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I thought I’d start a thread where people can come to fight. Not no-holds-barred or cage match nastiness but anything from minor dust-ups to good old-fashioned brouhahas and out-and-out donnybrooks are OK.
Only rule is no cross-referencing to fights in other threads because they are all illegitimate now, superseded by this. Cross-referencing to here from other threads is OK, however, that’s what this place is for. If you get in a fight in another thread (it happens) just bring it on over here…to the safe space.
Fight topics are allowed to come out of the blue, those are considered to simply be blind punches.
OK, another rule. Don’t get too personal or mean. It’s OK to get mad, but what goes on in fight thread, stays in fight thread. Deal?
It’s easy to start a fight. You can just randomly wander around the thread saying things like “see yew, whadda yew looking at? Just shut yer big fat gob” or the like, but that’s been done to death elsewhere. Try to be more creative. I’ve found posting innocuous jokes really works a charm.
All right. Let’s get started….
Oh, and one more thing….this thread can be necro’d. It’s perfectly legal to resurrect old kerfuffles from the distant past and rip open scarred tissue. It’s half the fun in these things, actually. But because of this all other necroposting on the Foro is hereby banned! What?? You don’t agree? Why you….I ought a…
Banana, can I please get a conde orange dimeola cutaway style Blanca with a rosette sticker that doesn’t have bleeding hearts and snowflakes on it? And no headstocks that look like a bulimic ballet dancer’s slipper…I need it next week or no deal. I send a check after I test it.
Welcome Fluknu! A couple of sidewinders to some innocent party sitting next to you is always a good way to loosen up those pesky stiffened fingers. You’ve come to the right place! We can help with this!
Paco de Lucia has taught all the guiris that the guitar is flamenco: a lie. He has taught all the guiris that the speed of your picado will increase the size of your member. Another lie
How fast do you have to play to accompany this cante?
Here we do not have a foro flamenco, but a foro de guitarra flamenca.
OK. I have great affection for this foro and its members in spite of all
OK…and Morante weighs in with a blind punch. Not much to disagree with there, but ya never know, someone might take the bait and have a go...
*glances at dog* To be clear, I am a man of peace. I have no intentions of getting involved in any of this. Once the chairs start flying I’ll do what any rational man would do…grab my drink, crawl under the tables to the nearest exit, and get the hell outta here…*
* I learned how to do that in my youth from playing Irish music in some pretty rough spots, back in the day when taverns had two sides, one for “Ladies and Escorts” and the other for “the rest of you lot”.
P.S. Hunted lions??? Holy sh*t….OK, I got one… When you play fetch, who chases the stick?
Paco de Lucia has taught all the guiris that the guitar is flamenco: a lie.
I disagree, it was not Paco de Lucia that taught all the guiris that the guitar is flamenco, it was Sabicas. Sabicas recorded a LOT of solo guitar LP's and played a LOT of solo guitar concerts over MANY years in the USA.
Paco de Lucia "taught all the guiris" (and not a few of the natives) that the flute and the farty bass are flamenco...
This is Coco. He runs like a greyhound and climbs hills like a goat. 65 lbs of bone and muscle. He will chase birds and critters all day. He’s one dogly dog. He won’t start a fight but if you try to take his ball, he’ll finish one.
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Agreed, Sabicas and Carlos Montoya are responsible. But the great maestro Vicente Soto is only partially correct. Some of us are into cante, including his. I’ve spent plenty of time working out the accompaniment to a solea por bulerias he sang without guitar - it’s on YouTube. The biggest challenge? The speed. Hard to play clean arpeggios at that tempo. Picado? Ha! No time for that.
Well, as the sun sets on another day a sub-genre has emerged, and round 2 goes to estebanana for starting the ball rolling with the wonderful picture of his dog.
Pound for pound, in size ratio my Orangie poops out bigger turds than any of your big dogs. If Orangie was the size of a Labrador her individual ****s would be five pounds each. If she were the size of a Tibetan Mastiff her droppings would be the size of a Tyrannosaur egg.
Come at me
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Well, as the sun sets on another day a sub-genre has emerged, and round 2 goes to estebanana for starting the ball rolling with the wonderful picture of his dog.
Well done, sir.
ORIGINAL: estebanana
I’m so mad!
How in the hell is that a dog??????
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I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.