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She has the tools to do it right, but is doing this? Like she wants to be the “Rosalia de Cádiz” or something, which negates whatever potential she had. In art, it is the choices we make and the taste we have for it.
I couldn't say if she is the last bastion of the cante jondo but I like it. Does her music embody the spirit and tradition of flamenco? I have no idea. But I like it.
No bashing! Nothing wrong with her voice. All these girls have the same thin voice. Rosalia, Taylor swift, Gracie Abrams or Ariana Grande, just to name a few.
Ángeles Toledano released her album 'Sangre Sucia' a couple of weeks ago. You won't like it.
It's not early last century recordings of dead maestros (which I love even buried under noise). But she's alive and I admire her artistic vision. It's got some edge to it, instead of the unimaginative smooth jazz syrup production which de-fangs much modern flamenco for me.
Sorry, but last night we listened to Manoli de Gertrudi en directo. I cannot stand niñas who have ni voz ni conocimiento.
Of course. I wasn't expecting that you would like Ángeles Toledano.
I much prefer to listen live. The second best is a live recording, though often these days artists release something over produced in the studio. Israel Fernandez did release an album last month which is a live recording.
Ángeles Toledano released her album 'Sangre Sucia' a couple of weeks ago. You won't like it.
It's not early last century recordings of dead maestros (which I love even buried under noise). But she's alive and I admire her artistic vision. It's got some edge to it, instead of the unimaginative smooth jazz syrup production which de-fangs much modern flamenco for me.
I get what you say about having some edge vs syrupy jazz.
I’m just a few songs in so far and I like it a lot
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I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
urg im not sure i admire 'artistic vision' of any artists. the term itself is egotyistical. in any genre. im defo at an age based cut of point off finding many young artists a bit ****ing annoying!
Jerai cortes and his wacky outfits, and crazy facial hair persona, rocio molina dancing at sadlers wells (20 minutes of standing still with one note being plucked on the guitar) and this zombie faced album? just listened to the Alegrias. whats with the barking dog thing?!? hehe. I'm not having ago at you for posting orson. Ill listen further and probably find some stuuf to like on there.
I just find that when this art form (or any) becomes more about the artistic expression of the artist then they are lost! I'm not saying they aren't great technical artist or highly skilled etc (or they shouldnt be allowed to express themselves within the art) but cant we let the forms and the songs and the compas and the music do the talking? instead of trying to put a silly hat on it?
urg im not sure i admire 'artistic vision' of any artists. the term itself is egotyistical. in any genre. im defo at an age based cut of point off finding many young artists a bit ****ing annoying!
Jerai cortes and his wacky outfits, and crazy facial hair persona, rocio molina dancing at sadlers wells (20 minutes of standing still with one note being plucked on the guitar) and this zombie faced album? just listened to the Alegrias. whats with the barking dog thing?!? hehe. I'm not having ago at you for posting orson. Ill listen further and probably find some stuuf to like on there.
I just find that when this art form (or any) becomes more about the artistic expression of the artist then they are lost! I'm not saying they aren't great technical artist or highly skilled etc (or they shouldnt be allowed to express themselves within the art) but cant we let the forms and the songs and the compas and the music do the talking? instead of trying to put a silly hat on it?
Of course. I did say you won't like it! It wasn't a recommendation, just posted as a point of interest regarding some of what is currently happening. I know most people here on the foro don't like any kind of cante, even the greats, but I do take any excuse to post something about cante, in the hopes of discussion from the flamenco aficionados.
Personally I prefer the dead singers but I'm still open to and interested in the living ones. I can't go and see the dead ones perform. I can also understand the view that cante and therefore flamenco is really now dead. Now it is fully codified, only a thing for a museum and for people to be performing correctly like they did in the past.
ORIGINAL: Stu ...rocio molina dancing at sadlers wells (20 minutes of standing still with one note being plucked on the guitar)...
Actually Stu, I don't think you gave that Rocio Molina concert a fair chance. Had you had stuck around for the entire show you would have seen things get pretty exciting about three weeks in when the guitarist broke a nail executing a tricky lolapalooza and then had an amazing recovery when the nail almost fully grew back in time for the down-stroke. The audience went wild, he was very appreciative.
I just find that when this art form (or any) becomes more about the artistic expression of the artist then they are lost! I'm not saying they aren't great technical artist or highly skilled etc (or they shouldnt be allowed to express themselves within the art) but cant we let the forms and the songs and the compas and the music do the talking? instead of trying to put a silly hat on it?
yes, well it is worse then that even. I mean it is this literal "Picasso" wannabe thing, where they do Guarnica dances and like Cigala titles his album as if he is doing the cubist art. Perhaps in the Baile of Israel Galvan there was an extreme expression of modernity (talking about the Flamenco movie version and his work with Nuñez, etc.), however, somehow the flamenco is cutting through if you understand it, and it is not cheesy. There is some depth to it. But then there is Rocio Molina smoking a cigarette, dancing on a box, etc, and then she is naked and throwing period blood on the stage. Somehow they lost the "depth" aspect and went for the spectical or shock or whatever.
Eventually there will be the aficionados for this just like Cage/Pollack et al, where we have to be told how to interpret this junk or WE actually have no depth for not getting it. I am reminded of Rupus talking about chimps that painted modern art and got high praise for their work before their authorship was revealed. That really pissed off Estebanana!
I can also understand the view that cante and therefore flamenco is really now dead.
In Andalucia flamenco is alive and well: there are 3 Peñas in Cádiz and each has flamenco every Friday. And Jerez, better still. (Outside of Spain it has never really been alive "
None of these strange people perform in the Peñas: they appear in theatre productions, such as the Bienel, which are organised by people who know little about flamenco.