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RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to Richard Jernigan)
ORIGINAL: Richard Jernigan
The famous 'cellist Leonard Rose used to buy a first class seat for his instrument.
When it was time he would order a meal for it. After the meal came he would send it back, saying "It did not agree with" his companion.
The cello doesn’t travel well generally, while the violin in India might occasionally suffer ‘Delhi Belli’ the larger family member is known as sensitive and susceptible to Celli Belli.
Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to Filip)
AirFrance is another company that requires a seat for the guitar. Unlike Ryanair though, they at least gave some thought to it and require that your guitar sits on the window seat, with you in the middle one. Clearly Ryanair doesn't give a damn so it's ok to be blocked by your guitar in the case of emergency :P What a joke of an airline
Just flew American Airlines, 3 different planes. Everything flying is as normal for the last 20 years, I said nothing and just fit it over head in the bins. American has phone charger usb on the seats. I had to gate check the last flight (pink tag). There was another guitarist onboard he also had to pink tag his (we were boarding group 9 the last group due to not doing check in online 24hr in advance like all the rest did). I noticed plenty of overhead bin space as I boarded the plane, so I probably should have not let them pink tag it. Arriving at home the baggage guy saw my long hair and “musician look” and was like “I know what you are waiting for!” And handed me my guitar. Then he said “oh, are both yours there is another one here?”…now THAT was worrisome because I could have made off with that other dudes guitar in that moment. But of course, some idiot running to the parking garage carrying two guitars would be too obvious.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
ORIGINAL: rafapak
Do you love it?
I like this guitar
I think DH is just jealous. You did well. Cutaway, too.
Now you have to go stand in front of a mirror and practice how to look cool while holding it. Noel Gallagher said he spent days in front of a mirror adjusting his guitar before his first stand up gig. When asked how it went, he says “Nailed it. I was ready. I looked great”.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to Ricardo)
It's so cool that in the US airlines are so relaxed about the guitar rules.
When I had to travel with my guitar from Spain to France, the only option to bring guitar on board with me was to buy a seat. I flew once with the guitar with Lufthansa though, they let guitars on board easily (I hope they still do).
My cousin is a violin maker, he told me once that AirSerbia did not let him bring s violin on board. But then again, when AirSerbia decided not to give free hot meals on board anymore and instead charge for food, on one of the flights they forgot about it and served the food to half of the plane before they realized the mistake, after which they went back and tried to charge everyone for the food so lol...
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to Stu)
my lack of enthusiasm is related to lack of skills. It has nothing to do with guitar. It is possible that I will soon die and realization that I will die without skills is even more depressing. Plus I started course that is supposed to broaden my employment possibilities and have zero time to practice because the amount of material I am supposed to master is huge.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
It is possible that I will soon die
Raf, since you have stated this publicly, and previously that you are in your 50s, I'll take it as permission to ask: do you have an illness or live in a hostile environment, or something else, that is limiting your life expectancy? If you do, I am very sorry. And all the more reason to take the advice you have been given and get some proper lessons as soon as possible.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
ORIGINAL: rafapak
my lack of enthusiasm is related to lack of skills. It has nothing to do with guitar. It is possible that I will soon die and realization that I will die without skills is even more depressing.
Posts: 15472
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
Plus I started course that is supposed to broaden my employment possibilities and have zero time to practice
So you are going to classes for work, but you are concerned about impending death? Who are you working for if you are going to die soon?? Doesn’t’ make sense. Work at mcdonalds and play your guitar. Maybe you will get gigs playing instead of this work garbage.
Posts: 3480
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to silddx)
I think rafapak may have an obsession with claiming attention from Foro members. All of his questions, all of his statements, and all of his apparent rejection of the advice given point to an individual who loves the attention he is getting. Perhaps it would be better to just ignore him.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to BarkellWH)
I think rafapak may have an obsession with claiming attention from Foro members. All of his questions, all of his statements, and all of his apparent rejection of the advice given point to an individual who loves the attention he is getting. Perhaps it would be better to just ignore him.
Perhaps. To me Raf sounds like a troubled person who hasn't had any welcome attention from anyone for quite some time. I have no problem engaging but it can certainly be a frustrating experience occasionally :)
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to silddx)
Raf, since you have stated this publicly, and previously that you are in your 50s, I'll take it as permission to ask: do you have an illness or live in a hostile environment, or something else, that is limiting your life expectancy? If you do, I am very sorry. And all the more reason to take the advice you have been given and get some proper lessons as soon as possible.
i dont suffer at the moment from any serious illness . im just not young anymore .
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
im just not young anymore .
Don't worry about your age. I believe the age is relevant only when it comes to playing very fast. Particularly very fast picado. You can sound muy flamenco at a moderate speed.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to devilhand)
Funny how you made quick assumptions about a person you don't know on the internet.
You seem to be unclear in your mind about the difference between an assumption and an impression.
For example, you have given me the impression of a person of baseless braggadocio. Whereas you have made an assumption that I care about your opinion on, pretty much, anything at all.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to estebanana)
The 'illness' is called middle aged crisis, when you finally understand your time is not unlimited as you thought when you were young. Nothing wrong with this, just a point in getting wiser eventually. I would suggest some meditation or if you are into religion, praying and have some better relation with 'things' that go beyond. Find some time to just be at peace and be alright with this.
This goes to Rafa not estebanana, you know mobile hitting the reply button.
Posts: 2789
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to devilhand)
Funny how you made quick assumptions about a person you don't know on the internet.
There's nothing quick about it. Rafapak has been actively posting here for quite a while now. And has said on a few occasions about how he will 'die soon' and doesn't have much time etc.
So it's entirely reasonable for someone to get the impression that/enquire if there's something else going on. Ie illness, danger etc.
All we have is members words on a page. What they write. And our brains naturally draw conclusions and impressions from these interactions. The impression of you that most have is a moody teenager, rude with tendencies to troll. perhaps even some kind of text based autism. Unwillingness to listen, always knows better despite being a beginner etc... Stop me if im wrong.