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Mariano has "officials" who work for him in the basement, it's not hidden, at Felipe's I don't know how it goes.
Of course all these famous players who play who play mariano or felipe in general do not pay for it or very little.
Regarding the difference between the two, indeed it is quite subjective, for my part I tried 4 or 5 Felipe, whose model reedicion paco and moraito, I did not particularly like that.
At Mariano also a few that I did not like and 2 very good. so i gave the victory to mariano, but of course it could be wrong, i also believe in ricardo in the nuñez class with the very good felipe.
we all have different testing experience.
anyway, with the two brothers, it's basically the same feeling as in el taller Felipe V.
feel of top rather thick, they are well finished, tune very well, uniform tension with the capo throughout the fret board, its medium and balanced which works well with the microphone. this is what the majority of professionals want
Conde Hermanos after 1989 used to be. The actual 3 Conde shops are instead quite consistent. I think this guy has a future. Conde Atocha are a good deal too.
Wondering if there's consistency in Conde Jr's work, as I'm considering adding my name to his wait list. I imagine that I wouldn't get to play it before paying. Lots of folks on here have been saying that Condes can be pretty inconsistent.
I think it's clear that all builders have some failures on occasion, it's just whether they choose to let them go to market or not. But Jr's association with family should keep this from happening very often.
I guess the level of consistency should be gauged whether its with-in the range of acceptance to each player who chooses to buy it.
I like to look at the cosmetics, tone and lingering inter-dimensional quality of sound with good rajo. etc.........and tone is more important than cosmetics but if you can have both, then that's a good thing
Unlike other Condes and pro level guitars, the wide neck had a nut cut such that the strings were pretty cramped down at the first fret. I told him what is that shyt? He said it was easy to change but I said that was not the point. Don’t ever do that again.