise, study) I can continue to fuel the love for the guitar , and works also from a escape from workin etc
theres some quotes that i like and reflect from them :
"What would it be like to live the life you really wanted?"
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to edguerin)
Hola Ed Hace tiempo no nos vemos. Have you given up travelling? Though I have to say that the Cádiz you knew no longer exists
When the University offered me early retirement, I thought of living in the West of Ireland. My friends there offered me a flat in a converted mill on the shores of Lough Corrib, where I kept my boat. It was very tempting: as a professionally qualified fishing instructor I could make a living giving flycasting classes and as a gillie on the lake. But the winters in the West are long, cold and boring.
So I decided to live in Andalucía, where I started to produce flamenco discs. My favourite tocaor was always Melchor: I never wanted to play like PDL, just accompany el cante: thanks to my friend José Millán I achieved this dream. Now I live quietly with my beautiful wife (who speaks no English ) and spend my time between cooking (I live beside the fish market), the Peña de Juan Villar, the Catedra de flamenco and Cambalache Jazz Club.
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to edguerin)
ORIGINAL: edguerin
"What would it be like to live the life you really wanted?"
But, what is the life one really wants?
Well that’s easy enough to answer Ed: what we can not have ;)
And yes I’m being flip but on the other hand not.
I think if we can honestly answer wether we would change anything or not about our path in life. I feel good about both the good and bad in my life, I’ve had my share of both.
Shortly after discovering the depth of the Flamenco world I had a serious revelation about life and death and the want and need and pleasure of life. I shared this as it happened with the Foro a few years ago. It all cumulated with a bottle of Pino, a block of manchago, a jar of oily olives, and a fresh loaf of French bread, tearing off hunks of bread to wipe the olive grease off my fingers and cracking off hunks of cheese, savoring life warming myself up against the brick wall of a grocery store where it was about ten degrees , but what hit me was how I was trying to make eye contact with some one, over here amigo come share this sliver of joy in a ugly world, I wanted to share more then a simple bounty, funny because I might have looked like a crippled homeless man but a had a few hundred in cash and a couple credit cards, I had no real want but I had been hungry and homeless in the past, what a shame I didn’t have one of my guitars right there at that moment, to plat out my crippled compas…
Ha! I got lost. In the end we will be happy and sad regardless of our life choices best to make the most of them.
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Tikahtnu)
Guess I should add:
Bartender Sheetmetal worker Airplane mechanic
I’ve dug some ditches and washed a lot of dishes in between here and there.
Right now I’m helping my partner run her business by being the general handyman, housekeeper, etc.
And I build guitars.
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
Posts: 1604
Joined: Dec. 24 2007
From: Siegburg, Alemania
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Tikahtnu)
Hola Sean, si, hace muchísimo tiempo que no nos hemos visto! It's been almost 10 years The last time I visited Cádiz was in 2019, not quite a year before Covid, and it had already become a tourist hot-spot.
And yes, I've pretty much given up lengthier travels. Os abrazo Ed
Oh, and I've been pretty much in the life I've wanted.
Posts: 1968
Joined: Jul. 12 2004
From: San Francisco
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to Manitas de Lata)
Who knows what they really want at 16? And even if you think you do, it could change 180 degrees in a few years.
I am fortunate in that guitar playing never became a "job" even after a few thousand gigs. Some of gigs were definitely a "job" but overall, it's been a fun and rewarding ride.
I agree it's helpful to have more than one passion. I found that my day gig, and the experience it gave me, helped enormously when it came to the music business.
ORIGINAL: Manitas de Lata
nice "everyday" story , as time passes i realized that if we go very serious like a full time on a thing that we love , we can kill that love , so for me having two major activities or more (work, playing , exercise, study) I can continue to fuel the love for the guitar , and works also from a escape from workin etc
theres some quotes that i like and reflect from them :
"What would it be like to live the life you really wanted?"
RE: What do you do for a living? (in reply to metalhead)
I do functional Scala, mostly with the Typelevel stack so libraries like cats, cats-effect, monix, etc. Currently I work in a company that makes analytics tool for the financial industry.