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Posts: 223
Joined: Mar. 17 2015
From: Virginia USA
RE: how to count sixteenth notes in ... (in reply to rafapak)
The Spanish men's soccer/futbol team employed the sixteenth notes rhythm TIKITAKA when they played in the world cup 2, 3 cycles ago. Sorry I have to put this in.
Posts: 3472
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: how to count sixteenth notes in ... (in reply to silddx)
While I was a classically trained trumpet playing kid, the answer I gave was what I picked up from my Spanish speaking classical friends. I'm not surprised that flamencos say something different.
My trumpeting friends also imitated double-tonguing: "tiki-taka," and triple-tonguing: "tikiti-takata".